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known as the township of Geneva. The first township meeting Geneva organshall be held at the school-house in said township of Geneva on the first Monday of April next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon; and at such meeting Wm. R. Button, Wesley P. Button and Cyrus Carr, three electors of said township, shall be the persons whose duty it shall be to preside at such meeting, appoint a clerk, open and keep the polls, and exercise the same powers as the inspectors of elections of any township meeting, as the law provides; and that Wm. R. Button post the notices of said meeting. Also that the next annual township meeting of the township of Jasper be held near the south west corner of section twenty-one in township thirteen north, of range two west, on the site of the town house now in process of erection, and that Noah W. Spencer post the notices of said meeting.

[blocks in formation]

I, Wm. Plummer, Clerk of the Circuit Court for the county aforesaid and the Board of Supervisors thereof, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the foregoing copy of an order of said Board with the record thereof in my office, and that the same is a true transcript therefrom, and the whole of such original record.

In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
[L. 8.] the Seal of said Court, at Midland City, in said
county, this 26th day of March, 1874.

In the matter of the application of David Burton and twenty-five others, for the organization of a new township to be called Edenville.


The Board of Supervisors enact that the territory described in the petition of David Burton and others, to-wit: Township sixteen north, of range one west, in Midland county, Michigan, be and the same is hereby erected into a township to be called and Edenville known as the township of Edenville. The first township meeting thereof shall be held at the school-house of school district number one, in said township of Edenville, on the first Monday of April next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon. At said meeting G. B. Bardwell, W. H. H. Morgan, and John Swanton, the electors of said township, shall be the persons whose duty it shall be to preside at such meeting, appoint a clerk, open and keep the polls, and exercise the same powers as the inspectors of elections at any township meeting, as the law provides, and that John Swanton post the notices of said meeting; also, that the next annual township meeting of the township of Jerome be held at the school-house of school district number three of said township, at nine o'clock in the forenoon. At said meeting Charles Sanford, Henry Forbbs, and Christopher Clute, the electors of said township, shall be the persons whose duty it shall be to preside at such meeting, appoint a clerk, open and keep

the polls, and exercise the same powers as inspectors of elections, at any township meeting, as the law provides, and that Henry Forbbs post the notices of said meeting.


County of Midland.

I, Wm. Plummer, Clerk of the Circuit Court for the county aforesaid, and the Board of Supervisors thereof, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the foregoing copy of an order of said board with the record thereof in my office, and that the same is a true transcript therefrom, and the whole of such original record.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed [L. S.] the seal of said court, at Midland City, this 26th March, A. D. 1874.


In the matter of the application of Alfred Bennett and sixteen others, for the organization of a new township to be called Higgins.

It appearing to the Board of Supervisors that application has been made and that notices thereof have been signed, posted up and published as in the manner required by law, and having duly considered the matter of said application, the Board order and enact that the territory described in said application bounded as follows, viz. Township twenty-four north, of range one west; township twenty-four north, of range two west; township twenty-four north, of range three west; township twenty-four north, of range four west; township twenty-three north, of range two west; township twenty three north, of range three west; township twenty-three north of range four west, be and the same is hereby erected into a Higgins organ township to be called and known by the name of the township of Higgins. The first annual township meeting thereof shall be held at Bennetts and Bros'. store at Roscommon station, on the first Monday of April, A. D. 1874, at 8 o'clock in the forenoon, and at said meeting Daniel Bennett, John Pierson, and D. H. Phillips, three electors of said township, shall be the persons whose duty it shall be to preside at such meeting, appoint a clerk, open and keep the polls, and exercise the same powers as the inspectors of elections at any township meeting as the law provides.


And Daniel Bennett be and is hereby appointed to post up notices according to law of the time and place of such meeting in the newly organized township of Higgins.

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I, Wm. Plummer, clerk of the Circuit Court for the county aforesaid, and the Board of Supervisors thereof, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the foregoing copy of an order of

said Board with the record thereof in my office, and that the same
is a true transcript therefrom, and the whole of such original.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
[L. 8.] the Seal of said Court at Midland City, this 26th day
of March, A. D. 1874.



In the matter of the application of George E. Brainard and others, for the erection and organization of a new township.

It appearing to the Board of Supervisors that application has been made, and that notice thereof has been signed, posted up, and published as in the manner required by law, and having duly considered the matter of said application, the Board order and enact that the territory described in said application bounded as follows, to wit: towns twenty-three (23) north, of ranges five and six (5, 6) west, in said county, be and the same is hereby erected into a new township, to be called and known by the name of the township of West Branch. The first annual township meeting thereof shall West Branch be held at the house of George E. Brainard in said township, on the first Monday in April, A. D. 1874, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and at said meeting George E. Brainard, Wm. S. Parker, and Sylvanus Siddall, three electors of said township shall be the persons whose duty it shall be to preside at said meeting, appoint a clerk, open and keep the polls, and exercise the same powers as the inspectors of election at any township meeting as the law provides.

M. D. RICHARDSON, Clerk. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Missaukee,



B. C. BRUNELL, Chairman.

I, M. D. Richardson, clerk of said county of Missaukee, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true statement of the action of the Board of Supervisors of said county upon the organization of the township of West Branch, as appears upon the journal of the proceedings of said board remaining in my office.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed [L. S.] the Seal of the Circuit Court of Missaukee at Lake City, this 6th day of January, A. D. 1874.

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County Clerk.





LANSING, Sept. 30th, 1873.

TO JOHN J. BAGLEY, Governor of the State of Michigan:

SIR-Agreeably to the requirements of law, I herewith submit the Annual Report of this Department for the fiscal year ending this day. The balance of cash in the Treasury September 30th, 1872,


$977,224 08

[blocks in formation]

The demands upon the Treasury now due, and those maturing on or before

January 1st, 1874, are as follows:

Balance of Appropriations due on demand..
Past-due Bonds and Coupons due on demand.
Sundry Trust Deposits due on demand.
Semi-annual Interest due November 1st, 1873..
Semi-annual Interest due January 1st, 1874..
Agricultural College interest due January 1st, 1874.
University aid and interest due January 1st, 1874.-

$450,844 33

36,130 53

4,227 46

16,205 00

37,080 00

1,800 00

12,000 00

$558,287 32

The following amounts have been received and are held in trust for the purposes named:

Sinking Fund for purchasing bonds when they can be obtained

at par and accrued interest....

$275,134 45

Canal Fund for retiring Bonds and for Expenses..

77,529 04

Military Fund, subject to the order of the Military Board, ap

proved by the Governor...

85,168 29

Primary School Interest Fund to be apportioned to the Counties

May 1st, 1874..

82,815 89

Trust Funds received since July 1st, 1873, to be transferred to the Sinking Fund July 1st, 1874..

29,573 58

Agricultural College Fund received under Act No. 68, Session
Laws of 1871.

103,192 39

$653,413 64

The following balances of the various appropriations remain unpaid:

[blocks in formation]

There has been received during the year from the Treasurer of the United States $28,723 20 as five per cent of the proceeds of cash sales of Government lands lying within this State, which amount has been paid to Francis B. Gilbert, agent and trustee of William Beard and others, in compliance with the provisions of Joint Resolution No. 12, Laws of 1869. This makes a total aggregate of $68,839 S3 paid on this claim, while there is still due about $22,000 00.

The total amount of specific taxes, including $18,655 88 of mining taxes from the Upper Peninsula, received during the year, was $347,595 79, an amount sufficient to pay the interest on the Trust Funds and on the bonded debt of the State, leaving a balance of $29,646 78 to be credited to the Sinking Fund. There is still about $250,000 00 railroad taxes unpaid which are bearing 7 per cent interest.

There is now $79,719 04 to the credit of the Canal Fund, an amount which,

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