PART V. POLITICAL MANUAL FOR 1870. L. MEMBERS OF THE CABINET OF PRESIDENT GRANT, AND OF THE FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION. PRESIDENT GRANT'S CABINET. South Carolina-Thomas J. Robertson, Frederick Secretary of State-HAMILTON FISH, of New| Georgia.-Not represented. Secretary of the Treasury-GEORGE S. BOUTWELL, Secretary of War-WM. W. BELKNAP, of Iowa.* Secretary of the Interior-JACOB D. Cox, of Ohio. Attorney General—Amos T. AKERMAN, of Geor- MEMBERS OF THE FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Alabama-Willard Warner, George E. Spencer. Indiana-Oliver P. Morton, Daniel D. Pratt. Rice. Michigan-Jacob M. Howard, Zachariah Chand ler. Florida-Thomas W. Osborn, Abijah Gilbert. California-Cornelius Cole, Eugene Casserly. Boreman. Nevada-James W. Nye, William M. Stewart. House of Representatives. Vermont-Charles W. Willard, Luke P. Poland, Massachusetts-James Buffinton, Oakes Ames, *Mr. Revels qualified February 25, 1870; Mr. Ames, April 1, 1870. Qualified March 31, 1870. 1 Ginery Twichell, Samuel Hooper, Benjamin F. Butler, Nathaniel P. Banks, George M. Brooks,* George F. Hoar, William B. Washburn, Henry L. Dawes. Rhode Island-Thomas A. Jenckes, Nathan F. Dixon. Connecticut-Julius L. Strong, Stephen W. Kellogg, Henry H. Starkweather, William H. Barnum.† New York-Henry A. Reeves, John G. Schumaker, Henry W. Slocum, John Fox, John Morrissey, Samuel S. Cox,† Hervey C. Calkin, James Brooks, Fernando Wood, Clarkson N. Potter, Charles H. Van Wyck, John H. Ketcham, John A. Griswold, Stephen L. Mayham, Adolphus H. Tanner, Orange Ferriss, William A. Wheeler, Stephen Sanford, Charles Knapp, Addison H. Laflin, Alexander H. Bailey, John C. Churchill, Dennis McCarthy, George W. Cowles, William H. Kelsey, Giles W. Hotchkiss, Hamilton Ward, Noah Davis, John Fisher, David S. Bennett, Porter Sheldon. New Jersey-William Moore, Charles Haight, John T. Bird, John Hill, Orestes Cleveland. Pennsylvania?-Samuel J. Randall, Charles O'Neill, Leonard Myers, William D. Kelley, Caleb N. Taylor, John D. Stiles, Washington Townsend, J. Lawrence Getz, Oliver J. Dickey, Henry L. Cake, Daniel M. Van Auken, George W. Woodward, Ulysses Mercur, John B. Packer, Richard J. Haldeman, John Cessna, Daniel J. Morrell, William H. Armstrong, Glenni W. Scofield, Calvin W. Gilfillan, John Covode, James S. Negley, Darwin Phelps, Joseph B. Donley. Delaware-Benjamin T. Biggs. Maryland-Samuel Hambleton, Stevenson Arch- North Carolina¶-Clinton L. Cobb, (vacancy,) Alabamatt-Alfred E. Buck, Charles W. Buck- Qualified December 6, 1869, in place of George S. Boutwell, resigned. Qualified December 6, 1869. Qualified February 17, 1870, in place of George W. Greene, unseated February 16-yeas 120, nays 59. Mr. Covode qualified February 9, 1870. Mr. Taylor, April 13, 1870, in place of John R. Reading, unseatedyeas 112, nays 46. Messrs. Platt, Ridgway, Milnes, and Porter qualified January 27, 1870; Mr. Gibson, January 28; Messrs. Ayer and McKenzie, January 31; Mr. Booker, February 1. John T. Deweese resigned February 28, 1870. Mr. Shober qualified April 13, 1870. David Heaton died June 25, 1870. **B. F. Whittemore resigned February 24, 1870; reelected, and, June 21, refused admittance by a vote of 130 to 24. Mr. Wallace qualified May 27, 1870. + Messrs. Buck and Buckley qualified December 6, 1869. Messrs. Dox, Hays, Sherrod, and Heflin, December 7. Messrs. Harris, Morphis, McKee, and Perce, qualified February 23, 1870. Mr. Barry, April 8. Henry W. Barry, George C. McKee, Legrand W. Perce. Louisiana (Vacancy,) Lionel A. Sheldon, C. B. Darrall, Joseph P. Newsham (vacancy.) Ohio-Peter W. Strader, Job E. Stevenson, Robert C. Schenck, William Lawrence, William Mungen, John A. Smith, James J. Winans, John Beatty, Edward F. Dickinson, Erasmus D. Peck, John T. Wilson, Philadelph Van Trump, George W. Morgan, Martin Welker, Eliakim H. Moore, John A. Bingham, Jacob A. Ambler, William H. Upson, James A. Garfield. Kentucky-Lawrence S. Trimble, William N. Sweeny, Joseph H. Lewis, ‡ J. Proctor Knott, Boyd Winchester, Thomas L. Jones, James B. Beck, George M. Adams, John M. Rice: Tennessee-Roderick R. Butler, Horace Maynard, William B. Stokes, Lewis Tillman, William F. Prosser, Samuel M. Arnell, Isaac R. Hawkins, William J. Smith. Indiana-William E. Niblack, Michael C. Kerr, William S. Holman, George W. Julian, John Coburn, Daniel W. Voorhees, Godlove S. Orth, James N. Tyner, John P. C. Shanks, William Williams, Jasper Packard. Illinois-Norman B. Judd, John F. Farnsworth, Horatio C. Burchard, John B. Hawley, Ebon C. Ingersoll, Burton C. Cook, Jesse H. Moore, Shelby M. Cullom, Thompson W. McNeely, Albert G. Burr, Samuel S. Marshall, John B. Hay, John M. Crebs, John A. Logan. Missouri-Erastus Wells, Gustavus A. Finkelnburg, James R. McCormick, Sempronius H. Boyd, Samuel S. Burdett, Robert T. Van Horn, Joel F. Asper, John F. Benjamin, David P. Dyer. Arkansas-Logan H. Roots, Anthony A. C. Rogers, Thomas Boles. Michigan-Fernando C. Beaman, William L. California Samuel B. Axtell, Aaron A. Sargent, Minnesota-Morton S. Wilkinson, Eugene M. West Virginia-Isaac H. Duval, James C. Mc- Mr. Newsham admitted May 21, 1870-yeas 79, nays 71; qualified May 23. Mr. Darrall admitted July 6, 1870-yeas 96, nays 77; qualified same day. Qualified April 23, 1870, in place of Truman H. Hoag, deceased. Mr. Golladay resigned February 28, 1870. Mr. Lewis qualified as his successor May 10, 1870. Qualified December 6, 1869, in place of E. B. Washburne, resigned. Qualified March 31, 1870. Qualified February 23, 1870, in place of Benjamin F. Hopkins, deceased. LI. JUDICIAL DECISIONS. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. The questions before us upon this appeal are these: (1.) Can a contract for the payment of Confederate notes, made during the late rebellion, between parties residing within the so-called Confederate States, be enforced at all in the courts of the United States? (2.) Can evidence be received to prove that a promise expressed to be for the payment of dollars was, in fact, made for the payment of any other than lawful dollars of the United States? (3.) Does the evidence in the record establish the fact that the note for the thousand dollars was to be paid, by agreement of the parties, in Confederate notes? The first question is by no means free from difficulty. It cannot be questioned that the Con federate notes were issued in furtherance of an unlawful attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States by insurrectionary force. Nor is it a doubtful principle of law that no contracts made in aid of such an attempt can be enforced through the courts of the country whose government is thus assailed. But was the contract of the parties to this suit a contract of that character? Can it be fairly described as a con tract in aid of the rebellion? In examining this question, the state of that part of the country in which it was made must be considered. It is familiar history, that early in 1861 the authorities of seven States, supported, as was alleged, by popular majorities, combined for the overthrow of the national Union, and for the establishment within its boundaries of a separate and independent confederation. A governmental organization, representing these States, was established at Montgomery, in Alabama, first under a provisional constitution and after wards under a constitution intended to be permanent. In the course of a few months four other States acceded to this confederation, and the seat of the central authority was transferred to Richmond, in Virginia. It was by the central authority thus organized, and under its direction, that civil war was carried on upon vast scale against the Government of the United States for more than four years. Its power was recognized as supreme in nearly the whole of the territory of the States confederated in insurrec a tion. It was the actual government of all the insurgent States, except those portions of them protected from its control by the presence of the armed forces of the national Government. What was the precise character of this government in contemplation of law? It is difficult to define it with exactness. Any bly be found to require limitation and qualifica definition that may be given may not improbation. But the general principles of law relating to de facto government will, we think, conduct us to a conclusion sufficiently accurate. There are several degrees of what is called de facto government. Such a government, in its highest degree, assumes a character very closely resembling that of a lawful government. This is when the usurping government expels the regular authorities establishes itself in their place, and so becomes from their customary seats and functions, and the actual government of a country. The distinguishing characteristic of such a government is, that adherents to it in war against the government de jure do not incur the penalties of treason, and, under certain limitations, obligations assumed by it in behalf of the country, or otherwise, will, in general, be respected by the government de jure when restored. de facto are found in English history. The statExamples of this description of government for treason all persons who, in defense of the king, ute 11 Henry VII, c. 1, relieves from penalties for the time being, wage war against those who endeavor to subvert his authority by force of ful monarch. But this is where the usurper arms, though warranted in so doing by the lawobtains actual possession of the royal authority of the kingdom, not when he has succeeded only ties. Being in possession, allegiance is due to in establishing his power over particular localihim as king de facto. Another example may be found in the gov first by Parliament, and afterwards by Cromwell ernment of England under the Commonwealth, of law, a government de jure, but it was a govas protector. It was not, in the contemplation ernment de facto in the most absolute sense. It, remained the obligations and conquests of Engincurred obligations and made conquests which land after the restoration. The better opinion doubtless is, that acts done in obedience to this government could not be justly regarded as treasonable, though in hostility to the king de jure. tion by the spirit, if not by the letter, of the Such acts were protected from criminal prosecustatute of Henry VII. It was held otherwise by the judges by whom Sir Henry Vane was *2 British Stats. at Large, 82. †4 Commentaries, 77. Ginery Twichell, Samuel Hooper, Benjamin F. Butler, Nathaniel P. Banks, George M. Brooks,* George F. Hoar, William B. Washburn, Henry L. Dawes. Rhode Island-Thomas A. Jenckes, Nathan F. Dixon. Connecticut-Julius L. Strong, Stephen W. Kellogg, Henry H. Starkweather, William H. Barnum.† New York-Henry A. Reeves, John G. Schumaker, Henry W. Slocum, John Fox, John Morrissey, Samuel S. Cox,† Hervey C. Calkin, James Brooks, Fernando Wood, Clarkson N. Potter, Charles H. Van Wyck, John H. Ketcham, John A. Griswold, Stephen L. Mayham, Adolphus H. Tanner, Orange Ferriss, William A. Wheeler, Stephen Sanford, Charles Knapp, Addison H. Laflin, Alexander H. Bailey, John C. Churchill, Dennis McCarthy, George W. Cowles, William H. Kelsey, Giles W. Hotchkiss, Hamilton Ward, Noah Davis, John Fisher, David S. Bennett, Porter Sheldon. New Jersey-William Moore, Charles Haight, John T. Bird, John Hill, Orestes Cleveland. Pennsylvania?-Samuel J. Randall, Charles O'Neill, Leonard Myers, William D. Kelley, Caleb N. Taylor, John D. Stiles, Washington Townsend, J. Lawrence Getz, Oliver J. Dickey, Henry L. Cake, Daniel M. Van Auken, George W. Woodward, Ulysses Mercur, John B. Packer, Richard J. Haldeman, John Cessna, Daniel J. Morrell, William H. Armstrong, Glenni W. Scofield, Calvin W. Gilfillan, John Covode, James S. Negley, Darwin Phelps, Joseph B. Donley. Delaware-Benjamin T. Biggs. Maryland-Samuel Hambleton, Stevenson Archer, Thomas Swann, Patrick Hamill, Frederick Stone. Virginia-Richard S. Ayer, James H. Platt, jr., North Carolina¶-Clinton L. Cobb, (vacancy,)| Alabamatt-Alfred E. Buck, Charles W. Buck- *Qualified December 6, 1869, in place of George S. Boutwell, resigned. December 1869. Qualified February 17, 1870, in place of George W. Greene, unseated February 16-yeas 120, nays 59. Mr. Covode qualified February 9, 1870. Mr. Taylor, April 13, 1870, in place of John R. Reading, unseatedyeas 112, nays 46. Messrs. Platt, Ridgway, Milnes, and Porter qualified January 27, 1870; Mr. Gibson, January 28; Messrs. Ayer and McKenzie, January 31; Mr. Booker, February 1. John T. Deweese resigned February 28, 1870. Mr. Shober qualified April 13, 1870. David Heaton died June 25, 1870. **B. F. Whittemore resigned February 24, 1870; reelected, and, June 21, refused admittance by a vote of 130 to 24. Mr. Wallace qualified May 27, 1870. Messrs. Buck and Buckley qualified December 6, 1869. Messrs. Dox, Hays, Sherrod, and Heflin, December 7. Messrs. Harris, Morphis, McKee, and Perce, qualified February 23, 1870. Mr. Barry, April 8. Henry W. Barry, George C. McKee, Legrand W. Perce. Louisiana (Vacancy,) Lionel A. Sheldon, C. B. Darrall, Joseph P. Newsham (vacancy.) Ohio-Peter W. Strader, Job E. Stevenson, Robert C. Schenck, William Lawrence, William Mungen, John A. Smith, James J. Winans, John Beatty, Edward F. Dickinson, Erasmus D. Peck, John T. Wilson, Philadelph Van Trump, George W. Morgan, Martin Welker, Eliakim H. Moore, John A. Bingham, Jacob A. Ambler, William H. Upson, James A. Garfield. Kentucky-Lawrence S. Trimble, William N. Sweeny, Joseph H. Lewis, ‡ J. Proctor Knott, Boyd Winchester, Thomas L. Jones, James B. Beck, George M. Adams, John M. Rice: Tennessee-Roderick R. Butler, Horace Maynard, William B. Stokes, Lewis Tillman, William F. Prosser, Samuel M. Arnell, Isaac R. Hawkins, William J. Smith. Indiana-William E. Niblack, Michael C. Kerr, William S. Holman, George W. Julian, John Coburn, Daniel W. Voorhees, Godlove S. Orth, James N. Tyner, John P. C. Shanks, William Williams, Jasper Packard. Illinois-Norman B. Judd, John F. Farnsworth, Horatio C. Burchard, & John B. Hawley, Ebon C. Ingersoll, Burton C. Cook, Jesse H. Moore, Shelby M. Cullom, Thompson W. McNeely, Albert G. Burr, Samuel S. Marshall, John B. Hay, John M. Crebs, John A. Logan. Missouri-Erastus Wells, Gustavus A. Finkelnburg, James R. McCormick, Sempronius H. Boyd, Samuel S. Burdett, Robert T. Van Horn, Joel F. Asper, John F. Benjamin, David P. Dyer. Arkansas-Logan H. Roots, Anthony A. C. Rogers, Thomas Boles. Michigan-Fernando C. Beaman, William L. California Samuel B. Axtell, Aaron A. Sargent, Minnesota-Morton S. Wilkinson, Eugene M. Oregon-Joseph S. Smith. West Virginia-Isaac H. Duval, James C. Mc- * Mr. Newsham admitted May 21, 1870-yeas 79, nays 71; qualified May 23. Mr. Darrall admitted July 6, 1870-yeas 96, nays 77; qualified same day. Qualified April 23, 1870, in place of Truman H. Hoag, deceased. Mr. Golladay resigned February 28, 1870. Mr. Lewis qualified as his successor May 10, 1870. Qualified December 6, 1869, in place of E. B. Washburne, resigned. Qualified March 31, 1870. Qualified February 23, 1870, in place of Benjamin F. Hopkins, deceased. |