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Association. Interment was at Rockport. A wife and one son survive him.

Sinon J. Nevins, of the Boston Globe, who was president of No. 13 in 1895 and 1896, was married at Newton on October 16 to Miss Annie C. McGrath. Mr. and Mrs. Nevins will reside in Brookline. Mr. Nevins has long been a resident of Revere, of which town he was selectman for several years, but recently sold his home there and made extensive real estate purchases in the Roxbury section of Boston.

George Kranefuss, linotype machinist at the New England Druggist plant, has returned from his wedding trip, which included visits to New York city, Albany, Philadelphia and Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Kranefuss are now at home to their friends in Center street, in the Roxbury district.

The Boston American chapel presented "Dick" Minshull with a magnificent collection of cut glass on his return from his wedding tour. The trip was unfortunately interrupted by news of the death of his brother Fred in New York.

D. M. Oviatt, ex-superintendent of the Herald, paid a flying visit to Boston on September 3, and advantage of the occasion was taken by the Herald chapel, which presented him with a handsome pair of diamond set cuff buttons. Chairman Diaz made the presentation and Mr. Oviatt responded appropriately, during his remarks denying the rumor current that he would soon return to the Herald. The rumor will not down, however, despite the denial. Advertising is picking up well on the Herald, which seems to be on its feet again.

The Boston School Board announces its intention to establish a class in printing in the new scheme of industrial education in the public schools. No. 13's executive committee instructed President McPhail to investigate the matter, and a hearing was obtained from the board. Present plans, as outlined at the hearing, do not contemplate any advanced instruction, and assurance that the school board would keep in touch with No. 13 was given and that a union man would be selected as instructor.

The allied printing trades council has taken stringent measures with a number of small offices in this city accused of violating label conditions, and five of them lost the label during the month. The bowling season has opened and teams from the Transcript, Traveler, Journal, Monitor, Post, Record, Globe and Herald have formed the Newspaper League. The schedule extends from October 11 to February 7, matches being rolled every Monday at 4 o'clock at the Adams Square bowling alleys. W. C. Trump, Globe, is president; F. Elbert, Transcript, vice-president; H. D. Pearson, Monitor, secretary, and Harvey Holt, Transcript,


S. J. McBride, of No. 13, is on the socialist ticket for state auditor, and W. R. Henry is out for state senator in the same party. T. P. Curtin has a democratic nomination for the house, but in a hidebound republican ward.

Business is good. The American has installed a junior autoplate, and issued a large edition October 31, called an achievement number, boost

ing the 1915 exposition. This paper has also increased the number of pages. Several situations have recently been given out on the American. JOHN MITCHELL.


Late in September James Tole, president of New York Union No. 6, was a Denver visitor. He was returning home from his summer vacation, which his union permitted him to take, and as a token of appreciation for his efforts put forth in behalf of the membership of No. 6, his expenses were paid by said union. Mr. Tole is an energetic worker, and in presiding at the helm of No. 6, with a membership of something over six thousand, he surely needs the hearty support of his co-laborers. It was a kind and brotherly act on the part of his union to "throw him a bouquet" while he could enjoy its perfume, and not hold it for a post mortem gift.

October the Union Label League Bulletin, the official monthly criterion of union label goods in Denver and vicinity, and representative of League No. 1, of this city, appeared as a weekly paper, and it was announced editorially that the paper would appear weekly hereafter. It is the only official organ endorsed and owned by organized labor in Denver. W. D. Henderson, secretarytreasurer of the label league, is the editor.

F. E. Killgrove, of the Robinson chapel, has been putting his talents to work in other channels of late, and as a consequence he has composed and had printed a half-dozen pieces of catchy gospel hymns, to be used in evangelistic channels. The writer has tested some of Mr. Killgrove's goods and has found the pieces entitled, "When the Harvest Is In" and "Get the Flame" to be very sprightly and entertaining. He has had the songs copyrighted, and will soon put them on the


The Kistler Stationery and Printing Company, which employs about twenty-five of our union members, has struck a pace on the road to prosperity, and is having two stories added to its present four-story building. The new portion will be ready for occupancy in the early spring.

F. W. Duffes has returned from Seattle, Wash., after a sojourn of four months. He expected to remain in that far western country permanently, but the weather conditions did not agree with his young family, so he was forced to return to sunny Colorado. He has resumed duties at Robinson's


Beginning in early September, Rev. R. F. Coyle, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church of this city (one of the $100,000 structures of that religious faith), has been giving Sunday evening discourses on "Labor and the Church." Divided into topical classes, the course thus far has run about as follows: "Christ and the Workingman," "Workingmen and the Church," "What the Workingman Expects from the Church," and "What the Church Expects from the Workingman." On October 10 he spoke upon "Workingmen and the Church," and the week previous he sent out circu

lars to all the labor unions of Denver, asking in substance the following three questions, and soliciting answers to same, that he might preface his topics of the 10th with the sentiments as expressed in the expected answers. The questions ran about thus: "How many of the working classes attend church?" "Is the great body of workers indifferent, or hostile, and why?" "What chief fault do the workers find in the church?" No. 49 received one of the circulars, and the president appointed a committee of three to reply to the questions on behalf of the union, and delegated Messrs. Otto Thum, M. H. Ropkey and L. D. Hosman to respond to the courtesy. On the evening of October 10 the Rev. Mr. Coyle gave a brief résumé of the several hundred answers he received, and the consensus of opinions advanced seemed to be that, in answer to the first query, about 65 per cent of the working classes remain away from the churches through indifference and about 20 per cent through hostility; the latter being brought about through the lack of the church to assist the working classes in their struggle for better social, economic and wage conditions; and the third answer seemed to dwell heavily upon the superabundance of style exhibited at the church services, as well as the strongly drawn lines of social caste and distinction on the part of the "upper crust" of the members. The Rev. Mr. Coyle admitted the extreme tendency on behalf of the majority of church attendants to blossom out to services as though they were representatives of some high-class dress or millinery emporium instead of being worshipers of the lowly Nazarene, and he deplored this state of affairs. Aside from this acknowledgment of existing conditions in our churches of today, the minister denied in toto all other criterions as to the church's attitude toward the workingman. Especially did he emphatically deny the direct charge that his church (the Central) was a rich church. But when we know of a verity that this edifice cost something over $100,000; has a $40,000 pipe organ, a paid quartet of singers, and that its membership pays its pastor about $5,000 yearly as salary, we are led to inquire what the preacher regards as rich men, when he asserts that not to exceed a half-dozen really rich men are members of the Central Church. So far he has entirely evaded the attitude of the church in its direct hostility toward labor unions in their former and recent struggles for better wages and sanitary living conditions, though he did admit that the church was what lax in its efforts to aid the workingmen along these lines. A strict adherence to the religious side of the courses in question, rather than a brotherly discussion of the social and economic points at issue, has thus far characterized the minister's attitude. As a layman, and one who has served on official church boards, I have been brought in close touch with the attitude and aims of churches to succeed in their several localities, and the interest manifested in the average wage earner-the "hewers of wood and drawers of water"-is exceedingly small, and has been at times very strongly antagonistic on the part of


some members of the different boards of trustees who were employers of labor. "Let him who is without blemish cast the first stone" may prove logical words in certain social affairs, but I am dealing strictly with the workingman and the church from an economic standpoint; as that is wherein our future welfare lies. Some of these official board members have bitterly opposed the elevation of economic problems, and have blocked their accomplishment in every way possible. As I view the church of today and the status of its members, deficiencies and antagonism occur on many lines. The church as a religious body is as much "our brother's keeper" today as in old Mosaic times. When it poses as the champion of all that is good and pure and elevating, it should preach not only this professed doctrine, but prac tice it in all channels of religious work. The church is given to too much theology and dogmas, and less of the doctrine of the Golden Rule as promulgated by the lowly Nazarene.



Trade conditions here are nothing to brag of; there are but few out of work, however, owing to the large number of printers leaving for their homes to spend the winter months. In the first fifteen days of October twenty withdrew their cards.

The label committee is now composed of "Pica" Shaffer, William McWhinnie and "Lofty" Stephens, making a hustling trio hard to beat, and there will be things doing in this line from

now on.

When THE JOURNAL was going to press last month No. 193 was making its master stroke in signing up the Cœur d'Alene Press, that has been a thorn in the side of union labor for more than a year. Frank McNeil and O. S. Jones, of Spokane Union, turned the trick, after it had cost No. 193 upward of $1,000. These two had been detailed on the job for several months, and with the co-operation of the Coeur d'Alene merchants and union men, their labors were crowned with success on September 20. The office is now in splendid shape, a whole new working force being installed by No. 193, which also materially strengthened the little Cœur d'Alene Union.

October 3 a local dry goods house published nine pages of advertising in a single issue of the Spokesman-Review. The claim is made that this is the largest advertisement ever given for one issue to any paper in the world. Who can beat it?

Dave Penny, of the Chronicle chapel, was forced to resign his situation on account of sickness and take an indefinite rest.... It's alarming how the old ones are drawing their cards; here are a few of them for October: Joe Hunold, Ed Hutchinson, H. H. Hurd, C. T. La Salle, O. S. Jones, J. T. Snyder, Charles Rusk and Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson....Art Purdy has succeeded T. S. Dietrick as foreman of the Hill Printing Company... G. C. Hazeltine has made application to No. 103 to go to the Home. This is the first unfortunate

from Spokane to make the trip. "Hazie's" eyes have gone back on him....Herman Schultz and wife, of Denver, are here. Mrs. S. will sub on the Review while Herman visits his parents in a nearby town.... No. 193 is contemplating purchasing a burial plot in one of the cemeteries here....Charlie Rusk, of the Chronicle chapel, has gone back to his chicken ranch for a permanent stay.... ...The City Printery has been purchased by J. Fitzmaurice, of Lewiston. Negotiations are on to buy another local plant, when it is intended to launch a weekly paper and eventually a daily.... L. S. Evans, please communicate with A. E. Wright, of Spokane....J. O. Denham, I have a letter for you....Arthur Floyd, who has been absent from the Quick Print chapel for two years, making an extended trip to foreign parts, is back and holding down a machine at C. W. Brooks' establishment.

The Unique Printing Company is the latest job venture in Spokane. Has the label, of course.

The Spokane Press, our only penny sheet, is making wonderful strides. A year ago it was getting out a four-page sheet with two machines on a single shift. Now it publishes a twelve or sixteen-page daily, three machines on double shift. In the next thirty days it will remove to new quarters, built expressly for it.

It is rumored a Tacoma party has "beautiful eyes" on Spokane as a field for an afternoon daily. The College Press has removed to new and larg er quarters and will reach out for more business.

The following cards have been deposited since September 15: D. W. Pettijohn, E. M. Wood, E. T. Cranston, Otto A. Dirkes, D. D. Chisholm, E. Peterson, Orville Peterson, G. Wadman, F. Harvey Chase, John S. Ove, Alice Kennedy, Arthur Floyd, Fred Hoffman, P. L. Shankland, Philip Harris, W. P. Oaks, L. R. Wolff, C. E. Cadwell, T. J. Conelly, C. A. Flora and Hugh Foster. The following got away: A. C. Shoemaker, H. H. Hurd, J. F. Hunold, Charles Abel, E. Marcuson, F. W. Hunt, O. S. Jones, J. T. Snyder, Ed Hartnett, D. D. Chisholm, R. B. Crozier, E. D. Hutchinson, Earl T. Cranston, T. H. Jansen, C. E. Olney, E. M. Wood, O. F. Hopkins, G. Wadman, Martha Jameson, F. E. Jameson, N. V. Thurston and L. R. Wolff. SAMUEL A. KENNEDY.


The insurance feature finds little favor here. Opinion is general that insuring lives is the business of life insurance companies. Personally, I object to it because I am already paying $196 a year for insurance, which is quite enough to subtract from my present income for that purpose. Besides, the plan to be submitted to the referendum is not equitable in its provisions; there is no good reason why one man should pay twice as much for the same thing as another man. If insurance is adopted, it should be on the basis of a flat rate for a specified sum paid to the union a specified benefit paid by the union.

A local newspaper chapel recently passed a rule making any of its members liable to a fine of 25

cents for expectorating on the floor. The expectorators attended a iater chapel meeting in force and had the, to them, objectionable rule repealed. Will printers never see the light? Tuberculosis is seldom communicated in any other way than through sputum.

T. F. Carroll, after spending the glad summer time here, has gone to Los Angeles.

The weather table printed in last month's San Francisco correspondence would be attractive if the International Typographical Union convention were to be held in winter, but, as the convention is to be held in August, what in tarnashion is the use of holding it in a city whose climate calls for overcoats in that month? Salt Lake is cool in August-not cold-and the emerald sky that overhangs this city by day and the gem-studded infinity by night are never obscured by fog.



During the month just passed Toronto was honored with the convention of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America. The convention was a large and representative one, and delegates, one and all, spoke well of the way they were used by fellow unionists. Hugh Stevenson, of Toronto Typographical Union, and one of the delegates of the International Typographical Union to the American Federation of Labor, addressed the assembly, giving a history of the trouble between New York Union and the Butterick company, with the result that resolutions were passed unanimously by the convention, as follows:

Whereas, The contention between Typographical Union No. 6, of New York city, and the Butterick Publishing Company, having reached a stage where it is clearly a fight between all organized labor and organized capital; and

Whereas, The pattern trust. to bolster up its dwindling profits, sends out lying reports that it has settled with the union; therefore, be it

Resolved, By the delegates to the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, in convention assembled at Toronto, that when we reach our home cities, we will endeavor to spread the truth about the dif ferences between the Butterick Publishing Company and Typographical Union No. 6, that we advise the organized workmen and women not to purchase the Delineator, the New Idea, or the Designer, all fashion magazines, and to urge them not to use the Standard, New Idea or Butterick patterns; and, be it further

Resolved. That this resolution be published in the Motorman and Conductor, and also forwarded the Butterick Publishing Company, of New York city.


Mr. Stevenson deserves great credit for the time and energy expended in furthering these resolutions, and not content with this, he distributed a large amount of literature of the "don't patronize" class, together with several thousand blotters for delegates to take to their homes.

Wilfrid J. Wilson, a member of the News chapel, last month left the ranks of bachelors and took unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Agnes Ide. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have the best

wishes of a large circle of friends in printorial and other circles.

The Printers Bowling League has organized for the season, and a schedule of games is being arranged. As in former years, the schedule will be in two sections: Morning paper and evening sections, comprising book and job as well as evening papers. The following have entered teams: News, the MacLean Publishing Company, Hunter-Rose, Milne-Bingham, Star, Murray Printing Company, Southams (Limited), Globe-Mail, Sunday World and Morning World. Officers are: Bob Elliot, president; A. E. Quayle, vice-president; A. G. Macdonald, secretary-treasurer. It was decided to bar pressmen or feeders of the seceding unions from shop teams. There is every indication of a successful series of games this season, and ball rollers are very enthusiastic.

The district labor council has decided to ask the board of control to appoint a "fair wage" officer, whose duty it shall be to see that in cases where contracts for wages on a union scale are made such pay shall be granted. In many cases civic contractors are violating their agreements and paying under the proper scale.

At a recent meeting of the district labor council the delegates of the local electrical workers withdrew from active participation until matters in dispute have been settled by the American Federation of Labor.

No. 91 suffered loss by death of one of its popular younger members in the person of F. Y. Crumford, who died early in October. Mr. Crumford never recovered fully from a stroke of paralysis he received two years ago, and since last April had been confined to his home and latterly to his bed. His demise was deeply regretted by those who knew him. Frank was only 27 years of age, and sympathy is extended to the father and mother in the loss of a son cut down in early manhood.


John Armstrong, well known among printers as a former president of the International Typographical Union and now secretary of the Ontario Labor Bureau, met with a severe accident recently, which keeps him from his official duties as well as being extremely painful. Mr. Armstrong standing on a street car step assisting some ladies out of a crowded car when he got jostled by passengers trying to get on, the result being that he lost his footing and was thrown heavily on the street. Mr. Armstrong went to the hospital, where it was found that his right shoulder was badly dislocated as a result of the accident.

There is a slump, temporarily, it is hoped, in printing circles at present time of writing. Catalog work is not coming in as fast as it might, and as for daily papers, Christmas trade advertising has not yet begun. The consequence is there are quite a number of our fraternity on the lookout for jobs at present.

Alfred Dury, dean of the "old guard" of labor, at present Canada's emigration commissioner at Liverpool, was recently tendered a banquet in the St. Charles café. It was a notable gathering of those who had taken part in the labor movement

in Canada, many of them over a quarter of a century ago, and who were proud to call themselves graduates of the little tailor shop on Bay street, in which Mr. Dury made clothes for his customers and converts to his "religion"-labor organization. When the guest of the evening arose he received a great reception. Following were some of his pointed sentences: "Society never has and never will be revolutionized-it may be evolutionized." "Ask me for the results of the labor movement, and I will point you to millions who have raised themselves from serfs to citizens." "All the good that may be accomplished by the labor movement will not be accomplished. Why? Lack of organization." Among those who responded for "The Old Guard" were Messrs. John Armstrong and Harry Parr, of the typographical union. President Glockling, of the Dominion Trades Congress, also spoke.

Our last quarterly report was eminently satisfactory in every respect and showed our organization increased in numbers-for the first time in history running into four figures.




The Tribune has announced increase of wages for operators to $24 for day work-that is, $3 over the scale.

Samuel R. Macready and Irving P. Hudson are candidates for the legislature, the former as a democrat, from Providence, the latter as a republican, from Coventry. If Sam's chances were as good as Irving's, No. 33 might have two representatives at the next session. All their friends hope that both will be elected.

To satisfy everybody is impossible. The most recent subject for criticism is last year's contract committee, and the complaint is that it insisted upon a straight eight-hour contract without consulting the jobmen. As a matter of fact and record, last year's contract committee simply insisted upon the hours prescribed by the union scale for three years or more; and when it brought into the union for approval a revised scale, the hours of work were not changed in any way. Furthermore, consistently with International law, resolution 7, page 86, the straight eight-hour day is the only schedule which a union committee can take an insistent position for. Had the contract committee yielded to the pressmen, it would have given up something already gained for nothing in return. Not one shop more would have come into the fold.

While Providence was among the first typographical unions to withdraw from the New Eng land Allied Trades, opinion generally here favors the new New England Typographical Union, and it is expected that Providence will affiliate at its next meeting.

October witnesses an unusual increase in membership from deposit of cards. Business has improved materially over August and September. CHARLES CARROLL,


The government printing office is now engaged in printing 20,000 old patent specifications. Many of these requests for patents were made in the early days of the republic and are in manuscript form. This work will cost the patent office about $80,000, and is paid for from a special appropriation for this work, and not from their regular allotment for printing and binding. Public Printer Donnelly's action in securing this big piece of composition shows that he is doing his utmost to keep the employes of the office at work.

At the last meeting of Columbia Union, J. H. Broderick, of the Star chapel, tendered his resignation as a member of the executive committee, and Charles Long, chairman of that chapel, was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. Long is well equipped for good service as a member of this important committee.

If any of our members fail to understand the subject of the increased mortuary benefit, it will be no fault of the local. The statement of Secretary Seibold, read at the October meeting, is a remarkably clear exposition of the matter, and the union ordered that it be printed in pamphlet form and distributed to the members. With this pamphlet before them, together with what has been and will be printed in THE JOURNAL, the Washington members will be able to vote on this important question with that intelligence which the matter de


M. F. Britt, well known in the middle west, is working on a Washington Post Merg. Chatting with him at the last union meeting, I learned that he was a delegate to the International Typograph ical Union in Chicago in 1893, the year that No. 10 sent what was then known as its "big four"John L. Kennedy, John Usilton, Al Randall and Seagraves.

H. V. Bisbee, a member of Columbia Union, and a writer of much merit, won the first prize ($5 in gold) for the best poem in a recent symposium conducted by the Washington Herald. Its title is "Success," and as it is brief, as well as being excellent, I shall insert it here:

Count that success which crowns a well-spent life,
And makes that life a beacon for all time;
For life does not consist of worldly goods
Wrung from the toil and sweat of other men.
Success comes through the service of mankind,
And he who serves mankind best serves his God,
And is attained by noble acts and kind.
Success that rests on selfish acts alone
Is but a mirage that deceives the soul.
Call that man great who can stand up and say:
"My conscience is devoid of all offense,
And I can look my Maker in the face,
Nor dread the final summons to go hence."

The interior branch of the public printing office has been abolished. This is the second one of these "branches" (small offices located in department buildings away from the main plant, but under the control of the public printer) that has been discontinued since Mr. Donnelly assumed office, the other being that connected with the treasury. Mrs. E. K. Miller, widow of the late Charles E. ("Turkey") Miller, at one time a very active

member of No. 101, is keeping a cigar and newsstand in this city, her location being 70 Massachusetts avenue, N. W., near the new union station. Mr. Miller died in Philadelphia two or three years ago.

At its October meeting Columbia Union admitted eight members-four to the apprentice membership roll and four to that of the active list.

These have deposited traveling cards in Columbia since the date of my last letter: H. H. Hensel, James D. Slattery, W. L. Archibald, R. P. Wolfe, C. V. Johnson, Earl F. Owens, M. F. Britt, G. R. Myers, T. F. Heath, S. R. Brister, H. J. Gerrity, R. J. Smudke. The departures were: J. H. Bastable, Mortimer C. Gaddis, J. Morgan Ellis, J. J. Shovlin, James L. McCoy, L. B. O'Neill, W. A. Stewart, Frank Bates, A. W. Miller, F. G. Hartwell, F. M. P. Montague, V. N. Heron, A. M. North.

James W. Carter, one of the most widely known printers hereabouts, and for many years one of the auditors of Columbia Union, has been dangerously ill, but is now reported as in a fair way to speedy


Columbia Union will this year hold its memorial exercises on the last Sunday in November (which will fall on the 28th) instead of the first Sunday in December, as heretofore.

Twenty-six members of Columbia Union are now drawing the old age pension.

Charles George, a well-known Merg. machinist here, has resigned his place in the government printing office to take charge of the machine plant of the Minneapolis Tribune.

The United States census office is wise in recruiting among Columbia's members for clerical help. Three of those employed in the government office -Messrs. Voler V. Viles, Griffith Evans and C. E. La Vigne-have lately resigned from the printery to go into the census bureau, all at substantial increases in compensation over that paid at the former institution.

Matt L. Allison, a former member of No. 101, and who was much esteemed by all who knew him, died at his home in Mifflintown, Pa., on September 27, 1909. He was employed in the government printing office several years, first as composi tor and then as proofreader, and about three years ago resigned there to enter the department of commerce and labor. He was about 40 years old, and the death cause was cancer.

W. H. Battley, well known among us here half a dozen or more years since, when he printed in the government office, is again a Washingtonian, being employed on the Post. He has resided in Columbia and Bamberg, S. C., for two or three years past.

Sunday, October 10, 1909, the monument erected to the memory of Edwin C. Jones by Columbia Union was dedicated in Lower Dry Creek cemetery, Emporia, Kan. Agreeable to the request of this union, the dedication was in charge of members of Topeka Union. Simple religious services were held and an address (prepared for the occasion by President Kidd, of Columbia Union) was

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