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This would be about the usual rate that the best fraternal insurance societies charge for the same protection at the average age that risks are cepted, so it is apparent that those-the great majority, in fact-whose yearly earnings are half or even less than half of this amount, will be getting a very good thing. The earnings of the great majority of Albany printers will be below the $1,000 mark rather than above it, and that will mean that your $400 worth of protection in your union will cost you less than $5 each year. If, fortunately, your earnings are larger than this by a few hundred dollars, and consequently you are required to pay a dollar or two more a year, you are to be congratulated nevertheless. There are none of those who are getting the smaller amount but would gladly trade with you. Every member should consider this question well before voting upon it, especially if he has in mind to vote against it, for with due regard for all good arguments that there may be against it, I personally believe such a member would make a mistake by so doing. CHARLES H. WHITTEMORE.


An "after Labor day" sermon was delivered by the Rev. A. F. Ragatz, on September 12, at the Methodist church that deeply interested the workingmen of Loveland who were fortunate enough to hear it, and they requested that he repeat it. This Mr. Ragatz kindly consented to do on the evening of October 17. The labor question is one of the deepest problems of the time, and many eminent thinkers are devoting much time to it. The Rev. Mr. Ragatz carries a watchmakers' union card.

A "boosters' committee" was appointed at the last regular meeting of Loveland Union and its work is bearing much fruit. A demand for the label is almost a universal request from the merchant or business man when he sends copy to the printer.

John A. Collett, for twenty years past proofreader on the Denver Times, has accepted a posi tion on the Loveland Daily Herald as managing editor. Mr. Collett is an able journalist and his "Random Comment" column is being widely quoted in northern Colorado. Here is Mr. Collett's first effort as a poet on his new job:

Whichever way the wind doth blow,
Some heart is glad to have it so;
Then blow it east or blow it west,

The wind that blows, that wind is best.

John E. Marshall, who has made such a hit in northern Colorado as a newspaper man, has purchased the Lyons Recorder. Lyons is situated twelve miles west of Boulder and is a typical mountain town, with an altitude of 8,000 feet.

The Johnstown Breeze has signed a contract with Loveland Union, to run a strictly union office until 1910. The general appearance of the Breeze would indicate that the work was done by union


The disagreement between the printers' union and the Loveland Reporter awakened the citizens

of this town to the power that lies within the union's grasp. Loveland is a small town, and in consequence is not in close touch with the doings of the outside world. This has resulted in an ignorance of union extent, power and control, which ignorance was made into knowledge of the printers' union by the determined struggle and final victory of the printers.

The local union's rank of single blessedness has been invaded recently by Cupid. Miss Gladys Johnson, a stanch supporter of the printers' union, is now Mrs. Dell Kelim. We regret sincerely the loss of Mrs. Kelim, but wish her happiness galore. C. E. BARNGROVER.


There has been a number of tourists through here lately. One who tarried longer than usual was Charles Coole, who worked about a month, then headed toward Chicago.

President Altes has gone to Kansas City, where he will work in the adroom of the Journal, a like position which he held here on the ConstitutionDemocrat. Vice-President Carver will fill the unexpired term of Mr. Altes.

Miss Sherman, ivory manipulator on the Gate City, who was called to her home in Ottumwa recently, by the serious illness of her sister, has returned to work....George L. Stilwell and wife, of Quincy, Ill., spent a week in Keokuk recently. George was a former member of No. 68....Harry Bertschinger, a recent benedict, and formerly a member of No. 68, is now working in Burlington.

.. Prospects are good for the coming winter. No one to accept a call from a country weekly. G. W. EATON.


The members of No. 15 and its officers, as well as the general public, are very busily engaged at this writing taking in the industrial exposition, which opened at Convention Hall on October II, and continued until the 24th. This is the busy time of all of the people living in the city, as it is the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the incorporation of the city of Rochester, and the industrial display is marked with great enthusiasm. We are having an exhibit of the tuberculosis tent and a miniature printing office, and the way it has taken with the people of our city is gratifying to the officers. We have been to a considerable expense to make it a hummer, and it seems to have been so, and we hope to have good results from the advertising given out at this time. President Walsh, Secretary Henderson and the writer have been in charge of the exhibit.

During the past month death has claimed one of our most devoted members, one whom we have all respected and found a true friend, and his untimely death by falling from a moving train into the Genesee river was to be regretted by all who knew him. In the death of T. P. Lambert, No. 15 has lost one of its best members, and his relatives and friends have been deprived of a true friend.

The funeral of Mr. Lambert was attended by quite a number of No. 15's members, and he was borne to his last resting place by his comrades in the Times office, one bearer being taken from each department of the Times staff. The following is ar cditorial which appeared in the Evening Times:

The pitiful fate of "Teddy" Lambert is to be accounted for only on the supposition that "someLody blundered." If the vestibule of the car had been shut, as the rules of the New York Central require, he could not in the darkness have stepped out and fallen to the rocks below. Who that somelody was is for others to determine. It should not and doubtless will not happen again. At the cost of his own life, "Teddy" will in all probability le the means of making more safe the lives of future passengers. He was a faithful, genial and competent worker on this paper. He is missed and mourned by every former associate. Peace to Lis soul and salutation to his memory.

No. 15 is steadily regaining the lost ground that it has experienced during the eight-hour struggle, and we hope to soon be among the many who have successfully combated the elements that have been so strongly besetting us. We have during the past month increased our membership by the addition of several new members, and the way that things are looking now expect to have a great revival of the label campaign, as the exposition just past has given us a prestige with the public through the advertising of the label.

Some months ago your humble servant and a committee composed of B. H. Bates and Harry Sherman called on the mayor of the city with the end in view of having the city work done in eighthour shops, and it can be plainly seen by looking over the tabulated reports of the city's expenditures that the nine-hour shops are now receiving but a very little of the work, one especially having lost a great deal of his work on account of not laving an eight-hour shop. We have also been succ.ssful in having the label used on the police reports of the children attending the public schools, and that meant a job of something like 50,000 cards.

Boom the label and organize.




The October meeting was a record breaker as far as small attendance goes, but a large amount of business was transacted in a very creditable The typos are always to the fore in matters pertaining to unionism, but we would have a much greater influence in the community if the members would come to the meetings in larger numbers and assist in the work of the organization. Come to two or three meetings, gentlemen; get interested, and you will come all the time. Get the habit; it's a good one.

The sick benefit scheme did not meet with the general approval of the membership, and has been abandoned for the present.

The labor representation committee, formed for the purpose of discussing the advisability of placing a labor candidate in the field at the next provincial elections, held its first meeting October 7.

Subcommittees were appointed to inquire into cost of campaign, etc., and another meeting will be held shortly. The committee is composed of two delegates from each union, two from the labor party, and two from the trades council. G. H. Merlin and F. W. Mecklewright represented No.


The time for a revision of our scale is drawing nearer, and members who are in arrears should lose no time in placing themselves in good standing, so that our organization will be in a healthy condition when the time comes.

Work is fair, and the general condition of the trade is improving.

Don't forget the "other fellow's" label when making purchases. A. BEAZLEY.



The seventh session of the Ohio Typographical Conference, held at Dayton, October 10, was one of the most pleasant and successful gatherings of printers in the history of the organization. local unions represented were Cleveland, Columbus, Coshocton, Dayton, Hamilton, Lima, Norwalk, Springfield, Youngstown and Zanesville. W. B. Taneyhill, instructor of the wayward boys at the Lancaster Industrial School, and president of the conference, reported for Akron, his home town. The smoker and entertainment at Machinists' Hall, on Saturday evening, and the Sunday dinner at the Hof Brau, showed what Dayton could do in the way of hospitality, besides the individual attention given by members of No. 57 to visitors and delegates in showing them the different points of interest about town. President Lynch and Secretary-Treasurer Hays could not attend on account of the pressure of other business. Organizer Max Hayes was the principal speaker at the session, and gave a detailed account of conditions in the state, particularly the south and west sections, where organization work is in progress in the smaller towns. He dwelt on the necessity of organizing the country printer and raising his wages to prevent his competing on an unfair basis with the city man, and educating him in unionism to prevent him from becoming a tool in the hands of the unfair boss. A report of the detailed work of the conference is left to the secretary, John H. Chambers, of Dayton, who was re-elected for another term. The next conference will be held at Springfield on the second Sunday in April, 1910, with W. C. Hewitt, of that city as president, and O. B. Miller, of Lima, vice-president.

The referendum vote of No. 53, by chapels, on the question of expelling from the trades council locals Nos. 38 and 39 of the electrical workers, on account of the disagreement of their national body with the American Federation of Labor executive council, resulted in a vote of about 90 per cent in favor of the electrical workers being retained.

A vote will be taken at the November meeting of the union on ways and means to continue the label campaign in this jurisdiction. A regular assessment or raise in dues will probably be the result. as the campaign must be carried on at any cost.

The work of the label committee in keeping continually after the business men to have their work done in fair shops keeps the jobman off the street, and this in turn prevents the passage of a five-day law or other emergency legislation for the support of those out of work.

An item in the Chicago correspondence of the October JOURNAL which particularly attracted the attention of our members was that referring to the death of Joseph O'Connor, the details of which were not mentioned. He was an cld member of No. 53, and was well liked among the boys.

October 29 was the date of the first club dance of the season. These social affairs will be held monthly until May. Conklin's Academy, on East Fifty-fifth street, has been engaged for the season.

Work has been dull in the job line for the past month, and none too brisk on the papers, considering the season of the year. Mention label printing to your business friend and you will help to improve your condition by doing so.

About 10 per cent of our local unions are heard from each month in THE JOURNAL. This seems as much a case of apathy as the non-attendance at monthly meetings. Some members are never seen in the meeting hall unless they want to vote down an assessment proposition, or have some little trouble which could be settled in a chapel meeting. The same is true of some local unions. They are never heard from in our International monthly meeting (THE JOURNAL) until some little thing happens to disturb their peaceful slumbers--some small affair which might have been averted by a constant interchange of ideas through the columns of THE JOURNAL. If THE JOURNAL becomes too bulky it can be issued weekly. Let us keep in touch with each other. There is no question that the official paper coming to every member has been a source of education to the individual and strength to the International as a whole, and why can not it be made more so? We never know too much and are never too strong. Start now and write a letter for the December issue. Let us have a big Christmas edition. Let us know you are liv ing, you 90 per cent. WILLIAM J. EVANS.


This growing town of 15,000 souls, in many respects an ideal place for residence, is slowly but surely materializing into a city which will in due time hold out good inducements for members of the art preservative. Prior to last May conditions here were rotten. Eugene Typographical Union No. 496 was organized during the early days of June, when a change from a fifty-four to a fortyeight-hour working week was inaugurated, with but little resistance. The scale was placed at $21 for machine men and $15 for handmen, which no raise from the prevailing wage paid. None of the employers have signed contracts, but when the time arrives to force the issue we feel confident that little opposition will be encountered. Robert S. Huston has been promoted from the adroom to the foremanship of the Evening Guard.


The writer has succeeded Earl Murphy as fore

man of the job department of the Evening Guard. Mr. Murphy resigned to pursue a college course "back in Indiany."

We have a live label committee, which intends to inaugurate an active label campaign.

Tom Burke, a former employe of the Guard, who had been holding down a machine at Baker City during the summer vacation, has resumed his studies at the University of Oregon, and incidentally a half shift on one of the Guard Mergs.

Quite a number of tourists have wandered in and out during the summer, but this is a "bum burg" for the migratory "bird" at the present time.

Yours for better industrial conditions "in the valley where the old Willamette flows" in particular and the Pacific coast states in general. LAWRENCE O. NICHOLS.


We would like to have the membership generally, and label committees in particular, write to the publicity bureau, Endicott building, St. Paul, and ask for one or more copies of the booklet advertising St. Paul and return the same with a sticker attached. The booklet is a non-union production and is a miserable job of printing and color work from cover to cover. If this plan is carried out, much good will result to us in this jurisdiction.

The Labor day edition of the Minnesota Union Advocate contained sixteen pages and was alive with good reading matter, and also enjoyed a liberal advertising patronage.

Another contest for the collection of non-label printed matter has been inaugurated by our label committee. The contest runs all through October, and there are three prizes-an International Typographical Union watch charm, stickpin and set of cuff buttons.

The call for union label goods is evidently jarring on the ears and nerves of "Gripe Nuts," judging from the bitterly worded article which recently appeared in the local papers under the heading "Pass the Word Along."

Recording Secretary George R. Blodgett won the first prize at the October meeting and A. G. Woodberry the second. The prizes are a watch

charm and button.

Governor John A. Johnson, who died at Rochester, Minn., following an operation, was undoubtedly the best friend organized labor ever had in the governor's chair. Resolutions deploring his death were passed by No. 30, the trades and labor assembly and many other unions.

Secretary of State Julius H. Schmahl, who holds an honorary card, marched with the printers in the Labor day parade.

Twenty-four machines are now in use in the Dispatch composing room and one in the basement on mailing lists.

Ross S. Reynolds, vice-president and chairman of the executive committee, is a candidate for trustee of the Home. Cut this out, paste next to the label in your hat and "Pass the word along."



It may not be generally known that the exposure of human life to dusty trades, hard labor, long hours and confinement leads to a rapid destruction of the human system, mentally and physically, and leaves the workman in a weak and susceptible condition to the ravages of the dreaded white plague. In speaking on this subject, permit me to present for your perusal the death chronology due directly to this cause. But to elucidate my argument let me tell you about some factories and other places I have seen where the management is so unreasonable as to stain the windows so that the employes are not permitted to look upon God's green earth, nor let the blessed sunshine in. In these factories, where windows are not permitted to be opened and no skylights, what becomes of the foul air and dust? In furniture, woolen mills, ax factories and other similar concerns, the materials and nature of conditions are decidedly dusty and detrimental to the delicate lung substances, and here, sad to say, are found boys and girls, some of whom could well be called children, whose place is out upon some playground or in the schoolroom, where proper exercise and air is accessible, which go to make sound constitutions and strong manhood and womanhood.

Speaking of sanitation, it seems strange that the captains of industry have not come to a realization that health and continued strength is most essential to the output of production. It is with reluctance and difficulty old-established factories ever conform to modern ideas concerning sanitation. Wise men cater more to their health and welfare, and as a result derive greater benefit and thus hitch their chariots to a star that leads to success and security.

We should not have any complaint to make about men becoming greedy for wealth; it is a human impulse almost contagious. But we do blame the laws or the inspectors who are paid a good price to see that the laws or factory rules are obeyed, and not harbor or give indulgence to any man or corporation at the expense of the poor human laborer, who is justly entitled to protection and constitutional rights.

And as a rule, when organized bodies attempt to remedy or ameliorate conditions to an extent, at least, not only for the benefit of the factory, but for the health and welfare of men in general, they are accused of "butting in and trying to run some one else's business." It is a hard proposition to educate the people at large to realize the good labor unions are doing; they are often misrepresented as a lot of hotheads and troublemongers, running about with a chip on their shoulder looking for a strike. I am of the opinion that there is not enough labor literature distributed to those who would not and to those who could not buy labor papers. The unions should-and will some day-see to it that every laboring man, whether organized or not, gets literature of some sort. Labor papers as a rule are not on sale on the streets

or at newsstands; if one wishes one he has to go to a labor journal and subscribe. The success of the labor movement depends on the proper educa tion of the public. A labor paper must not be too "red hot" or radical. It must be sane and, above all, truthful; it must be impressive in order to be interesting, and brief in order to be read. Jamestown, N. Y. ECHEL GEORGE LINDSTROM.


Business is good in Los Angeles-for the situation holders, like myself. The list of subs is as long as the line-up at a circus ticket wagon. More men have appeared here the last month than for many moons in the past. My remarks on the salubrity of the climate should not be misconstrued, as the ability and opportunity to "print" a meal ticket are not co-existent with or dependent upon the salubrity of one's environment. The list of printers who have come here with cards and then forgotten to deposit them is already great enough to make a respectable addition to the ranks of No.


No Labor day parade was held in Los Angeles, but the picnic and celebration was a success of successes, and the Labor Temple benefited accordingly. The temple is now beginning to assume a finished appearance. The struggle has been a hard one, but when finally completed it will be one which would reflect great credit on any city any where. General Otis and the merchants' and manufacturers' association are not among the subscrib ers to the capital stock-not yet.

A number of applications were acted upon at our last meeting, two of which were rejected--one being from my own state-Iowa. Several others are pending. One candidate was initiated.

In my first JOURNAL letter I was made to say, or appear to say, something which for a time threatened to put me in the "in bad" class. By the addition of the word "now" after "it is" in the paragraph beginning: "It is (now) up to the members," etc., and the omission of the related paragraph following, I was made to say that the members who are in favor of the present administration are in a rut which they should get out of, thereby placing myself in the anomalous position of favoring an administration which I said (but did not intend to say) was wrong, and causing some of my friends here to (as Hashimura Togo would say) "inquire for to learn to know" just what position I really did occupy, no doubt some of them thinking I was a liar, or if not that, a "quiller." I refuse most emphatically to "fall for" either classification.

Picked up at odd moments: The writer is the proud father of another girl, born October 7.... "Jack" Kemp is back from the Home, feeling and looking fine and unstinted in his praise of the institution...."Bill" Brooks came in for a short sojourn...."Hocus Pocus" Kendall is home on his perennial visit to his vine and fig tree...."Poco" Kimball comes up from the fastnesses of Sawtelle

occasionally...."Colonel" Noble is still here playing the mining game...."Bill" Mosher is "holding down" the ad foremanship of one of Sacramento's papers....C. H. Gilman is now traveling through the oil fields as correspondent of the Oil City (Pa.) Derrick. He reports a fine time....The lit tle birds are whispering that Henry Heidelberg will be the candidate for delegate. Go to it, Heiney; there are a lot of us with you to see you win. WILLIAM J. CARSON.


Last month the Joyce Press signed contracts to run under union conditions until January, 1910.

At a recent convention of the Brotherhood of America, J. J. Gaffney was elected grand scrollkeeper. He is always working for the interest of No. 252, and all printed matter in this organization bears the label. He started in business for himself two years ago under the name of "The Progressive Printer."

The suit of D. E. Loewe and Martin Fuchs, who constitute the firm of D. Loewe & Co., hat manufacturers, of Danbury, against Martin Lawlor and 215 members of the hatters' union in Danbury, Norwalk and Bethel, at this writing is on trial before Judge James P. Platt and a jury in the United States Circuit Court at Hartford. The case will occupy several weeks. Samuel Gompers and several other American Federation of Labor officials will give testimony in person or by deposition. The case is one of the most important of its kind ever filed in this country, as its decision will involve a direct test of the much-mooted boycott law. Walter G. Merritt, of New York, and Daniel Davenport, of this city, represent the plaintiffs. John K. Beach, New Haven; Hon. John J. Light, Norwalk; Howard Taylor, Danbury, and ex-Congressman Robert E. DeForest, of this city, the defendants. EDWARD BENNETTO.


James M. Lynch, president of the International Typographical Union, visited Oakland and was entertained by the local union. Oakland Typographical Union was materially benefited by the visit of the International president, and I believe I am within the bounds of propriety in saying that his short sojourn within this jurisdiction did Mr. Lynch good. The hospitality of Oakland Union, as extended to the chief executive of our grand old organization-the strongest, ablest and most conservatively progressive labor organization in the world, this veritable Roman empire of unionism, if you please-was probably as hearty, wholesome and spontaneous as was ever extended to the head of any body of laboring men. While there are, of necessity, some members in every jurisdiction who do not, and can not, by the very nature of things, agree with all the policies of any administration or the administrative officers, the

entire membership of No. 36 assembled on the evening of October 17, 1909, in the banquet room on the second floor of the Tribune building, and were "all of one accord" in extending to our International president the glad hand of fraternal fellowship and good will. The banquet given in honor of Mr. Lynch was an elaborate affair, and was augmented by invited guests from other organizations, notably the president of the Franklin Association, J. W. Harrington, and vice-president, Friend William Richardson, the former an employing job printer and the latter a newspaper publisher; C. J. Arnold, representing the Oakland Tribune; Mr. Daniels, of the Enquirer; Mr. Thompson, president of the state federation of labor; Charles Smith, president of Oakland Pressmen's Union, and Business Agent Ham, of the local building trades council. And we also had the additional honor and pleasure of the presence of International Vice-President George A. Tracy, who is also president of San Francisco No. 21; Organizer George Mitchell; Trustee White, of the Printers Home; Secretary Michelson and other officers of No. 21. William II. Mallett, president of Oakland No. 36, presided as toastmaster, and much of the success of the occasion is due to his tact and conviviality. Many of the guests spoke upon subjects of local and International interest. The essence of the theme, however, which seemed to permeate the very atmosphere and which was uppermost in the minds of every serious speaker was the need of solidarity, the demand for cementation, not alone among the forces of organized labor, but as well by and within and between the organizations of the employe and the employer. And surely the signs of the times presage the near approach of the new cycle in which the dominant feature of trade advancement shall be the co-oper ation of the several interests. Mr. Lynch discoursed at length upon the formation, the aims and purposes of the Printers' League of America, which organization was inspired by this need of concerted effort. Oakland already has an organization of this character in the printers' board, which is composed of delegates from the typographical and pressmen's unions, the employers' association, the paper and other supply houses. It is upon the lines evolved by this local body, as a sort of working model, that the national organization was founded. Another subject which President Lynch gave serious consideration was the necessity for local administrative support and the mitigation and the elimination, as far as possible, of internal and factional strife. He urged the membership to put away all strife and all envy, and "get together" and work solidly and consistently for the advancement of unionism and for the betterment of trade conditions. He urged that even though a member should exercise his prerogatives in voting and working for the man he thought best fitted to hold office, he should, upon the election of the union's officers by a majority of the members, lay aside his personal likes and dislikes and work in harmony for the common

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