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Conduct of elections.

Tie vote to be determined by lot.


peculiar to the first election.

which case the village meeting shall be upon the Wednesday following the first Tuesday.

1 R. S., 1244, Ib. § 42.

§ 1077. The trustees shall give three weeks' previous notice of every election, specifying the time of opening and closing the polls. The notice shall, for three successive weeks, be published at least once in each week in a newspaper printed in the village, or if there is none, then posted in at least ten of the most public places therein. The polls shall be open at least three hours, between ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon. The trustees shall preside at the meeting and certify the result of the election, which certificate shall be recorded in the village records. The provisions of law relative to the conduct of elections of town officers, the announcement of the result, and the notice to the officers chosen, apply to the election of village officers so far as the same are applicable.

Ib., §§ 17 to 22.

§ 1078. If two or more have the greatest and an equal number of votes for one office, the trustees shall determine by lot which shall be deemed elected, and set forth that fact in their certificate. Ib., § 21.

§ 1079. At the first election for officers in a new village, the inspectors, mentioned in the preceding chapter, shall perform the duties which, by the

two preceding sections, are thereafter devolved upon the trustees and clerk.

1 R. S., 1244, §§ 17 to 20.

§ 1080. Whenever the offices of more than two Vacancies. of the trustees are vacated, the remaining trustee or trustees shall call a village meeting to fill, for the unexpired term, such vacancies and any other existing vacancies specified in the notice of the meeting. If there is only one trustee, one or more of the assessors shall be associated with him to preside.

Ib., § 27.


§ 1081. Resignations shall not take effect until Resigna filed, in writing, with the clerk of the village.

Ib., § 25; last clause.

Oath of

§ 1082. Every officer shall take, before any One. justice of the peace of the county, and file with the clerk of the village, the oath of office, as required in section 210 of this Code, within ten days after notice of his being chosen; and a neglect to do so vacates the office.

Ib., § 26; Laws of 1857, ch. 552.

§ 1083. The collector, before he receives any warrant to collect, and the treasurer, before he enters on office, shall respectively execute to the village a bond, in an amount to be fixed by the trustees, with sufficient sureties, approved by the trustees by an indorsement thereon, conditioned

Certain offsecurity.

cers to give

for the faithful performance of his official duties.
A neglect so to do, within three days after notice
from the president to do so, vacates the office.
1 R. S., 1244, §§ 66, 69.

Duties of the board.



SECTION 1084. Duties of the board.

1085. Powers of the board.

1086. Form and verification of accounts to be audited.
1087. Certain proceedings to be recorded.

1088. Duties of president.

$ 1084. It is the duty of the trustees:

1. To hold all their meetings open to the public;

2. To appoint, from time to time, one of their number president of the village, who shall preside at the meetings of the trustees; and to appoint also, one to preside at any meeting when he shall be absent;

3. To appoint a person to keep a poll list at any meeting of the village, when a poll list is required and the clerk shall not attend;

4. To fill a vacancy in any village office, except that of trustee, by appointment for the unexpired


5. To provide for the custody and preservation of the property and records of the village;

6. To see that the village officers perform their duties faithfully, and to take measures to punish their neglect of duty;

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7. To call special meetings of the electors whenever they judge the interests of the village require it;

8. To give notice, in the manner prescribed in this title, of every annual and special meeting, and to preside thereat;

9. To present to every annual meeting a detailed statement for the preceding year, signed by them, showing when and from what sources all monies paid into the treasury were derived, and when, to whom and for what purpose all monies paid from the treasury were paid; how much of each sum raised for, or directed at the last annual or any subsequent special meeting to be applied to, any specific purpose, has been so applied, and how much remains on hand; what sidewalks have been made or repaired at the expense of the owners, what at expense of the village, and the names of owners, and amounts due from each therefor; which statement shall be filed with the clerk;

10. To present at the same time a statement of the estimated expenses for the ensuing year, specifying each item; which statement shall be filed with the clerk;

11. To carry into effect every resolution of a vil

lage meeting legally convened, and within the authority of the meeting;

12. To number all claims presented against the village in any year, from one upwards, in the order in which they are presented, and to enter in their proceedings a memorandum of the name of the claimant, the person by whom and the time when it is presented, and the amount;

13. To audit such claims against the village, allowing none which the village are not legally bound to pay, or for which a tax could not be voted; and to certify on each one audited the allowance or disallowance thereof, and the amount, if any, allowed and the charges for which it is allowed; and to draw a warrant on the treasurer for each one allowed. Every warrant shall be indorsed on or annexed to the claim, and contain a reference to the claim by its number, and the name of the claimant and the time when presented, and shall specify the fund out of which it is payable; and no such warrant shall be delivered until a memorandum of such reference and the amount of the warrant is entered in the record of the trustees;

14. Within ten days before the annual meeting to publish, in a newspaper printed in the village, or, if there is none there, to post in two of the most public places in the town, a statement showing the name of every person who, since the last annual meeting (or the incorporation of the village), has

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