INDEX TO LAWS. Accidents. PAGE. 422 investigation of, by Railroad Commissioners Affidavits to amended certificates of incorporation. Agent. 430 sale of tickets by sale of tickets by unauthorized agent restricted Altering signal light, how punished. Animals. carrying same in a cruel manner a misdemeanor. limit of confinement in cars... infectious and contagious diseases of..... throwing substance injurious to, in public places, a misdemeanor. Annual report. form of.. when and where to be filed, penalty for failure to make a report to Comptroller Comptroller to add ten per cent. if not made. Annual tax, how computed ..... Arbitration, act relating to.... Arson, setting fire to car, etc., when arson in second degree. 508 509 Articles of association. railroad company, how formed by.. 346 what to contain 346 affidavit that ten per cent. of capital stock has been subscribed and ten per cent. of that amount paid in, to be recorded with articles.. 347 when supplemental certificate may be filed. 347-430 purchasers of franchise at judicial sale may file articles of association 826. when corporate powers shall cease.. 840 defective, how amended... 430 companies may be formed for the purpose of constructing and operating railroads in steam railway in city or county. 402 et seq Assessment. See Taxation. Attachment. how obtained.. Automatic. couplers........... brake Badge. conductors and servants must wear ..... Baggage. unclaimed, description to be entered in book. checks for..... rights of intersecting and connecting roads in transportation of.. reckless injury to sale of unclaimed.. provision as to publication of notice description to be published in State paper.. if not claimed in sixty days expense to be lien on property amount of, allowed emigrants.. Barbed wire. not to be used in division fence Bell, to be rung or whistle to be blown at crossings. Bills of lading. issuing fictitious, how punished... erroneous excepted, if issued in good faith Board of Railroad Commissioners, how appointed, general powers, duties, etc.. seal of principal office and meetings of. quorum of board... 421 powers as to guard-posts in prolongation of line of bridge trusses Board of Railroad Commissioners - (Continued). PAGE. when may fix compensation for use of one company's tracks by another company...... 397 unlawful offers to annual report of Board..... Bonds, stock corporations. 505 505 425 guard-post to be placed in prolongation of line of bridge trusses. right to cross bridges substituted for bridge crossed for five years.......... 401 508 certain corporations may construct additional, across rivers forming a part of the power of directors to change grade or route where track crosses canal. 354 within ten rods of canal.. 436 parties owning canal may construct railroads on sides or in lieu thereof. 438 ten per cent. of minimum amount authorized, to be subscribed at time of incorporation, 346 ten per cen.t of amount subscribed to be paid in 816 subscriptions, how paid.. 337, 846 held by municipal corporations, how represented in consolidation. 381 fraud in increase of, how punished..... 511 reduction of stock not to relieve holder or owner of same from personal liability exist- ing prior to reduction.. 338 notice of meeting to increase or reduce stock 388 a vote of two-thirds of all shares necessary to increase or reduce stock 888 certificates of proceedings to increase or reduce same, how made 339 when Comptroller to approve........ 339 when Board of Railroad Commissioners to approve certificate of proceedings. 339 preferred stock, how exchanged for common 339 whole amount of stock not to be increased by the exchange of preferred for common.. 289 337, 346 lessee of corporation may exchange it's, for that of leased road 884 856 street, road, avenue or thoroughfare not to be laid out through rural cemeteries except suits in Justice's Court against railroad corporations, sections applicable to........ 498 et seq. 502 et seq. .. 524 et seq. |