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systems of policy which engage, combine, or distract We most heartily greet the good feelings ma the European powers. The balance of power in Eu-nifested in the preceding extracts, and will gladly rerope is declared to be a thing indifferent to America. ciprocate them. Circumstances have placed the UnitThe growth of the new republics, near neighbors to ed States and Great Britain in many and severe points the United States, the sympathy between their re- of opposition, and old prejudices are not easily respective institutions, are dwelt upon with natural moved: and, if there have been too strong attachments exultation by Mr. Monroe; and we are happy to see, in some of our people, whereby the antipathies of he reiterates the maxim that no enemy from Europe others were too strongly excited, it is equally cer ought to be permitted by the United States, to molest tain that we have not been treated by Englishmen or disturb the independence of South America with with that degree of respect which our rank among impunity. It is announced as a reasonable expecta- the nations of the earth, and our condition as the best tion, that Portugal will shortly recognize the sove- customer that they had, have undoubtedly deserved. reignty of Brazil. England is spoken of in terms of It is no matter what has brought about this apparent cordial respect and amity. The abolition of the slave change-it is sufficient that it has taken place, and trade is pronounced to be an object "near the heart" we are glad of it. "England with all her faults," of both nations." now is the citadel of liberty in Europe-the only power competent to obstruct the march of barbarism in the old world, as devised by the "holy álliance;" and she acknowledges that which they all rejectthe right of revolt in an oppressed people. See the subsequent article.

It commends him also, for the manner in which he spoke of Lafayette-and, after noticing the reception of the general by congress, adds-"Who does not envy Lafayette's feelings, and still more the feelings of those who did him this homage? Upon the whole, the speech of the American president would repay the most studied and profound attention; and, as we have already hinted, might be taken as a useful model for great personages in other parts of the world, when they profess to enlighten their subjects by a royal view of the national interests and concerns."

THE SOUTHERN REPUBLICS. A London paper of the 4th January says-"The following is the substance of the communication made by Mr. Canning to the foreign ambassadors: "That, in consequence of the repeated failures of the application of his majesty's government to the court of Spain, relative to the recognition of the independent states of South America, his majesty's servants have come to the determination to send charge d'affaires to the states of Colombia, Mexico, and Buenos Ayres, and to enter into treaties of commerce with those respective states, on the basis of a recognition of their independence."

The "Courier" highly approves of those proceedings of the British cabinet, and says that they have been officially communicated "to all our allies, through our ambassadors and ministers at their respective courts."

The Public Ledger speaks of the message even more warmly, and remarks-"It is, as usual, a glowing picture, though as free from exaggeration as possible, of the influence which good institutions, with a wise government, have upon the lot of a people. Their good effects are so perceptible in the present instance, that they offer a most triumphant refutation of the miserable sophistries which issue occasionally from the imperial presses of Vienna and St. Petersburgh. If we compare the situation of the Americans, as it is described in the simple language of their president's message, with that of the subjects of their imperial majesties, how the contrast strikes us; whilst it confirms those political predilections which we share in common with all freemen. In one country, we see every thing having a tendency to make man what his Creator intended him to be, lending itself to this grand social consummation-universal education cherished; industry encouraged; person and property enjoying the most perfect protection; and the population increasing with a rapidity to which we can find no pa rallel, and, what is extraordinary, without the vice or [It is stated in the Paris papers, that the king of the miscry with which it is too often accompanied in Netherlands will follow the lead of Great Britain, in other countries. We may use this language now, in acknowledging the independence of the South Amespeaking of the Americans, without hurting the pre-rican republics.] judices or the pride of a single Englishman; for their

The French papers continue to complain of the British act with respect to South America. The Etoile says, "the principles of Austria, Russia, and Prussia, as well as France, are at variance with what Britain has done. If her object be commerce, France never will consent that she stipulate for exclusive privileges. Considered in a political point, England has committed a dangerous act by the example which is thus given to her colonies."

prosperity, instead of proving a source of alarm to FRANCE AND COLOMBIA. A letter from St. Barthous, has materially contributed to our own; whilst lomew's, dated the 8th February, received at New their emulation in the arts which we cultivate in com-York, says "I presume that you have heard that the mon, has served only to call forth the energies of our national character."

French government has made a demand on the Venezuelean government at Puerto Cabello, for property captured and carried into that port, and condemned under their flag, and that the said place is declared to be in a state of blockade, (until it is given up), by a frigate, two brigs and a schooner. A 74 is waiting the result at St. Pierre's, Martinique, ready to go, in case the demand shall not be complied with, and detain all Colombian property until full satisfaction is obtained. We have a Colombian privateer which arrived here on the 6th instant, from Laguira, and brings news for your government. I understand they permit neutral vessels to come cut, but none to go in."

"Their foreign policy, as it regards Europe, consists, according to the message, in cultivating peace and friendship alike with all nations, and in carefully abstaining from all interference in their disputes. But this abstinence does not extend to transactions, where European and American interests are mingled; and here the message takes a lofty, though not an assuming tone. It states distinctly, that any attempt to interpose by force in the affairs of the new states of the American continent, will be regarded as hostile to the interests of the United States. This important declaration is made without the slightest air of bravado, but it will tell better on this account; and the simple AFRICA. The brig Hunter sailed about a month and almost indirect manner in which it is made will since from Norfolk, for Liberia, the seat of the encourage no European power to slight it. In speak- African colony. She had on board sixty-seven emiing of the relations with those new states, the mes-grants, several of whom had been emancipated by sage contains no novelty, except a hope that it expresses that Portugal will speedily recognize the independence of Brazil."

their masters, that, in the land of their ancestors, they might assist in the building up of a nation of free blacks. We heartily wish success to this project, and,

if the happiness of the people who proceed thither is advanced, it cannot fail to do good, and must be grateful to every feeling mind: yet, we are apprehensive that it cannot have any sensible effect as to an accomplishment of the great thing aimed at a reduction of the colored population in the United States.

THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, of the state of Pennsylvania, has offered a long list of handsome premiums, for the best specimens of no less than eighty-two different branches of manufactures!-to be exhibited at Philadelphia in October next. This valuable society has already been exceedingly useful in exciting a generous spirit of emulation, and, undoubtedly, acquires strength as it goes on.

CREEK INDIANS. Private letters received at Washington, from Georgia, state that the commissioners of the United States have succeeded in making a treaty with the Creek Indians, by which they have agreed to cede and relinquish the title to the whole of their .lands within the limits of the state of Georgia.

COTTON begins to be cultivated in considerable quantities in Virginia. It is stated that some planters, not far from Richmond, appropriate from 20 to 100 acres of land annually to the growth of this staple. When the history of this valuable plant, in our country, is recollected, we ought not to be surprised if it shall be advantageously raised much farther north.

present, there being upwards of 250 sail, nearly all of which are loading, or engaged to take cargoes to the numerous ports in the world."

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U. STATES. From the synodical and presbyterial reports presented to the general assembly at their last session, it appears that there are under the care of the assembly, 13 synods, 77 presbyteries, 1,979 congregations, 1,027 ministers. The number of vacant congregations is 789; licentiates 173; candidates 195. The number of communicants added during the past year is 10,431, and the whole number of communicants 114,955. The number of adult baptisms during the year has been 2,120, and of infant baptisms 15,942. The amount of collections for missions $6,995; for commissioners' fund $2,692; for the theological seminary, $1,465; for presbyterial fund, $370, and for education fund, 7,938 dollars. As the reports are made only once in four years, we shall have no further returns till the year 1828.

PASSENGERS. A statement is annually laid before congress, by the secretary of state, (says the National Journal), showing the number of passengers that have arrived in the United States, from. all foreign countries, during the preceding year. This statement is made up from the returns of collectors of the customs, and exhibits, not only the rumber of the passengers, but also the age, sex and occupation of each, if known.

From the report, submitted on Monday, it appears that the whole number, (including American citiMARYLAND. The legislature of this state adjourn zens), that arrived in the United States, during the ed on Saturday last. The "Jew bill," as it is called-year ending on the 30th of September last, amounted or a bill to alter the constitution so as to relieve per- to 9,560, viz: sons from political disqualifications on account of their religious opinions, has again passed both branches of the legislature-in the house of delegates by a vote of 26 to 25; only 51 out of 80 members being present. Before it is effective it must be passed by the next succeeding legislature. A law abolishing the imprisonment of females for debt has also passed, as well as a supplement to the usury law in favor of bona fide holders of negotiable securities, where those securities have been tainted with usury in their inception.

FLORIDA. A census of Florida has been ordered by the territorial government. The St. Augustine paper says, that such has been the recent influx of population, that it will be found that Florida is entitled to claim admission as one of the states.

CANADA. The population of Upper Canada, amounts to 151,097 souls. The excess of males over females is 6,381.

NEW-ORLEANS. Extract from a letter dated Jan.

19-"At present this place is all business and bustle, in consequence of the immense quantity of cotton which arrives here daily, I may say hourly. There are no less than 16 or 20 steam boats, averaging about 50 horse power, and bringing from the upper countries from 800 to 1,500 bales each, weekly. To-| bacco, sugar, rice, &c. also arrives here plentifully; but cotton is the principal article raised on the coast of the Mississippi for upwards of 500 miles from the mouth of the river. From the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, we have also extensive arrivals of cotton. On the same day on which the cotton arrives, it is nearly all bought up by the merchants, who are from all parts of the world. It is all sold for cash, credit on cotton being entirely out of the question. For six months in the year there is no place in the world where business is carried on to such an extent and on such favorable terms to the disposer.

"Our port exhibits a grand display of vessels at

1st quarter, 1823, 1,391
1st do.

Males. Females. Age and sex, Total.

not stated.




1824, 817




2d do. do. 1,919
do. do. 2,095





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[Of the preceding it is probable that not more than 5,000 persons came under the class of emigrants. If to these be added 1,000 more, who have come to the United States, by way of the Canadas, we have about the whole amount gained by emigration for the last year: during which, it may be calculated, that we have lost at least 3,000, by removals to various parts of the world, and on account of the wandering habits of seamen. The real gain, by emigration, is a small matter compared with the natural increase of the population of the United States-Ed. Reg.]

[blocks in formation]

LIVERPOOL. A late paper, published in this town, says-The number of vessels reported at our custom house, for the last six months, is 5,260, viz: From foreign ports, 2,054



Tonnage. 1,525636,601 tons.



In the half year ending, June 24th, 1824.

PHILANTHROPIC. It will be seen by the subjoined correspondence, which a friend has transmitted to us from Gibraltar, that the American naval commander in the Mediterranean, the worthy commodore Creighton, made a humane attempt last autumn, to rescue some of the Spanish patriots from the fangs of their oppressors. Though the Spanish general O'Donnell, was not then under the necessity of shedding blood, he was not long afterwards employed in that work by

Foreign, 4,151; Ireland, 2,200; coasters, 3,650; to- orders from the court. Our correspondent writes

tal, 1,000 vessels. Tons, 1,180,917.

thus, under date of Gibraltar, December 15th, 1824. [Nat. Gaz.

"There are many of these unfortunate beings, the NEW STEAM ENGINE. The Newport Mercury states Spanish constitutionalists, in this bay. Driven from an experiment has just been made in crossing Bris- Spain and not being admitted to land in Gibraltar, tol ferry, with a steam engine without a boiler, in- they are compelled to remain on board of small vesvented by Mr. John Babcock, of Portsmouth, Rhodesels in the bay, wherein they subsist chiefly by the Island. The experiment was completely successful, bounty of strangers and the fish they catch alongside. and we, (says the Providence Journal), shall be Among them are colonels and various officers of dismuch gratified if its practical utility can be com-tinction, with their families, without means to go to pletely established. Gentlemen, however, in whose any other country. This spectacle would harrow alknowledge of mechanical principles we have much most any heart." confidence, express doubts of the success of this invention. The following is the description of the engine:

Madrid, that he may intercede with his most Catholie majesty, in behalf of these miserable men. Spare them, I beseech your excellency, and stop the arteries of Spanish blood, which has already been so abundantly shed, and let Spain repose with her children, but not destroy them. I appeal to your excellency with confidence, having heard much of your excellency's mild and excellent character.

"U. S. SHIP CYANE, Gibraltar Bay, Oct. 25, 1824. S "YOUR EXCELLENCY-I have heard with deep con"The substitute for a boiler, of a ten horse power cern, that a number of Spanish subjects are to be engine, consists of two sections of cast iron tubes, shot to death to-morrow, at Algeziras, for having one inch thick, each 16 feet in length, in lengths of committed an offence against the laws of Spain, the 34 feet, and averaging 1 inch bore, and containing justice of which punishment, I will not presume to about 3 gallons, placed horizontally in a small fur- call in question. Should it however be in your exnace, s by 4 feet and 3 feet high; the end of one cellency's power to pardon these unfortunate and tube enters into the top of a cylinder 64 inches in deluded men, may I ask, in the name of humanity, diameter; the end of the other enters into the bottom; that this act of clemency may be extended towards the other ends go out on opposite sides of the fur-them, and whether the examples already made, will nace, and to each is attached a small forcing pump, not answer the ends of justice?-But, if your excelone inch in diameter, and they are alternately work-lency cannot pardon, may I hope that you will posted by gearing attached to the cross head-the cylin- pone the execution of their dreadful sentence, until I der is also enclosed in the furnace, and the length of can write to the minister of the United States, at the strokes of the piston is 2 feet 2 inches-the motion is communicated by shackle-bars, in the usual way, and there is no variation from the common construction of a high-pressure engine-to set it in motion, a fire is made in the furnace with a few sticks of small wood, or a bushel of coal, and when the tubes are heated, only three cubic inches of water is inject ed from the forcing pump upon the hot iron, and is instantly converted into steam; a valve, at the same time, being open in the cylinder, it forces down the piston; the other pump then forces the same quantity into the tube, another valve is opened, and the piston ascends, and continues to operate with unabated vigor, as long as it is supplied with water-the«To number of strokes made by the piston, in a minute, is about 40, while propelling the boat; and the quantity of water then used, is only a gallon in 4 minutes it is necessary that it should be fresh water, as the tubes are so small that they get clogged by either salt or sediment; but this is no objection, as, by adding "I hasten to inform you, sir, that such news, reportcondenser, nearly the whole can be retained, and we believe will be found to combine the four requi-ed to you at Gibraltar, is without foundation, and that I am not for the present, under the unpleasant necessites, cheapness, simplicity, strength and utility of a perfect machine. The whole space occupied by it sity of shedding human blood, by the authority of the does not exceed that of a small tea-table, and the laws. But should I unfortunately be obliged to reer may be indefinitely enlarged, without much in-sort, again, to such a repugnant and dreadful step, increa the size; and, with few alterations, it can be easily anted to any engine now used.”


The editor the Newport Mercury, in announcing this inventio, remarks"we have so often given credence to accounts of engines and improvements, that have been found to be wrong in principle, and useless in practice, bat we have forborne to announce the present one, ntil it had passed the ordeal of successful experiment-ut we now firmly believe that the experiment of yesterday, has forever settled the question, that steam may generated in quantities sufficient for any power, without the aid of a


"I beg your excellency to accept the assurance of my very high consideration and respect. (Signed)

JOHN ORDE CREIGHTON, Commanding the United States ships and vessels cruising in the Mediterranean. his excellency General O'Donnell, commander in chief of the royal Spanish troops, Algeziras." "SIR-I have received your kind letter, dated yesterday, by which you solicit the pardon of some unfortunate Spaniards, whom you suppose under sen tence of death, and to be executed to-day.

tended to repress atrocious crimes, I have no authority to stop or suspend the execution of the sentence, although desirous to show you, sir, the consideration which your interference greatly deserves. May your life be long preserved.


JOSEPH O'DONNELL. "Algeziras, 26th October, 1824. "To the commander of the United States ships in the Mediterranean."

Annexed is the answer given by the bashaw of Tangiers, in the name of the emperor of Morocco, to the demand made by the Spanish government, that "the vassals of his most Catholic majesty," who had

taken refuge in Barbary, should be delivered up. The emperor wrote to the bashaw-"Thou hast done well in not giving up the Spaniards-they have taken refuge under our flag and must be protected." The barbarian and infidel monarch appears to great advantage in contrast with the royal dominion of the holy alliance.

Answer of the Bashaw.

"His majesty cannot, for a moment, entertain the idea of delivering up the persons who came to his dominions, placing trust and confidence in a monarch, just and beneficent, who respects the precepts of God given through his prophet.

[blocks in formation]

A tax of one per cent. on all property would pay the principal of the public debt of Great Britain in less than twenty years. [Dem. Press.


"If the men claimed by the king of Spain be offenders against the laws, his majesty should suspend their punishment until he be firmly seated in his throne; Great Britain and Ireland. From London papers to and when that period arrives, the emperor will have the 16th Jan. It seems now perfectly understood that a direct understanding with the king of Spain, who the independence of Mexico and the South American may then demand them, for it is the duty of sove-states has been, or is about to be, recognized. reigns to respect and attend to each other's wishes.

If the king of Spain considers these men as of fenders, because they have not opposed destiny, be it so:-Other kings there are, and friends too of the king of Spain, who do not look on them in that light, and would, moreover, have wished them to have taken refuge in their territories, where they would have been protected.

"The emperor is a lover of clemency, and is not a stranger to the principles of justice; and, therefore, he cannot, without offending God, by breaking the commands of his prophet, accede to the wishes of his friend, the king of Spain."

SLAVE TRADE. According to the last annual report of the London African institution, (for 1824), in one year, 1822, there were shipped from Africa, for Rio Janeiro, 31,240 negroes, of whom 3,484 died on the passage. Into Bahia, above 8,000 were imported the same year. In 1823, the total number shipped for Rio alone, amounted to 21,472, of whom nearly 1,800 died on the passage; and there is reason to think that there was at least an equal importation into the other Brazilian ports, attended by an equal mortality. In the first six months of 1824, the number imported into Rio Janeiro alone, was not less than 26,563, with a mortality of 2,247. The trade for Brazil is carried on north as well as south of the line, in spite of treaties. Brazil ought to be outlawed by the civilized world for her obstinacy in thus openly continuing and encouraging this fell traffic.

rican 3's 80; U. S. bank shares 1.24 10s.
Stocks, 15th Jan-3 per cent. consols 933-8; Ame-

plosion in a coal mine at Middletown, by the impru
Twenty-two persons have been killed by an ex-
dence of one of the workmen in taking off the top of
a safety-lamp.

Mr. Rothschild has taken the remainder of the Brazilian loan-two millions sterling.

rage for speculation, in any and almost every thing, The abundance of money in England has caused a beyond all precedent. A London paper of the 10th Jan. says-Not even the South Sea Bubble, when at its extreme height, presented such a scene of insane eagerness, as that which now prevails in the foreign mining fever. On Saturday, shares in the Real del Monte mines, on which 1.70 are paid, were sold at 1.1,250! To-day, they have been current at 1,500 guineas-and not to be had-buyers eager. A noble earl, coming to the prudent resolution of realizing, is confidently said to have sold, on Saturday, 110 shares at 1,300 guineas each. Assuming the fact, as stated, a clear profit of 1.140,000 sterling, is thus sacked, by a nobleman already possessing one of the largest landed and personal properties in the kingdom! And, from what pockets are these enormous sums extracted? Those of the credulous part of society, who, sighing over the reduction of interest, consequent on the prosperous condition of the country, are tempted to indulge in a species of speculation that may be justly termed insane. From all parts of the country, orders pour in upon the bankers for inThe last number of the Edinburgh Review accuses vestments in these bubbles, which, sooner or latter, the French government of still conniving at the equip- will swallow up the property of thousands of inment and escape of French slave vessels. It calcu- dividuals, who now indulge in glittering visions, lates that "about 40,000 wretched Africans were worthy only of the inmates of a certain great house carried away in a short period by the connivance of situate in St. George's Fields. In the bubble market, the most Christian king's government, notwitstand-the performers may be divided into two classesing his laws and treaties," and supposes that of these forty thousand, above 9,000 must have perished miserably on the voyage.

the fores and the geese-the former raise the bubble, which the latter seize with all the gullibility of their species.

The British revenue is in a most prosperous conPROPERTY AND INCOME IN GREAT BRITAIN. In dition, and increasing. The abundance of profitable 1814, the whole amount of property in Great Bri-employment causes the taxes to be easily paid. tain and Ireland, as estimated by Mr. Colquhoun, was Spain. It is stated that the inquisition is about to 2,736,640,0001. equal to 12,150,671,600 dollars, or be re-established. It is an institution exactly suited twelve thousand one hundred and fifty millions, six to the gloomy and remorseless mind of Ferdinand, hundred and seventy-one thousand six hundred dol- the perjured. Arrests are daily making, on the lars: being nearly six times as much as the value of most trivial pretences, and the prisons are kept full. the public debt at that time. The total annual in- Blood flows freely. Twenty-two thousand French come of the people of Great Britain and Ireland, at troops are to remain in the kingdom to support the the same time, was estimated at 1,919,412,000 dollars, king in his terrible measures. It happens that whole or nineteen hundred and nineteen millions, four hun- companies of accused persons are sent to the gallies dred and twelve thousand dollars. or the scaffold, without suffering witnesses to be heard in their defence!

The average annual income of the laboring people of Great Britain and Ireland, in other words, the re- Russia. The emperor has addressed a rescript to ward for a year's labor, is estimated at 46 pounds the minister of ecclesiastical affairs, charging him to sterling, or 200 dollars 46 cents, for each family are-exercise the most rigorous surveillance over all pub

lications that touch on religion or public instruction,
in order to prevent any from being published that
have not received the sanction of the synod.
Turkey and Greece. It appears that the Sultan has
resolved on a fifth campaign-a firman has been
issued in consequence. He is said to be much alarmed
for the safety of his person.

The Turks yet hold Patras; but its blockade by the Greeks is respected by the British. It was closely invested, and it was thought that, with Coron and Modon, it could not hold out much longer, It is said that Ibrahim Pacha has been defeated in a grand nayal battle off Candia, in which he lost fifty vessels; but no farther particulars are given. The Greek elections had been made in a quiet and orderly manner, and the government appears as well consolidated as could be expected.

Colombia. The private armed schooner Clara, has been captured by a Spanish merchantman, of 20 guns, and carried to Havana. The latter was supposed, by the captain of the former, to be a British man of war, by which mistake, he lost his vessel.

and the voltigeurs of Pichinca and Caracas-general Lamar had the command of the left, with the battalions of Peru, and legions Nos. 1, 2 and 3. The division of gen Lara was in reserve.

The two armies, although unequal in strength, were ardently desirous to fight. The number of the enemy consisted of about ten thousand, and that of ours five thousand eight hundred.

The battalions of the second division of Colombia marched, with supported arms, with an intrepidity that had few examples. They had scarcely commenced their fire when the Spaniards began to loose ground, and confusion instantly became apparent among them The division of Peru, having met with a more vigorous resistance at the enemy's vangurd, under gen Valdez, was re-inforced by gen. Lara with two battlions, under Vencedor and Vargas, of the Colombian guard. From that moment nothing could resist the impetuosity of our brave. The second squadron of the hussars, of Junin, under the intrepid commander Olabarria, made a brilliant charge upon the enemy's squadron, which was posted on the right of general Valdez, and obtained a complete victory. The grenadiers of Colombia having alighted, charged on foot, by our right flank, the Spanish infantry. The regiment of hussars of Colombia, under the active colonel Silva, charged with their lances the grenadiers of the vice king's guard, and put them to the route. This brave colonel received three wounds by Hayti. The French papers of the 12th of Janu-lances in the action. All our troops conducted them ary, contain the documents relating to the negotiation between France and Hayti, for a recognition of the independence of the latter, and which was terminated on the 3d of August, by the following note

Brazil. The revenue of this empire is said to amount to three millions of pounds sterling-its population is estimated at four millions; of whom, two millions are slaves. The regular army is between 25 and 30,000 strong, and the militia amounts to 50,000 men.

from the minister of France:

"The government, after the conference you have had with the minister of marine, bas decided that, for want of sufficient powers vested in you to accept the conditions established in the royal ordinance, with which you have been made acquainted, the negotiation cannot proceed."

Letters from Paris state, that commissioners were about to sail from France to St. Domingo, to renew the negotiations.

Liberation of Peru.

By the schooner Tobacco Plant, arrived at Norfolk from Carthagena, the Gazette of the last named place, of the 22d of January, was received, and the translation of the following interesting accounts were made for the Norfolk Herald:



Head quarters, Lima, December 22d, 1824. His excellency the liberator, received last night, through the aid-de-camp of gen. Sucre, (capt. Alarcon), the confirmation of the battle of Ayacucho, on the 9th inst. under the orders of the immortal gen.


selves as heroes during the short but terrible shock of the battle. Our loss has been-1 general, 8 of ficers, and 300 men, killed-and 6 generals, 24 of ficers and 480 men, wounded:-That of the enemythe vice king, wounded-6 generals dead, and 2,600 men, dead and wounded.

The rest of the Spanish army, under general Canterac, capitulated with general Sucre, on the same day. By this capitulation, all the possessions of the Spaniards in Peru, are given up to this republic. All the Spainish army, and fifteen generals, are in our power. The chief, ad interim, (Signed)



Peruvians! The liberating army, commanded by the intrepid and skillful general Sucre, has at once put an end to the war of Peru, and of the American continent, by one of the most glorious victories ever obtained by the arms of the new world. Yes! The army has fulfilled the promise I made you on its name to accomplish the liberty of Peru in the course of this year.

Peruvians! The time has arrived when I must also

fulfil the promise I made you to divest myself of the dictatorship on the day that victory would seal your destiny. The congress of Peru will be assembled on the tenth of February, (proximo), being the anniversary of the decree by which was confided to me this supreme authority, and which I will then return to the legislative body which honored me with their confidence. These are not empty words.

After five months of skilful manoeuvring on both sides, and several engagements, which always resulted glorious to our arms, gen. Sucre took his position in Ayacucho, and waited for the enemy. On the 8th Peruvians! Peru has suffered great military disasinstant, the two armies had some skirmishes. On the 9th, the liberating army was attacked by the enemy, ters. The troops who guarded it, occupied the free who had posted himself on the heights in front of provinces of the north and carried war against the Gen. Valdez, on the vanguard, command-congress:-The navy obeyed no longer the commands our camp. ed the right, with four field pieces, four battalions, of the government: The ex-president, Riva Agueco, and two squadrons of hussars-general Monet commanded the centre, with five battalions-and general Villalobos the left, with seven pieces and four battalions. The remainder of the cavalry and of the Spanish army remained in the rear.

Our attack was made in the following order: gen. Cordova attacked the right, with the second division of Colombia, composed of the battalions of Bogota,

by turns a usurper, rebel and traitor, fought against his country and her allies: The auxiliaries of Chili, by their lamentable defection, deprived us of the assistance of their troops; and those of Buenos Ayres. having revolted in Callao against their chiefs, deliver ed that place to the enemy: The president, Torre Tagle, making an appeal to the Spaniards to occupy this capital, achieved the destruction of Peru.

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