CALIFORNIA LAWYER AND BOOK OF FORMS; CONTAINING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDINARY TRANSACTIONS IN MATTERS OF . DEEDS, MORTGAGES, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, LEASES, ASSIGNMENTS, INSOLVENTS, WITH NUMEROUS PRECEDENTS AND FORMS; DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN, COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICERS, AND ADAPTED, UNDER THE REVISED LAW AND THE LATEST JUDICIAL DECISIONS, 10 CALIFORNIA, OREGON AND WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Milliten Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, by H. H. BANCROFT & COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Northern District of the State of California. INTRODUCTION. In view of the necessity of a book of forms for use in California, adapted to the peculiar features of our laws, and at the request of the publishers, the following work has been prepared, intended to serve for all the purposes usual in law and in works of this character. The plan adopted embraces a wide range of subjects, each division containing not only a series of forms but also appropriate selections from the statutes, and the adjudications of the Supreme Court-in some instances separately arranged, in others connected and woven together-it being their design not only to furnish the necessary matters of law requisite in the preparation of forms, but also to present an outline of our legal system, so far as useful to citizens generally in their various business pur suits. While, however, the object has been more particularly to prepare a compilation in popular form for the aid of laymen, it has also been arranged with reference to its use by conveyancers and the legal profession. The difficulty of combining satisfactorily these two objects, furnishes all the apology I might feel called upon to offer for the apparent want of uniformity in |