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this would nullify countervailing duties recently imposed on imported wool top. Please do your utmost to defeat amendment.


Assistant Treasurer, Pacific Mills,

140 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.

BOSTON, MASS., July 10, 1953.

House Office Building:

We understand Ways and Means Committee will propose on House floor to amend customs simplification bill to weaken present countervailing duty statute by adding an injury test to it. This amendment is highly controversial. It was not a part of the bill as introduced and was considered by the committee only in executive session. It might require rescinding of present countervailing duty against subsidized wool top imports from Uruguay and would be grossly detrimental to United States wool industry. Please attempt to persuade Ways and Means Committee not to offer amendment at this time but to embody it in separate bill and hold hearings on that bill.

ERNEST BENTLEY, President, Boston Wool Trade Association.


House Office Building:

We are advised that an amendment will be proposed to H. R. 5877, customs simplification bill, on Monday when it comes to the floor of the House under a rule to permit honoring this amendment. It will seriously affect our business in your district. Please vote against this amendment and the whole bill as there are other features of the bill that will materially curtail our operations in the plants in your districts.



New House Office Building: Reference H. R. 5877, in regard to customs simplification bill, we are unalterably opposed to any amendment requiring injury to be proven before countervailing duty can be imposed.



House Office Building: We are advised that an amendment will be proposed to H. R. 5877, customs simplification bill, today when it comes to the floor of the House under a rule permitting only this amendment. It will seriously affect our business in your district. Please vote against the amendment and the whole bill as there are other features of the bill that will materially curtail our operations in the textile mills in your district.


LOWELL, MASS., July 10, 1953. Hon. EDITH NOURSE ROGERS, New House Office Building,

Washington, D. C.: Referring to H. R. 5877, in regard to customs simplification bill, we are unalterably opposed to any amendment requiring injury to be proven before countervailing duty can be imposed.


BILLERICA, MASS., July 10, 1953. Hon. EDITH NOURSE ROGERS, New House Office Building,

Washington, D. C.: Referring to H. R. 5877, in regard to customs simplification bill, we are unalterably opposed to any amendment requiring injury

to be proven before countervailing duty can be imposed. NORTH BILLERICA CO., J. A. MORRILL.

BOSTON, Mass., July 10, 1953. Hon. EDITH NOURSE ROGERS,

House of Representatives,

Washington, D. C.:

We believe amendment to customs simplification bill, H. R. 5877, relating to requirement injury test before countervailing duties can be imposed would have adverse effect on our industry. Hope you will do all possible to persuade House Ways and Means Committee to eliminate this amendment. DRAPER TOP Co.


House Office Building,

Washington, D. C.: We strongly oppose the injury test amendment to H. R. 5877, customs simplification bill. This amendment could mean the rescinding of the recently imposed countervailing duty on wool top imports from Uruguay, which are openly subsidized. These subsidized wool top imports have been, and certainly would be again, greatly detrimental to the entire wool and topmaking industry. Injury test proceedings are always time consuming and great damage can result during the time necessary to fulfill an injury test requirement. We strongly question the motive behind such an amendment and strongly urge you to do all in your power to separate this amendment from this bill and, if necessary, have its proponents embody it in a separate bill on which all interested parties could be heard.


BOSTON, MASS., July 10, 1953. Hon. EDITH NOURSE ROGERS, House Office Building,

Washington, D. C.: It is vital to us as part of the wool industry that amendment to customs simplification bill, H. R. 5877, requiring injury test before countervailing duties can be imposed, be defeated, and we respectfully urge you to use all of your influence against this amendment. THURMOND & Co.


House Office Building: We understand customs simplification bill, H. R. 5877, is being reported to floor of House today. My associates and I strongly oppose its passage. Our company is one of the smaller rubber manufacturers employing about 900 people. In the depressed labor area of Lawrence, Mass. Our principal products are rubber and canvas rubber-soled footwear which are particularly vulnerable to foreign competition. We are convinced that passage of proposed bill would help increase such competition at a time when our industry, which is essential to our country's defense, is particularly vulnerable. We urge that proposed legislation be at least postponed until general tariff study scheduled for ensuing year can be completed. TYER RUBBER,

W. E. BRIMER, President.


Washington, D. C.

MY DEAR MRS. ROGERS: I understand that the customs simplification bill, H. R. 5877, probably will be voted on in the House next week, possibly on Monday.

The candy industry in New England is worried about Congressman EBERHARTER'S proposed amendment to impose an injury test so that countervailing duty would not be imposed to compensate for any bounty being paid by foreign governments to their manufacturers to export unless our own domestic industry could prove injury. The duty on candy might be increased in several instances because we have definite proof that the bounties are being paid.

This particular amendment would prevent our getting any relief. Incidentally, there has been a tremendous increase in imported candy.

The candy manufacturers in New England will appreciate your good efforts in seeing that this particular proposed amendment to H. R. 5877 is defeated.

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Mr. BUSBEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's table the bill (H. R. 5246) making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, and for other purposes, with Senate amendments thereto, disagree to the Senate amendments, and agree to the conference requested by the Senate.

The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Illinois? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none and appoints the following conferees: Messrs. BUSBEY, JENSEN, BUDGE, TABER, FERNANDEZ, ROONEY, and CANNON,


Mr. HOPE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's table the bill (H. R. 5451) to amend the wheat marketing quota provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, and for other purposes, with Senate amendments thereto, disagree to the Senate amendments, and ask for a conference with the Senate.

The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Kansas? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none, and appoints the following conferees: Messrs. HOPE, AUGUST H. ANDRESEN, HILL, POAGE, and GRANT.


BILL, 1954

Mr. ALLEN of Illinois, from the Committee on Rules, reported the following

privileged resolution (H. Res. 330, Rept. No. 771), which was referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed:

Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for the consideration of the bill (H. R. 6200) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, and for other purposes, and all points of order against said bill or any provisions contained in said bill are hereby waived. After general debate, which shall be confined to the bill and continue not to exceed 3 hours, to be equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations, the bill shall be read for amendment under the 5-minute rule. At the conclusion of the consideration of the bill for amendment, the Committee shall rise and report the bill to the House with such amendments as may have been adopted and the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and amendments thereto to final passage without intervening motion except one motion to recommit.


Mr. ALLEN of Illinois, from the Committee on Rules, reported the following privileged resolution (H. Res. 331, Rept. No. 772), which was referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed:

Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for the consideration of the bill (H. R. 157) to provide that the tax on admissions shall not apply to admissions to a movingpicture theater, and all points of order against said bill are hereby waived. After general debate, which shall be confined to the bill, and shall continue not to exceed 1 hour, to be equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Ways and Means, the bill shall be considered as having, been read for amendment. No amendment shall be in order to said bill except the substitute amendment recommended by the Committee on Ways and Means now in the bill, but such amendment shall not be subject to amendment. At the conclusion of such consideration, the Committee shall rise and report the bill to the House, with such amendment if adopted, and the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, and the amendment thereto if adopted, to final passage without intervening motion, except one motion to recommit.

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ner in which the original appointment was made.

The committee is authorized and directed to conduct a full and complete investigation and study of educational and philanthropic foundations and other comparable organizations which are exempt from Federal income taxation to determine if any foundations and organizations are using their resources for purposes other than the purposes for which they were established, and especially to determine which such foundations and organizations are using their resources for un-American and subversive activities; for political purposes; propaganda, or attempts to influence legislation.

The committee shall report to the House (or to the Clerk of the House if the House is not in session) on or before January 3, 1955, the results of its investigation and study, together with such recommendations as it deems advisable.

For the purpose of carrying out this resolution the committee, or any duly authorized subcommittee thereof, if authorized to sit and act during the present Congress at such times and places and within the United States, its Territories, and possessions, and whether the House is in session, has recessed, or has adjourned, to hold hearings, administer oaths, and to require, by subpena or otherwise, the attendance and testimony of such witnesses and the production of such books, records, correspondence, memoranda, papers, and documents, as it deems necessary. Subpenas may be issued under the signature of the chairman of the committee or any member of the committee designated by him, and may be served by any person designated by such chairman or member.

Upon the passage of this resolution, the Sergeant at Arms of the House is authorized and directed to ascertain the location of all books, papers, files, correspondence, and documents assembled by the former select committee under House Resolution 501, 82d Congress, and take same into his custody, depositing such records with the Clerk under rule XXXVII. The Clerk of the House is hereby authorized to loan such records and files to the special committee established by this resolution for the official use of the special committee during the 83d Congress or until January 3, 1955, when they will be returned in accordance with said rule.


Mr. REED of New York. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that I may have until midnight tonight to file a report on the bill H. R. 5894, the Second Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from New York?

There was no objection.


Mr. ADAIR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend for 1 minute and to revise and extend my remarks.

The SPEAKER. Is three objection to the request of the gentleman from Indiana?

There was no objection.

Mr. ADAIR. Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure for me to call to the attention of the Members of the House a high honor which will soon be bestowed upon a former colleague and my Republican

predecessor from the Fourth District of Indiana, Dr. George W. Gillie, of Fort Wayne.

On July 20, Dr. Gillie, who served in the House of Representatives from 1938 through 1948, will receive the highest award which can be presented by the American Veterinary Medical Association at its 90th annual convention at Toronto, Canada.

Each year, the AVMA recognizes a veterinarian for meritorious service to the membership of the organization. This year Dr. Gillie will receive the award. He will be presented with both a certificate and the AVMA medal.

While serving in the House, Dr. Gillie was a member of the House Agriculture Committee. He was a leader in the fight to eradicate foot-and-mouth disease during the terrible epidemic in Mexico, which also threatened the cattle industry of the United States. He also sought to establish a Government-sponsored laboratory to study ways and means of preventing the recurrence of this dread disease.

At the present time, the Government is utilizing Dr. Gillie's wide experience and knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine. He is now serving as an adviser to the Department of Agriculture, working closely with the Bureau of Animal Industry.

Dr. Gillie was active in obtaining advancement of high professional standards for Government meat inspection. He also espoused equal professional consideration of the background and education of veterinarians who served in the military during World War II. With a scarcity of veterinarians during and after that war, he was out in front urging the establishment of more veterinary medicine departments in universities throughout the Nation.

I know that his many friends here and throughout the Nation are proud of this signal honor which he is to receive. Dr. Gillie has a brilliant record as a legislator, as a fine American citizen, and a leader in his professional field. We all wish him continued good health and happiness in the years ahead.

Mr. HARVEY. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?

Mr. ADAIR. I yield.

Mr. HARVEY. Mr. Speaker, I am very happy to join with my colleague, the gentleman from Indiana [Mr. ADAIR] in paying tribute to our former colleague, Dr. George W. Gillie. Dr. Gillie earned the gratitude of the entire country, and particularly of the livestock industry because of his very fine technical training and background. He made a great contribution to the welfare of our country and especially in the field of combating the terriffic threat of hoof-andmouth disease during the time he was a Member of the House of Representatives. The recognition Dr. Gillie is to receive from the American Veterinary Association is well deserved. I am happy to join with his many friends in extending our congratulations.

Mr. HOPE. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?

Mr. ADAIR. I yield.

Mr. HOPE. Mr. Speaker, I am glad to associate myself with what the gentleman from Indiana has said concerning Dr. Gillie. I am delighted to learn of the high honor which will be paid him by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Those of us who served with Dr. Gillie here in the Congress, of course, are not surprised that he has been given this mark of distinction. We know that it is richly deserved. During his service in Congress Dr. Gillie was a most valuable and hard-working member of the House Committee on Agriculture. He was respected and loved by every member of the committee. I have never known a more sincere man, a fairer man, or a more modest man that Dr. Gillie. I want to join with his friends everywhere in extending my heartiest congratulations on the distinguished honor which has been accorded him by members of his profession.

Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?

Mr. ADAIR. I yield.

Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I was extremely gratified to learn that my good friend, and former colleague, Dr. George W. Gillie, of Fort Wayne, Ind., had been selected to receive the American Veterinary Medical Association award of the year for his contribution to veterinary medicine.

It was my good fortune to know Dr. Gillie intimately during his 10 years of service in the House of Representatives. We were close personal friends. Besides we served together on the House Agriculture Committee.

During our long friendship, which has continued over the years since he left the Congress, I found Dr. Gillie to be a loyal, conscientious American devoted to the highest type of service for his country. He always gave unstintingly of his time and energy and his legislative record is one which he can look back on with pride and conviction.

Indicative of the high regard and affection with which he was held by the people he served, was his long tenure of public office both in Congress and his home area of Allen County. Dr. Gillie is a man of the finest principles and is richly deserving of this award which will be presented to him by his professional associates.

While serving in the House, he achieved a distinctive record in the field of agriculture. His broad knowledge and understanding of animal husbandry and his first-hand experience in veterinary medicine were most helpful to the Agriculture Committee and to the Department of Agriculture. In 1947, this was particularly true. Dr. Gillie was appointed to lead a contingent from the Department of Agriculture to assist in stamping out the foot-and-mouth disease epidemic which was sweeping through Mexico and threatening to infect the cattle herds of Texas and the western States. Fortunately, the efforts of this group were successful and halted the disease before it could cross our borders.

After Dr. Gillie receives his award from the AVMA, he and his wife are leaving Toronto, Canada, for Stockholm, Sweden, where he will be an official rep

resentative of the association at the International Veterinary Congress, which will be held from August 9 to 15.

The presentation of this award to Dr. Gillie is a fitting tribute to his statesmanship in the field of veterinary science. science. It is a well-deserved honor and an appreciative gesture on the part of his professional colleagues for the excellent contribution and achievements he has added to the advancement of veterinary medicine.

Mr. H. CARL ANDERSEN. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. ADAIR. I yield.

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Mr. H. CARL ANDERSEN. Speaker, I simply want to say that this honor could not come to a better and finer gentleman.

Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?

Mr. ADAIR. I yield.

Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, all of us who know and love Dr. Gillie, and were acquainted with him during his service here as well as since that time, are very happy to hear of the award that is going to be granted to him. Mr. Speaker, at this time I also want to take the opportunity of commending the gentleman from Indiana [Mr. ADAIR], who succeeded Dr. Gillie, for bringing this matter to our attention.

Mr. SCOTT. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?

Mr. ADAIR. I yield.

Mr. SCOTT. Mr. Speaker, it occurs to me that our very good and beloved friend, Dr. Gillie, is going to have the unusual experience of reading in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD remarks made about him by his former colleagues which are ordinarily reserved, so far as the rest of us are concerned, until that time when we are not able to enjoy them. Therefore, he is particularly fortunate that the gentleman from Indiana has called the attention of the House to the fine honor about to be awarded to Dr. Gillie. We all join with the gentleman from Indiana in extending our felicitations and we are giving him his flowers


Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. ADAIR. I yield.


Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Speaker, I want to express my great admiration for Dr. Gillie and his good and charming wife when they were in Washington. I am so glad this fine honor has come to Dr. Gillie. I would like to add that Dr. Gillie has been very ably succeeded by the gentleman from Indiana [Mr. ADAIR]. There could not be a better one.

Mr. ADAIR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members may have 5 legislative days to extend their remarks with reference to our former colleague, Dr. George W. Gillie, and that Members desiring to do so may extend their remarks at this point in the RECORD.

The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Indiana?

There was no objection.

Mr. CRUMPACKER. Mr. Speaker, I wish to join with my colleagues in expressing pride and gratification over the

recognition which is being extended to a fellow Hoosier, Dr. George W. Gillie, for distinguished service to the profession of veterinary medicine.

Dr. Gillie is richly deserving of this honor. He is widely respected and admired throughout Indiana both for his outstanding record of public service and for his notable achievements in the field of veterinary science.

Dr. Gillie's friends are legion-in Washington, in Indiana, and throughout the Nation. Numbered among them are many of his former colleagues including my predecessor from the Third Indiana District, Robert A, Grant, who served in the House with Dr. Gillie from 1938 through 1948 and who, I know, joins most warmly in this testimonial.


Mr. HOPE. Mr. Speaker, I call up the conference report on the bill (H. R. 6054) to amend the act of April 6, 1949, to provide for additional emergency assistance to farmers and stockmen, and for other purposes, and ask unanimous consent that the statement of the managers on the part of the House be read in lieu of the report.

The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Kansas?

There was no objection.

The Clerk read the statement. The conference report and statement are as follows:


The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 6054) to amend the act of April 6, 1949, to provide for additional emergency assistance to farmers and stockmen, and for other purposes, having met, after full and free conference, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to their respective Houses as follows:

That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate and agree to the same with an amendment as follows:

In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amendment insert the following:

"That section 2 of the Act of April 6, 1949 (63 Stat. 43), as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:

"(A) After the second sentence of subsection (a) add the following new subsections: "'ECONOMIC DISASTER LOANS

"(b) The Secretary is authorized in connection with any major disaster determined by the President to warrant assistance by the Federal Government under Public Law 875, Eighty-first Congress (42 U. S. C. 1855), as amended, to make loans to established farmers and stockmen for any agricultural purpose in the area covered by the determination of the President, if the Secretary finds that an economic disaster has also caused a need for agricultural credit that cannot be met for a temporary period from commercial banks, cooperative lending agencies, the Farmers' Home Administration under its regular loan programs, or other responsible sources. The loans shall be made at such rates of interest and on such general terms as the Secretary shall prescribe for such area. "'SPECIAL LIVESTOCK LOANS

"(c) For a period of two years from the effective date of this subsection loans for

$2,500 or more may be made to established producers and feeders of cattle, sheep, and goats (not including operators of commercial feed lots) who have a good record of operations, but are unable temporarily to get the credit they need from recognized lenders and have a reasonable chance of working out of their difficulties with supplementary financing. The loans may be made on such security as the borrower has available and for the time reasonably required by the needs of the borrower but not exceeding, in the first instance, a period of three years. The creditors of the applicant will not be asked to subordinate their indebtedness but must be willing to work with the borrower to the extent of executing standby agreements for such periods of time as is reasonably necessary to give the borrower a chance to substantially improve his situation. The loans shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum and shall be made on such other terms and conditions as the Secretary shall prescribe. The loans shall be subject to approval by a special committee appointed by the Secretary to serve for the particular area as determined by the Secretary. Loans exceeding $50,000 shall also be approved by the Secretary. The committee shall consist of at least three members appointed by the Secretary from local persons having recognized knowledge of the livestock industry. The committee shall perform such additional functions under this Act, including general direction of the servicing of the loans, as the Secretary may prescribe. The members shall serve at such compensation as the Secretary shall determine not exceeding $25 for each day spent on the work of the committee and shall be entitled to receive transportation costs and per diem in accordance with standard Government travel regulations.


"(d) The Secretary is authorized in connection with any major disaster determined by the President to warrant assistance by the Federal Government under Public Law 875, 81st Congress (42 U. S. C. 1855), as amended, to furnish to established farmers, ranchers, or stockmen feed for livestock or seeds for planting for such period or periods of time and under such terms and conditions as the Secretary may determine to be required by the nature and effect of the disaster. The Secretary may utilize the personnel, facilities, property, and funds of any agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, including Commodity Credit Corporation, for carrying out these functions and shall reimburse the agencies so utilized for the value of any commodities furnished which are not paid for by the farmers or ranchmen, and for costs and administrative expenses necessary in performing such functions.'

"AMENDMENTS TO EXISTING PROVISIONS "(B) The last sentence of subsection (a) is designated as subsection (e) and a comma and the word 'reimbursement', shall be inserted after the word 'loans' where it first appears in said subsection.

"(C) The letter ‘(a)' in the last clause of subsection (b) is deleted, the subsection is redesignated as subsection (f), and there shall be added at the end thereof the following new sentence: "There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the revolving fund such additional sums as the Congress shall from time to time determine.'

"SEC. 2. Loans under this act shall be secured by the personal obligation and available security of the producer or producers, and in the case of loans to corporations or other business organizations, by the personal obligation and available security of each person holding as much as 10 percent of the

stock or other interest in the corporation or organization."

And the Senate agree to the same.


Managers on the Part of the House.


Managers on the Part of the Senate.

The managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill H. R. 6054 to amend the act of April 6, 1949, to provide for additional emergency assistance to farmers and stockmen, and for other purposes, submit the following statement in explanation of the effect of the action agreed upon by the conferees and recommended in the accompanying conference report:

The Senate amendment struck out all after the enacting clause of the House bill and inserted a substitute amendment. The com

mittee of conference has agreed to recom

mend that the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate with an amendment which is a substitute for both the House bill and the Senate amendment..

The conference substitute follows in general the provisions of the House bill. Except for minor and clarifying changes, the differences between the conference substitute and the bill as passed by the House are explained below:



The conference substitute is identical with the provisions of the House bill except that the word "established" has been inserted ahead of the words "farmers and stockmen" to make it clear that these loans are to be available only to established farmers and stockmen.

SPECIAL LIVESTOCK LOANS-SUBSECTION (C) The conference substitute for this section differs in four respects from the House bill: 1. The House bill provided that these loans could be made to "ranchers or stockmen". The conference substitute strikes out the words, "ranchers or stockmen" and inserts in lieu thereof, "producers and feeders of cattle, sheep, and goats (not including operators of commercial feed lots)."

2. The House bill provides that the loans may be made for a period of three years "but may be renewed". The substitute strikes out the words "but may be renewed" as surplusage. The Senate amendment did not contain these words and the committee of conference agreed with the interpretation contained in the Senate report that even without this provision the loans might be renewed as necessary.

3. The word "also" has been inserted in the sentence providing that loans exceeding $50,000 "shall be approved by the Secretary." The purpose of this is to make it clear that such loans are to receive the same consideration by local and State loan committees as will be given loans under $50,000 but that they must, in addition, be approved by the Secretary.

4. The conference substitute strikes out the limitation that local loan committees must be appointed from local financing institutions and livestock operators, which was contained in the House bill. As recommended by the committee of conference, this provision will now permit the Secretary to appoint the local loan committee from any local persons "having recognized knowledge of the livestock industry.”


The Senate amendment did not contain this subsection. The substitute agreed to by the committee of conference has reinstated the subsection as adopted by the House, with two major changes:

1. The House bill authorized the Secretary to provide feed and seed in major disaster areas and to "waive payment in whole or in part if in his judgment circumstances so require." The committee of conference understands that the only circumstances under which the Secretary of Agriculture would presently consider furnishing feed or seed entirely without payment would be in those cases where the identity of the responsible recipients could not be determined, as for example where livestock might be driven from their home pastures by flood or other conditions and might have to be fed as a commingled group until they could be separated and their ownership reestablished. Since the Secretary has the authority to take such action without the specific provision that he may waive payment, the inclusion of this provision in this bill appeared to be unnecessary. As the revised sentence reads in. the conference substitute, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to provide feed or seeds "for such period or periods of time and under such terms and conditions as the Secretary may determine to be required by the nature and effect of the disaster."

2. As passed by the House, this subsection authorized the Secretary to utilize the personnel, facilities, property, and funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation, the Farmers'. Home Administration, and the Production and Marketing Administration in carrying out the feed and seed distribution activities. It was pointed out in the committee of conference that the Secretary might very well need to utilize also the assistance of the Soil Conservation Service, the Extension Service, the Forest Service, or some other agency of the Department than the three named in the House bill. The substitute amendment recommended by the committee of conference, therefore, authorizes the Secretary to use any agency of the Department in carrying out the provisions of this section of the act. The Secretary is required to reimburse the agencies and is authorized to use the disaster loan revolving fund for that purpose.

FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY-SECTION 2 The committee of conference has included in the conference substitute a provision (section 2) of the Senate amendment which did not appear in the House bill. The committee recognizes that adequate security will not ordinarily be available for the type of It emergency loan authorized by this bill. believes, however, that producers obtaining such loans should be required to pledge whatever available security they might have and that, in the case of corporations, partnerships, or other business organizations, the personal obligations of the principal stockholders or interested parties should be obtained. It is recognized that even this provision cannot cover every situation in which some security might be available to the Government and it is contemplated that the Secretary of Agriculture will exercise due diligence to obtain such additional security as the circumstances warrant.




Managers on the Part of the House.

Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, would the gentleman from Kansas [Mr. HOPE] please explain briefly the difference between the conference report and the House version of the bill?

Mr. HOPE. Yes, I shall be very happy to make an explanation. In all its essential features the bill, as agreed on in conference, is similar to the House bill. There is nothing in the House bill of any great importance that is not contained in the bill as agreed on in conference. The bill, as finally agreed upon, I believe is a better bill than the bill passed by the House, in that it is a little more definite and precise in several of its provisions.

I shall be glad just briefly to go through the changes that were made with reference to the economic disaster loans; that is, subsection (b). There

the conference report is identical with the House bill, except that the word "established" has been inserted ahead of the words "farmers and stockmen" in order to make certain that they are established farmers and stockmen.

Mr. ROGERS of Texas. If the gentleman will yield to me, may I ask him, in reference to the use of the word "established," am I to understand that that has been inserted in front of "farmers and stockmen" in the bill that was adopted in conference?

Mr. HOPE. In subsection (b), yes. Mr. ROGERS of Texas. What is that going to do to those boys who started out in the last few years, who became involved in the drought situation, and who have been unable to make any kind of record upon which they can get credit because they owe the banks and have owed the banks for 3 years? These are young boys who have gone into business, some of them veterans who have come back here from service and are trying to get started.

Mr. HOPE. This This applies only to those who are getting loans under subsection (b), which are the loans made by the Farmers Home Administration. I think the word "established" as used there means that the borrower must be in the business of farming. It would certainly apply to those who had gone into the business during the past few years, irrespective whether they had been able to establish credit or not. Their failure to be able to secure credit elsewhere would contribute to their eligibility for a loan of this kind.

Mr. ROGERS of Texas. Suppose a man wants to go into the business, to start anew. Can he get any kind of loan to do that? Suppose he has just come back from Korea, his father having been a farmer or a rancher? Suppose he was taken into service before he had a chance to start. Now he wants to start at home where he was raised.

Is he going to be precluded from getting a loan?"

Mr. HOPE. He would probably be eligible under the regular Farmers' Home Administration program to secure a loan. He has an eligibility irrespective of anything we do here.

The purpose of this legislation as far as this section is concerned is to provide that economic disaster as well as drought should be the criterion to be used in determining eligibility and in making loans under this section,

Mr. ROGERS of Texas. My fears go to this: The FHA regular loan is limited to $7,000. You have a bunch of young

people starting out, and I am afraid the people starting out, and I am afraid the language of this bill is going either to jeopardize their right to get loans or to jeopardize their right to get loans or to create an obstacle that may be used by some committee to keep them from getting a loan, and I do not want to see that happen.

Mr. HOPE. I do not believe it will happen, and I am sure that under the happen, and I am sure that under the regular Farm Home Loan Administration loan program they can get relief providing they qualify otherwise. Cases of the kind the gentleman has in mind can be taken care of.

Mr. ROGERS of Texas. I appreciate that, and I know they can be taken care of, I think they can be taken care of by wide discretionary powers, but my wonder is whether they will be or not.

Mr. HOPE. I think they will be; I think this bill will be administered in the spirit in which Congress enacted it to take care of cases of distress in disaster areas as proclaimed by the President. Mr. IKARD. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?

Mr. HOPE. I yield.

Mr. IKARD. The word "established" then, as the gentleman interprets it, does not pertain to the length of time a man has been engaged in agricultural pursuit but as to whether or not he is in the business exclusively for his living. Am I correct?

Mr. HOPE. I think that is a correct interpretation; yes. It is intended to apply to bona fide farmers in disaster areas.

Mr. AUGUST H. ANDRESEN. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. HOPE. I yield.


Mr. AUGUST H. ANDRESEN. Is it not a fact that the only group that is excluded from the provisions of this bill are the commercial feed lot operators?

Mr. HOPE. Yes. That comes under another section of the bill, under section 2 (c) the bill as now drafted excludes commercial feed-lot operators; and I am sure there was never any intention of permitting that group to come under the permitting that group to come under the loan provisions of the bill.

And before the gentleman answers I want to reiterate my objection to this particular language in this bill. I think it establishes a policy that is not sound when they say here that the Secretary may utilize the personnel, the facilities, the property, and the funds of any agency in the Department of Agriculture. That is awfully broad language; and, as I said before, I feel that that would give them the authority to use the funds of REA in order to take care of this situation. I know that the chairman of our committee would not have any such thing in his mind at all, and I am not afraid of him if he were to administer these funds, I would be willing to turn any amount of money over to the chairman, the gentleman from Kansas. But I am a little afraid of this administration with respect to the REA and to public power, and I do not want to put into a bill like this the authority for this administraiton to go in there and use these funds. I am sure the gentleman will agree that under this section they could do that if they so desired.

They will have to pay them back, but they do not have the funds to pay them back because I understand in this revolving fund there is not sufficient funds to pay it and that it would require another appropriation. I want to ask the chairman of the Committee on Agriculture if he thinks it is sound legislation to include the language that was included in section (d)?

Mr. HOPE. I may say to the gentleman from Missouri that that language, of course, is recognition of the fact that this is an emergency and that we want to put behind this program all of the resources of the Department of Agriculture. I realize the fears that the gentleman from Missouri has and I can sympathize with his viewpoint on that. I do not believe, however, that he has anything at all to fear as far as his immediate concern goes because it specifically states in the bill that reimbursement will be made to these agencies from the revolving fund. It is true that there will

Mr. FISHER. Mr. Speaker, will the have to be an appropriation made for gentleman yield?

Mr. HOPE. I yield.

Mr. FISHER. I should like to commend the gentleman and his committee, and the committee on conference, for prompt action on this very vital subject prompt action on this very vital subject which is so important to many people which is so important to many people in the disaster area.

Mr. JONES of Missouri. will the gentleman yield? Mr. HOPE. I yield.

Mr. JONES of Missouri.

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker,

I notice that I notice that

the conferees did not want to accept the amendment which I offered to this bill, and I was prompted to offer the amend ment limiting the authority of the Secretary to use the funds, the personnel, facilities of three agencies of the Department of Agriculture, namely, Commodity Credit, Farmers' Home, and the Production and Marketing Administration. I note that the report states that the Secretary might also be required to use the services of the Soil Conservaiton Service, the Extension Service, the Forest Service, and so forth. I am wondering why you did not set out those agencies rather than leave it as it was in the bill?

the revolving fund and I am informed that the Bureau of the Budget will send up an estimate very shortly for that purpose. That undoubtedly will be included in one of the deficiency bills which will come up before adjournment. There will have to be an appropriation, I think everyone recognizes that, for carrying out this program. I do not believe the gentleman needs to be apprehensive about the possibility that funds may be used from other agencies which will not be paid back out of the revolving fund. If the conferees had not felt sure that repayment would be made they would not have agreed to the language which is now contained in the bill.

Mr. JONES of Missouri. I would like to say that if it is contemplated they might use funds of the Extension Service and so forth that that could have been put in the bill along with the 3 instances I have set out; and, furthermore, I feel, and this feeling is emphasized in view of the report that is brought in here because I am satisfied that the Department has reasons for insisting that it can use the funds of any agency, they must have

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