NOTE-A separate column must be provided for each ticket upon the ballot. Each office shall be separated by a ruled line running clear across the sheet, so that the names of all the candidates for the same office shall be upon the same line. By adding together the votes cast for all the candidates for a particular office, together with the number of ballots on which no vote was cast for that office, and the number of wholly blank and void ballots on which no vote was counted for any office the sum should equal the total number of ballots voted. Unless it does, the count of the votes and ballots is wrong, and they should be recounted. Tally sheets.-The tally sheet blanks shall be as nearly as pos sible in the following form: At the extreme left of such sheet there shall be a column headed "List of offices," in which shall be printed the titles of all the offices printed upon the official ballot, and in the same order. Each office shall be separated by a heavy ruled line running the full width of such sheet. There shall be printed thereon, in separate columns under the name of the respective parties the tickets of all the parties as they appear on the official ballot, so that the names of all candidates for the same office shall be upon the same line. Opposite and to the right of each party or independent ticket or list of candidates, shall be a column headed "Number of votes cast, and counted for each candidate on straight ballots," in which column and opposite every name, shall be entered the number of straight party votes counted (which number is the same for every candidate of that party). To the right of such column there shall be another column headed, "Number of votes cast and counted for each candidate on split ballots," and in such column shall be entered by single marks, grouped into five marks, the votes canvassed for such candidates on the split ballots. To the right of such column shall be another column headed, "Total number of votes cast and counted for each candidate,” in which shall be entered, opposite the name of each candidate, the total number of votes cast and counted for such candidate on both straight and split ballots. To the right of the last column for entering the total vote cast for candidates of any party, shall be a column headed, "Total number of ballots, not wholly blank, on which no vote was counted for the following offices," and in such column shall be entered opposite the titles of the respective offices, by single marks, the number of ballots on which no vote was cast for any candidate for such office. To the right of such column shall be another column headeu, "Total number of wholly blank ballots," in which column shall be entered opposite the title of each office the number of ballots found to be wholly blank. To the right of such column shall be another column headed, "Total number of void ballots," in which column shall be entered opposite each title of each office the number of ballots which were rejected as void. At the extreme right of such sheet there shall be a column headed, "Total number of ballots accounted for," in which shall be entered opposite each office the sum of the total vote cast for all candidates for the office, together with the number of ballots not wholly blank, on which no vote was counted for that office, the total number of wholly blank, and the total number of void ballots, and the votes cast, if any, for candidates for such office whose names are not printed upon the ballot. Such sum must equal the number of ballots voted, as shown by the ballot clerks' return of ballots, and if it does not, there has been a mistake in the count, and the ballots must be recounted for such office. In case a person is voted for whose name is not printed on the ballot, the poll clerks, who shall keep the tally sheets, shall enter such name and the votes therefor on the tally sheet. The method of counting the votes shall be as provided in section one hundred and ten of the election law. Sample Form of ballot return to be prepared by the ballot clerks, and attached to the original statement of canvass made by the inspectors and to each copy, in compliance with subdivision two of section one hundred and three of the election law: 1. The number of full sets of official ballots furnished to election district number (five) of the (town of Canan daigua), county of (Ontario), were... 2. The number of sets of official ballots cancelled before delivery to voters by reason of one or more of the set being found defective in printing or mutilated, all of which were destroyed by us, were... 3. The number of sets of official ballots spoiled and returned by voters, all of which were destroyed by us, 800 10 were .... 10 4. The number of sets of official ballots returned to the county clerk or other officer, unused, were. 300 5. The number of sets of official ballots actually voted were .... 485 6. Total sets of of official ballots accounted for are.... 800 7. The number of sets of detached stubs were.. 500 S. The number of sets of stubs on unused ballots were.... 300 9. The total sets of stubs accounted for are.... 800 We hereby certify that the foregoing ballot return for election district number (five) of the (town of Canandaigua), county of (Ontario), for the election held November (5th, 1895), is correct. (Signed.) Ballot Clerks. Sample. Inspectors' returns and statement of canvass.- Original official statement of the result of a (general) election, held on the (fifth) day of November (1895), in the (fifth) election district of the (town of Canandaigua), county of (Ontario), state of New York, made by the inspectors of election in and for said district, which return is made as provided in section one hundred and eleven of the election law. RETURN OF BALLOTS VOTED. 1. The whole number of general ballots actually voted, as verified by the return of the ballot clerks attached hereto were (four hundred and eighty-five). ....... 2. The number of general ballots cast and found to be entirely blank, all of which were returned by us to the ballot box, were (five)..... 3. The number of general ballots cast which were rejected by us as "void" and on which no vote was counted for any candidate, all of which are in the sealed package returned herewith, and on each of which ballot is indorsed the reason for such rejection, were (ten) 4. The number of general ballots cast on which votes were counted for one or more candidates, all of which were returned to the ballot box (except those protested as being marked for identification), were (four hundred and seventy).... 485 5 10 ... 470 ... 485 5. The total number of ballots accounted for by us are... We certify the foregoing statement of ballots voted is correct in all respects. Dated, this (fifth) day of November, (1895). Board of Inspectors. Statement and Return of the Votes for the Office of (Governor). 1. The number of ballots cast on which votes were counted for any candidate for office were (four hundred and 2. The number of ballots cast and counted on which there 470 5 sixty-five)... 465 4. Of which (Levi P. Morton) received (three hundred).... 300 5. (David B. Hill) received (one hundred and sixty-five)... Total.... 165 465 Statement and Return of the Votes of the Office of (Lieutenant Governor). 1. The whole number of ballots cast on which votes were counted for any candidate for office were (four hundred and seventy)..... 2. The number of ballots cast and counted on which there was no vote for the office of (lieutenant-governor) were (seven)..... 3. The whole number of ballots on which votes were counted for the office of (lieutenant-governor) were (four hun 470 7 dred and sixty-three)..... 463 4. Of which (Charles T. Saxton) received (three hundred and three)..... 303 5.(William F. Sheehan) received (one hundred and sixty).. 160 Total.... 463 |