Railroads, mileage 20,600 42,900 60,000 Farm products, value Property assessed $660,000,000 $773,000,000 $1,750,000,000 $3,051,175,000 $4,510,925,000 $6,500,000,000 Our tremendous immigration is an example of prosperity. Commercially and financially immigrants should prove an advantage, but the political significance of such a vast inflow of good, bad, or indifferent population, the future only can solve. No better indication of prosperity, which is always reflected by activity upon the great stock exchanges, can be exampled than this: During the business depression of 1897 a seat on the New York Stock Exchange sold at $18,000, and now (1906) one has just sold at $95,000; a large sum just for the privilege of doing business upon an exchange. There is no doubt of our exceeding wealth, developed and undeveloped. A Japanese of broad reputation, predicts a population of 600,000,000 for these United States within a time so little distant as to startle one. It may all be true, but keep all your financial life-saving apparatus in working order, nevertheless. It may be worth remembering that in times of acute business depression, the railroads of the West and South have shown a far greater proportionate shrinkage in earnings than have those in the more thickly settled portion of the country. In the meantime we are safe for the moment, for the great natural causes of prosperity, which no stock manipulator can control, as our great crops with good prices, are silently but surely exercising the controlling influence. AUTHORITIES CONSULTED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS WORK The following is but a partial list of the books, periodicals, newspapers, official publications, statutes, etc., referred to in the preparation of this book. A vast amount of research work has been necessitated, and much of it unproductive. It is deemed advisable, therefore, to only list such authorities as have actually been helpful to the author, omitting those from which no benefit has been derived. Recognition, however, is due to the vast number of daily papers in different sections of the country, which have been read seeking for terms and expressions as in local use, and for information in relation thereto. A list of the prominent and leading newspapers of the United States might properly be included in this list, but are omitted from lack of space. For the benefit of those who desire to follow further any of the subjects briefly covered in this volume, some help may be derived by referring to the letters prefixed to certain of the following authorities; the prefix "a" indicating books in relation to banks and banking; "b," to railroads and railroad securities; "c," to stocks and the stock market; "d," to foreign exchange; "e," to "options; " and "f," to general matters of interest in relation to money and finance. a b b a AMERICAN FINANCE. W. R. Lawson. AMERICAN RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION. Emory R. Johnson. Grant Wilson and John Fiske. BANK RATE AND THE MONEY MARKET. R. H. Inglis Palgrave. BRITISH RAILWAY FINANCE. Walter W. Wall. CLEARING-HOUSES. James G. Cannon. COMMENTARIES. Sir William Blackstone. CONSTITUTION OF THE BOSTON CLEARING-HOUSE ASSOCIATION. CONSTITUTION OF THE BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGE. CONSTITUTION OF THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. bf CORPORATION FINANCE. Thomas L. Greene. CREDIT AND ITS USES. William A. Prendergast. ECONOMIC METHOD AND ECONOMIC FALLACIES. William Warrand Carlile. ad FOREIGN EXCHANGE. H. K. Brooks. a a FUNDS AND THEIR USES. Frederick A. Cleveland. GOVERNMENT BONDS. The National City Bank of New York City. xxxiii HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO. 3 vols. HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF PERU. 2 vols. William H. William H. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES MINT AND COINAGE. HOW TO INVEST MONEY. E. R. Gabbott. George LAW OF BANKER AND CUSTOMER. (London.) James Walter Smith. LIFE OF ALBERT GALLATIN. John Austin Stevens. LIFE OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Henry Cabot Lodge. LIFE OF ANDREW JACKSON. William Graham Sumner. LIFE OF DANIEL WEBSTER. Henry Cabot Lodge. LIFE OF THOMAS JEFFERSON. John T. Morse, Jr. af LOMBARD STREET. Walter Bagehot. MEMORANDA CONCERNING UNITED STATES BONDS. Fisk & Robinson. a f b df MONEY AND THE MECHANISM OF EXCHANGE. W. Stanley Jevons. MOODY'S MANUAL OF RAILROAD AND CORPORATION SECURITIES. a NATIONAL BANK ORGANIZATION. National City Bank of New York City. ON THE PROBABLE FALL IN THE VALUE OF GOLD. Michel Che valier. af PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF FINANCE. Edward Carroll, Jr. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. STEVENS' COPPER HANDBOOK. a e THE ABC OF BANKS AND BANKING. George M. Coffin. C THE ABC OF STOCK SPECULATION. S. A. Nelson. THE ANATOMY OF A RAILROAD REPORT AND TON-MILE COST. TO INCOME AND PRINCIPAL. Thomas F. Woodlock. C THE ART OF WALL STREET INVESTING. John Moody. THE HISTORY AND PRINCIPLES OF BANKING. James William Gilbart. THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 6 vols. T. Smollett. THE LAW OF BILLS, CHEQUES, NOTES AND I. O. U's. (London.) James bc THE MANUAL OF STATISTICS STOCK EXCHANGE HAND-Воок. ad THE MODERN BANK. Amos Kidder Fiske. THE PEOPLE'S MONEY. W. L. Trenholm. af THE PRINCIPLES OF MONEY AND BANKING. 2 Vols. Charles A. e C Conant. THE PUT-AND-CALL. Leonard R. Higgins. THE TICKER BOOK AND MANUAL OF THE TAPE. S. S. Fontaine and R. L. Neville. cf THE WORK OF WALL STREET. Sereno S. Pratt. TREATISE ON THE LAW OF STOCK-BROKERS AND STOCK EXCHANGES. John Randolph Dos Passos. TRUST FINANCE. Edward Sherwood Meade. TRUSTS, POOLS AND CORPORATIONS. William Z. Ripley. WEALTH OF NATIONS. Adam Smith. b a b OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. DISTRICTS AND ARMORIES. Massachusetts. BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR IN RELATION TO BUILDING CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES. Interstate Commerce COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE, REPORT OF, Document CONGRESSIONAL GLOBES. DAILY CONSULAR AND TRADE REPORTS. Department of Commerce DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MAIL MATTER. United States Post-Office and Labor. Department. United INFORMATION RESPECTING UNITED STATES BONDS, PAPER CUR- INSURANCE COMPANY REPORTS (FIRE AND LIFE) OF THE VARIOUS STATES. LAWS OF THE VARIOUS STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN IN RELATION TO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. LAWS OF THE VARIOUS STATES RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION OF CORPORATIONS. NATIONAL-BANK ACT AS AMENDED. Comptroller of the Currency. UNITED STATES BONDS. a a REPORTS OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. REPORTS OF THE GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT COMMISSIONERS OF THE VARIOUS STATES. a REPORTS OF THE SAVINGS BANK COMMISSIONERS OF THE VARIOUS STATES. b STATISTICS OF RAILWAYS OF THE UNITED STATES. Interstate Com merce Commission. STATUTES OF MASSACHUSETTS (AND OTHER STATES) RELATING TO CO-OPERATIVE BANKS. TELEPHONES AND TELEGRAPHS. Bulletin No. 17 of the Department of Commerce and Labor. THE BUSINESS CORPORATION LAW OF 1903. Massachusetts. PAMPHLETS A HAND BOOK OF THE MASSACHUSETTS COLLATERAL LEGACY AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CHICAGO CLEARING-HOUSE ASSOCIATION. CLEARING OUT-OF-TOWN CHECKS IN ENGLAND AND UNITED STATES. HISTORY OF THE EARLY SCHOOLS IN LONG ISLAND. J. H. Thiry. THE CURRENCY REPORT. Special Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. THE STAMP SAVINGS SOCIETY OF BOSTON. MAGAZINES AND FINANCIAL PAPERS ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Boston, Mass. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BANK CLERKS. New York City. DAILY BOND BUYER. New York City. JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF BANKERS. London. LONDON ECONOMIST. MANUFACTURERS' RECORD. Baltimore, Md. NEW YORK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. Chicago. THE AMERICAN BANKER. New York City. THE BANKER'S MAGAZINE. New York City. THE COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE. New York City. THE INTER-NATION. Boston. THE MONEY MARKET REVIEW. London. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. New York City. THE OUTLOOK. New York City. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS. Harvard University. THE STATIST. London. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. New York City. THE WORLD'S WORK. New York City. UNITED STATES INVESTOR. Boston, Mass. |