had the benefit of his instructions and example, what reason could we assign not to distinguish ourselves even more? Shall we not, then, take warning and other lessons from the past, to rise to more eminence in piety, and to go on towards perfection? By a faithful use of the means, the grace of God, we may be assured, will complete the work, and we may hold a high place for usefulness and holy living. The voice of the Savior is come down to us, and we may not turn away from it. "Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.""Increase, O Lord, our faith." ART. X.--MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. The Young Man's Closet Library. By Rev. ROBERT PHILIP, of Maberly Chapel, with an introductory essay by Rev. ALBERT BARNES. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 1836. OUR readers are already acquainted with our estimate of Robert Philip as a practical writer. A perusal of his subsequent works have confirmed us in the opinion heretofore expressed. The same deep-toned piety, the same graceful ease and delightful familiarity of manner, the same correct and chastened sentiments which rendered his Manly Piety and Guide to the Thoughtful so attractive, have also given a just popularity with the christian public to the numerous little volumes which, under the nanies of Guides, the Marthas, and Marys, and Love of the Spirit, have proceeded from his pen. His character, to judge from his writings,--and we have heard that such is the case,--must be one of much loveliness; he seems to us like one with whom we have been long acquainted, and with whom we could sit down in familiar converse, and unburden to him our difficulties, with the full assurance of meeting his sympathy and counsel, and finding him ever ready to afford us his aid, and do us all the good in his power. We rejoice therefore, that his works are re-publishing in a more permanent form, of which this volume, composed of Manly Piety,-in its principles, its spirit and realizations, and labelled the Young Man's Closet Library, is a fair specimen. Could we believe, that it might find its way into the study or closet of every young man in our country, could we hope, that it would actually be attentively and candidly perused by all our youth, we should augur much as to its influence in forming their characters to high and manly purposes of action. As it is we cannot but hope, that it will be read by many with profit. We most cordially commend the enterprise of re-publication in such *See Quarterly Christian Spectator, Vol. VI. pp. 73, 267. a form, and trust that the other writings of this excellent author will be given us in the same useful and tasteful mode. The introductory remarks of the Rev. Albert Barnes, though concise in compass, add considerably to the interest and value of the present edition. A Few Thoughts by a Member of the Bar. Columbus, Ohio. 1836. MEMBERS of the bar, we fear, do not generally think much on the subject of religion. As yet even the pious part of the profession have done little compared with what they might do as writers in favor of evangelical religion. Here and there, indeed, there is one who ventures to step out and utter a word in defense of the Savior and his cause,--but the numbers of such, are, alas! too few. The opportunities which they possess of influencing a class of persons from an access to whom the preacher of the gospel is almost entirely excluded, renders their obligation great to exercise it for the advancement of true piety. We fear, that they do not yet fully realize their position in this respect in the Redeemer's kingdom. We always hail with peculiar delight any production from such a source, whose tendency is to promote the cause of experimental religion, and we are thankful for even a "few thoughts," when they breathe the spirit which characterizes this little unpretending volume. It may be described in a few words as a brief outline of what the christian religion is,—its evidence and reasonableness,-vindicating the faith of the believer in Christ, and his glorious gospel. The following short extract of a letter from a brother member of the bar to himself, is given by the author as a reason for the work. "You, too, it seems, have joined the church! What does this mean? I have been inclined to think, that men of business could find better employment. Give me your honest thoughts on the subject." The style of the work is neat and perspicuous, the illustrations happy, and the reasoning conclusive. The statement of the doctrines of grace is decided, and in the compass of a few pages the great leading facts relative to the introduction and progress of the Redeemer's kingdom, are given with clearness and strength. The conclusion is in these words: "Say not, then, that there is any want of evidence or want of ability. If any man will do my will he shall know my doctrine.' No earnest, humble inquirer ever yet failed in the search. If you will believe with the heart what the mind knows to be true, and will faithfully act after the convictions of conscience,-if you will unite the affections and the will with all the faculties of the mind in doing what you know to be right, the way of truth will be open broad before you, and you will find, that all her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." We only add our earnest prayer, that the author's appeal may not be in vain, but that his work may be read, and its principles adopted by many in the profession to which he belongs. Letters on the Difficulties of Religion. By CATHARINE E. BEECHER. Hartford: Belknap & Hammersly. 1836. WE had hoped before this to have been able to offer our readers a somewhat extended notice of this work, and we do not altogether relinquish this idea. In the meantime, however, we take occasion to say, that it is a volume well worthy of attentive perusal. The author has a vigorous mind, and understands how to express herself. The subjects are discussed in an interesting manner, the vindication of revealed religion is triumphant, and the spirit in which it is done is deserving of all praise. Principles of sound common-sense characterize the method of the argument, and even those who are not willing to admit all her conclusions, will not, we think, say, that she is unfair in her statements, or wanting in ingenuity in her mode of meeting the difficulties which she aims to remove. The first portion of the work is addressed to an atheist of the Robert Owen and Fanny Wright school, the next to a deist,—another to the Unitarian, and is partly in answer to his objections against evangelical religion, revivals, etc. The topics which fall under discussion are somewhat numerous, but they are ably treated, and the superiority of the gospel scheme over all the philosophy of men is most decisively evinced. In her preface she has laid down some excellent rules as to religious controversy, and her own work affords a good practical illustration of the same. There are many minds which such a work is calculated to relieve, and though atheists and other infidels doubtless, are in general too little within the reach of argument and appeal, to hope that many of them will be led to renounce their delusions and dreams of sin, yet the humble believer may be confirmed in his faith, and furnished with armor wherewith to ward off the fiery darts of the advesaries of his soul. We are grateful for all the efforts which are judiciously made to oppose the tide of popular infidelity, that is swelling and threatening to deluge our land. Such, we believe, is the well meant endeavor of this volume, and we wish it all success. CORRESPONDENCE. We have received for publication a letter signed by Jacob Ide and E. Smalley, a committee "by appointment and in behalf of Mendon Association;" in which they reiterate the assurances of Mr. Smalley's former letters respecting their views of doctrine, and our alleged misrepresentations of them. We have carefully read it and, as it furnishes no new points of argument, have concluded to decline its publication. We are reluctant to prolong a controversy with our brethren, since were we to publish their extended letter we should feel obliged to accompany it with remarks of our own. The amount of difference between us, so far as we can see, is this. They mean by divine efficiency, God's will that a thing shall take place, and in this sense contend, that all buman volitions are the product of divine efficiency; yet that man as a moral agent, has "the intrinsic power to be really and truly the author of his own moral actions." We cannot feel, that such is the authorized use of the word efficiency; but if they choose so to use and understand it, our dispute is only about words, and as such we do not wish to continue it. From their letter we learn and confess our incorrectness, as to the supposition that Mr. Smalley's last letter was not an official one: though we cannot feel, since no mention was made of any meeting, and we were left to infer the fact from Mr. Smalley's subscribing himself scribe of Mendon Association,-that the error was an unnatural one. We have not sought to disparage their reputation or usefulness, and we are happy to find, that no greater difference of opinion exists between us, and that (understood as they interpret it) their language does not, though its interpretation according to what we consider the common authorized usage of language does,-warrant a classification of them with "fatalists;" and with this understanding of the matter we cheerfully "confess our mistake." Should they prefer to publish their letter to us in some other way, we have not the slightest objection to their doing so. We trust, that nothing further will be deemed necessary on our part. Here we take our leave of this subject, with the sincere desire, that the cause of truth may be advanced by what has passed between us, and that brethren so harmonizing in feeling as to the great doctrines of the gospel, and having a common aim, may not be divided from each other by a merely different use of language. INDEX TO THE EIGHTH VOLUME OF THE QUARTERLY CHRISTIAN SPECTATOR. ABOLITIONISTS, errors of, 114. Adam, meaning of the word, 314, 315. A few thoughts by a member of the Bar, 670. Apostle, its meaning, 312 Arts, in great perfection in ancient Egypt, 349. Atonement, its import in Hebrew, (cofer,) 316. Authority and relation of the bible to mankind, always the same, 519-528. Bakewell, Frederick C., Natural evidence of a future life, 556–577. Beecher, Catherine E., Letters on the difficulties of Religion, 671. Beecher, Rev. Lyman D. D., on Colleges, 389: eloquent extracts from, 410, 411. Brigham, Amariah, M. D., Observations on the Influence of Religion on the Brougham, Lord,-Natural Theology, 177--205. Channing, William E.,-Present state of the slavery question, 112. Cherubim of the sacred scriptures, 368--388: different forms; Gen. iii, 24. 368; Christianity, part of the common law of England, proved, 13--22; common law Christian intercourse,-difficulty of regulating without destroying it, 296; im- |