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C ENGINES.TO DE LEI on which may be worked without any fixing; also pumps an i saw tables HIRE, or for SALE, STEAM-ENGINES, of various powers, -Apply to Messrs. MEDWIN and HALL, Engineers, 92, Blackfriars-road.

each of everybody. Price 8d. per packet, of eight doses, with instruc- PATRONISED by her Most Gracions MAJESTY,

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the Kings of Sardinia and Portugal-Messrs. LENNY and
Co.'s CROYDON BASKET CARRIAGES. These elegant, light, and
cheap carriages are to be constantly seen at their Manufactory, either
for sale or building to order. They are made in every variety of shape
and size, with or without heads, to suit the smallest pony or full size
horse, commencing at £16. Messrs. LENNY and Co. beg to say, all
kinds of carriages are built by them, of first-class character, to order, or
on hire for any term. Broughams, clarences, barouche, cab, or Droitzka
phaetos, Stanhope and pony phaetons are to be found in their stock, V
built or building to order. Messrs. LENNY and Co. invite attention to
Bagot carts for ladies, and their small carts for ponie, commencing at
£10 108. N.B. Carts and dog-cart phaetons for railway and other pur-
poses, with or without canopies, sociables in basketwork or panels. Car-
riages repaired and painted.-Carriage and Harness Manufactory, 20,
North-end, Croydon.

HICKENS (he best) from Devonshire, 4s. 6d.
a Couple till April.-A remittance of 5s. in postage stamps willTHE successful Results of the last half century
sure the delivery per railway free one hundred miles the next morn-
g of a couple of the best Chickens. Above one hundred miles, 5s. 6d.
VILLIAM TUCKER, Devonshire-house, 287, Strand, London.
Established 34 years.


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