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It will not be thought surprising that by the scene which I described in the last chapter, Mr Carver- was his last effort. We stood silently watching for He had been driven to infidelity by the SCIENCE, AND THE MERCY OF GOD." This story of the conversion of Mr Garstone. dale was entirely exhausted. While the excite- his departing breath, when, as the sun was going stern views of the divine Being presented ment of the occasion lasted, he looked and spoke down, its beams forced their way through an openwith almost the animation of youth. But, when ing amid the branches of the thick trees which in the doctrines of Calvinism. These were it was over, he sunk down weak, trembling, and grew before the windows, and fell full upon his rigidly insisted on as the real doctrines of nearly fainting. The old cords had been stretch-face. A smile came over his countenance, and, the Scriptures, and as he was not led to ed more than they could bear, add lost their tone before it had entirely passed away, he ceased to examine for himself, he resorted to the for ever. When the people had dispersed, he at- breathe. I remembered his conversation on the conclusion, that the Scriptures were false, tempted to rise from his seat and follow them, but preceding evening, and rejoiced at his quiet deparwas unable. Several of his friends advanced to or that God was a merciless tyrant. He his asssistance. "The light is almost burned down," said he, in a voice scarcely audible; he could never entirely divest his mind of chose to believe the former; and, although "might it only go out here at the altar, how privihis early impressions, he was sufficiently an leged I should be." Some one expressed a hope that it might be yet continued for a season to the more than twenty years. infidel to make himself quite miserable for benefit of his church. He shook his head. 66 No," said he; "and why should I wish it? It is only a must know already, that Unitarians believe Our readers the doctrines of Calvinism to have a powerful tendency to make infidels of literary their reasons for this belief. men. This part of the volume assigns

flickering, fitful flame. It may brighten a moment to-day, but will be dim again to-morrow, and cheer no one. No; my poor flock need a vigorous flame, a burning and a shining light. I am wasted. And if it please my God soon to remove me to a place among the stars of the firmament, why should I lament, or why should you? For I have that hope; I thank God, I have that hope."

This he said with frequent interruptions, showing that his spirit was stirring, though his body was weak. He seemed unable to say more, and was carried in the arms of his friends to his house, and placed in bed. He fell into a sort of sleep, which the physician declared to be the prelude of death, and which he said it would be useless and cruel to disturb by attempting to prolong life. chine," said he, "is worn out, and will gradually come to a stop."

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He remained in this state, apparently unconscious of what was passing around him, until I was summoned to the afternoon service. In the same state I found him on my return. In the mean time, the report had obtained currency among his parishioners, that their minister was dying. With affectionate concern they crowded around his dwelltng, and manifested the strongest sense of his worth, and liveliest gratitude for his past services. Never have I known eulogy more eloquent than that which I read in their tearful eyes, and whispering voices, as they stood silently waiting, or anxiously conversing, before the door, and beneath the windows. Their sound was distinctly heard in the chamber, as I stood with his friends beside his bed.

It at length seemed to arouse him, and he opened his eyes. "What is this?" said he.

The people have come from meeting," it was replied, "and are anxious to know how you do."

They are kind souls," replied the old minister;

and, turning his eyes around as if looking for some one, he called me by name. I bent over him, and he took my hand. "Go to them, my young friend; tell them I thank them for all their fidelity and kindness. Carry them my last farewell. Bid them remember my last instructions; and God bless


I went to the door, and beckoning to the several groups, collected them together, and spoke to them as I was desired. When I returned to the chamber, the good old man was taking leave of his friends, and to each of them giving his blessing, He called for me. He was exhausted, and could no more speak audibly. His lips moved, and I thought I would have given worlds to know what they would utter. After a few moments' silence, he exerted himself again, and we understood him to ask that there might be prayers. I kneeled town, with his hand still in mine, and commended his spirit, in such words as I was able, to the great Father of mercy. It was a solemn moment. There was a silence and awe like that of the tomb, interrupted only by the laborious breathing of the dying man, and the low voice of youthful supplication. When I had ended, he pressed my hand, but said nothing. We feared that he would not speak again; but it was permitted us to hear his last words distinctly. For, when something had been said respecting the good man's support in death, he spoke out audibly, "THE TESTIMONY OF CON

In less than a year after the death of Mr Carverdale, Mr Anderson was settled in his place. how different is the real character of men, He now began to learn and especially men of many and fair pro fessions, from what youth are accustomed to hope and imagine. The persons described in this part of the story, are Mr Dunbar and Mr Ellerton,-the former claiming to be strictly orthodox, but, in fact, an unprincipled hypocrite the latter anal view of what is contained in this book. unassuming, conscientious, intelligent Ari- We shall have discharged our whole duty We have now given our readers a gener an. Mr Dunbar obtained the entire confi- to them and the writer, when we have dence of Mr Anderson by his abundant added that its spirit is highly "liberal,” in attentions, his sanctimonious deportment, the Unitarian sense of the term, and that and his rigid observance of all religious the style is uncommonly chaste, perspicucustoms and ordinances. He hated Mr Ellerton, to whom only his real character in which the several subjects are sustaine ous, and forcible. We seldom meet a work tions, and at length by open declarations, verted topics are defended in a manner so was fully known; and by obscure insinua- with so much interest, or in which controhad much effect with Mr Anderson, till the of readers. The writer has chosen to inendeavoured to ruin his reputation. This little calculated to excite the bad passions malignity from which it proceeded betray- culcate Unitarian sentiments, by exhibiting ed itself by its extravagance. Mr Dunbar, what he believes to be their legitimate, after having proposed that Mr Ellerton practical effects; and by contrasting these should be reproved for eating his usual with the effects of what are termed orthomeals on fast day, ate so much supper on dox sentiments. This species of argument. the evening of that day, that he died from has some advantages over the ordinary the surfeit. know more fully the man, whom he had chy; it regards actual life, instead of specOur Recollector resolved to mode of discussion: it admits less logomashunned on account of slander. He had been taught "to look with hor- a degree of indecency which would not be ulative principles; and it cannot, without ror on Arianism, as little better than infi- tolerated, descend to personal invective, delity, and to take it for granted that there and the disgusting scenes of party warfare. worship of the trinity." After becoming can have little force to change opposing could be no religion at heart without the So far it is well; but, on the other hand, it acquainted with Mr Ellerton his prejudices opinions, for they who think the writer were removed, and he became confirmed in errs, would of course think his picture a the persuasion "that the great practical false one. and vital principles of our religion are comNor can it have much power mon to all believers." change soon followed, for he became him- story as they are impressed with a sense of over those who are yet undecided; since A still greater they can only be so far affected by the self an Arian, or rather ascertained that its reality. Moreover, it is a weapon which he had always been one, without knowing is easily used, and may be used by all with it. He supposes that thousands of others, equal ease. and even a large majority of those educat- who happened to possess our author's emiA Calvinist or Hopkinsian, ed in the orthodox faith, are no more truly nent literary skill, might easily represent orthodox than he was, though they imagine one Unitarian, prosely ted to Orthodoxy and themselves to be so. This assumes too much thus made good, and another led by what the form of an argument, and too much would be called his laxity of religious prinweight is given to it as evidence in favour ciple, into unqualified sinfulness. of Unitarian principles. Those of a different faith might just as easily, in exercising the same sort of charity, say that many Unitarians worship the Trinity in Unity, although they have not accustomed themselves to reflect sufficiently, to make their belief definite.

It is a favorite topic with the writer, that the practical effects of Unitarianism are far more salutary, than those of Calvinistic principles. Its ability to reclaim infidels is illustrated in the last two chapters in a

A Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors. In two volumes. By William Oldnall Russell, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Barrister at Law. First American Edition; with additional Notes of Decisions in the American Courts. By Daniel Davis, Solicitor General of Massachusetts. Boston,


Ir is now more than a century since Hale and Hawkins published their respective

treatises on Pleas of the Crown. They furnish a full and satisfactory account of the provisions of the criminal code of England, as it then existed, and of its previous history; and their authority is still unquestioned. During the lapse of a century, however, the code has been much enlarged by penal statutes, and modified and explained by innumerable judicial decisions. Many of these decisions existed, till of late, only in manuscript, and the published statutes and cases were scattered through many volumes, and interspersed with much other matter. Before the publication of the work now before us, something had been done to facilitate the researches of the student of criminal law in its various branches. Foster had published his valuable treatise on the subjects of Treason and Homicide; Leach's collection of cases was a very useful work; and the additions to Hawkins, in the late editions, were serviceable as notes and references, but did not give that full and satisfactory information which was required. The treatise of Sir Edward Hyde East, which was published, in two volumes, in 1803, is excellent in its plan and arrangement; and if that plan had been completed, it would probably have superseded the necessity of the present work. But it was not completed, and in that treatise, as it now exists, many indictable offences are wholly unnoticed. A publication, therefore, which should comprise, in an elementary and systematic form, the substance of the law of crimes and misdemeanors, as it is contained in the works of Hale, Hawkins, Foster, Blackstone, East, and Leach, together with the modern statutes and important decided cases from the printed and manuscript reports, was required by the profession; and Mr Russell has attempted,-we think successfully,—to satisfy the requisition.

Mr Russell informs us, in his preface, that he has endeavoured, in his treatise, "to dispose, in an appropriate arrangement, the principles of the common law, the statutes, and the decided cases relating to every offence which may be made the subject of prosecution by indictment, except only that of High Treason." This crime was excluded from his plan, not only by the great additional space which the proper discussion of that important subject would have occupied, but because prosecutions for that crime are not frequent, and are always so conducted as to give sufficient time to consult the highest authorities. The work is divided into five books, and subdivided into one hundred and four chapters. Each book,-except the first, which is of a preliminary nature,-is devoted to the consideration of a distinct class of what may be considered kindred offences; and each chapter to a particular offence belonging to that class. The first book treats "Of persons capable of committing crimes, of principals and accessories, and of indictable offences." The law upon these subjects is stated and explained briefly, but in a manner very perspicuous and satisfactory. The general arrangement of the matter

of this work is judicious, and well calculat- | nitude. There are, indeed, some atrocious
ed to facilitate the acquisition of a correct violations of human laws which require a
understanding of its various and complicat- correspondent severity of punishment; but
ed subjects. The respective chapters gen- who, at the present day will deny, that
erally commence with a definition and de- there are also transgressions so trifling as
scription of the particular offence proposed barely to justify the slightest penal visita-
for consideration, and a statement of the tions? To confound these extremes, and
principles of the common law upon the sub- all their intermediate gradations; and to
ject. The statute provisions in relation to annex the penalty of death to offences in
the same offence are then recited,-gene- each class, is a prostitution of principle, a
rally in the words of the statute, and these perversion of justice, and a violation of the
are followed by a statement of judicial con- rights of humanity, which never ought to
structions and decisions. In the conclusion be endured. This defect exists, in the
of the several chapters, points in relation criminal code of England, to a degree
to evidence, and the competency of wit- which may well excite astonishment and
nesses, which apply more immediately to regret. Her philanthropists and civilians
the particular offence, are occasionally in-perceive and deplore it, and to their en-
troduced. Some useful information in re- lightened and humane exertions we leave
lation to doubtful points, and to matters of the labour and the glory of effecting an
practice which were not embraced by the amelioration.
general design of the work, may be found
in the notes at the bottom of the pages.

In preparing for publication the Ameri-
can edition of the work now under review,
Mr Russell's object, in the present pub- Mr Davis has performed an acceptable ser-
lication, being simply to exhibit, in a con- vice to the members of his profession. In
nected view, the criminal law of England this edition, thirty-five whole chapters, and
as it is, and not as it ought to be,-to ex-parts of several others of the original work,
plain its principles and provisions, and not which have no direct or important applica-
to discuss its merits or defects; he has not tion to the jurisprudence of this country,
indulged in any theoretical speculations, or have been omitted; as for instance, the nu-
conjectural constructions. He confines merous English Statutes, the provisions of
himself within the limits of established prin- which being altogether local, of course, re-
ciples and decided cases; and he fortifies late to subjects foreign to the administra-
all his important positions by an array of tion of justice in the American Courts.
standard authorities, which seem to render Considerable matter is still retained which
them impregnable. His statements are will be of little use to the profession in
brief, but sufficiently full for all ordinary America, but it is so interwoven with other
purposes, and whenever more extensive in-matters of importance, that it could not be
formation than his text affords may be re- omitted without injury to the residue.
quired on any subject, his marginal refer-
ences will point out the sources whence
that information may be derived.

Considerable additional matter is furnished in this edition, consisting of Notes of decisions collected from the American Reports, and references to American Statutes. A digest of those decisions, and in some of them, the ground and principles upon which they are founded, are also given. These omissions and additions will greatly aid the enquiries of the student, and relieve the members of the profession from much labour in their researches. The former will find, in this work, less to unlearn, and the latter more to facilitate his investigations, than in any other publication of the kind now extant. We were about to enjoin it upon every lawyer to purchase it for his library, but we find, upon a blank leaf at the beginning, a pencil-mark of $12,00, and we fear, that, in these times of professional dearth and depression, our injunction would be disregarded.

It is the fault of the legislators of England, and not of Mr Russell, that the code, which his work contains, is cruel and sanguinary. That such is its character, cannot be doubted or concealed. It has, indeed, no secret tribunals like the inquisition; and employs no tortures to wring from its victims a confession of guilt. Its great and revolting defect, is a total disregard of proportion between crimes and punishments. By the established law of England, "the cutting of a twig, and the assassination of a parent; breaking a fish-pond, and poisoning a whole family, or murdering them in their sleep; filing a silver shilling for the sake of gain, and waging a war of extermination against the government of the country, all incur the same penalties; and two hundred different actions, many not deserving the name of offences, are punishable by death." It may be true in theology that every sin is an infinite evil, and merits infinite punishment; but surely the maxim has no application to human governments and laws. Human legislators are frail, and their laws are imperfect; human tribunals are fallible, and may misapply the laws; but however perfect may be the laws, and however impartial and enlightened their administration, still they are conversant exposing its follies and errors, and holding up A publication commenting upon a literary work, about the transient and temporal affairs of author to ridicule, will not be deemed a libel, proearth, and many of them of no great mag-vided such comment does not exceed the limits of

We had intended to make some remarks upon the subject of the criminal jurisprudence of the United States, but we are admonished that it is time to conclude. We will, therefore, close this article by citing, from the book before us, a single passage; less by way of specimen than of warning. It contains a wise provision of law for our own special protection and encouragement as reviewers.


fair and candid criticism, by attacking the charac

was a long, low unpainted house, with narrow who made the dairy, and spinning-wheel, the prime ter of the writer unconnected with his publication. casements, situated about half a mile from the main objects of attention. The white floor was carefully We take it for granted, that our extract-road. Near it was a substantial barn, surrounded sanded, and at each door a broad mat, made of the by a large yard, where a number of animals assem- husks of the Indian corn, claimed tribute from the ing this passage will be considered fair no-bled exhibited an appearance of comfort, which de-feet of those who entered. Where Madam L tice, that we shall claim the protection of noted at once a kind and careful master. Cuffee was seated, she had a full view of the family, surthis salutary provision of the common law, alighting, removed the bars, which formed, or ra- rounding their peaceful board, and so cordially enwhenever presumptuous "follies and er- ther obstructed, the rustic entrance to the demesne; gaged in doing justice to its viands, that not a glance rors," in the form of a literary production, and then addressed a few soothing words to his wandered to the spot which she occupied. horse, who advanced his head, and bent down his shall obtrude themselves upon us. quivering ear, as if the sounds of the human voice were either comprehended, or beloved.

As Madam L entered she heard, in the clatSketch of Connecticut, forty years since tering of knives and forks, the reason, why she was Hartford, 1824. 1 vol. 12mo. pp. 278. not as usual welcomed at the door. Unwilling to interrupt the refection of the family, she took a THIS little work must not be regarded as a seat unobserved. She found herself in the best novel, or a tale. It has but little story; room in the mansion, but to this the inhabitants of hardly enough indeed to connect its differ- the neighbouring villages would assign, neither the ent parts; but it is a series, or, rather, a name of "parlour, hall, or drawing-room," avoidcollection of sketches, illustrative of the ing the example of their city acquaintance, as the ancient reformers did the abominations of the principles and habits which prevailed in Church of Rome. Adhering to their habits of preConnecticut some years since; and exhib-cision as tenaciously as to their ideas of simplicity, iting, not only the character and manners they gave to this most honourable room, an appelof the people who inhabited that beautiful lation derived from its bearing upon the cardinal country, but its appearance, and natural points. The one under present consideration, being visited by the latest beams of the setting sun, or artificial peculiarities. None of these and the first breathings of the summer breeze, was sketches are bad, and many of them are denominated the "south-west room." As the furstrikingly exact, and very interesting. The niture of this best apartment of Farmer Larkin may story, such as it is, is very easily told. serve as a sample of the interior of most of the turists at that early period, it may be well to add Sanctum Sanctorums of the better sort of agricul

a brief description.

The table, covered with a coarse white cloth, bore at the head a large supply of boiled beef and pork, served up in a huge dish of glazed ware, of a form between platter and bowl, though it probably would rank with the latter genus. A mass of very fine cabbage appeared in the same reservoir, like a broad, emerald islet, flanked with parsnips and turnips, the favourite "long and short saace" of the day. At the bottom of the board was an enormous pudding of Indian meal, supported by its legitimate concomitants, a plate of butter, and jug of molases. Four brown mugs of cider, divided into equal compartments the quadrangle of the board, and the wooden trenchers, which each one manfully maintained, were perfectly clean and comfortable.

Farmer Larkin, and his wife, not deeming it a point of etiquette to separate as far as the limits of the table would permit, shared together the post of honor by the dish of meat. At the left hand of the father, sat his youngest son, and at the right hand of her mother, her youngest daughter. Thus the male line, beginning at Jehu, and touching every one according to his age, passed over the heads of nephew, and would-be Methodist. On the other Timothy and Jehoikim, ending in Amariah, the

hand, the female line, from the mother, who held in The bed, an indispensable appendage, was with- her lap the chubbed Tryphosa, passed with geometout either curtains or high posts, and decorated rical precision through the spaces allotted to Trywith a new woollen coverlet, where the colour of phena, Keziah, Roxey and Reuey, terminating with red gorgeously predominated over the white and buxom Molly. She was indeed a damsel of formigreen, with which it was intermingled. So small a dable size, but of just proportions, and employed space did it occupy, that if, like Og, king of Ba- her brawny arm, in cutting slices from a large loaf shan, whose gigantic height was predicated from of brown bread, which she distributed with great his bedstead of nine cubits, the size of our farmers exactness by each trencher, as soon as her father should have been estimated by the dimensions of had stocked it with meat, and her mother garnished their places of repose, posterity would do them im-it with vegetables. There was something pleas ing in the sight of so many healthy and cheerful mense injustice. A buffet, or corner-cupboard, was a conspicuous faces, and in the domestic order which evidently article, in which were arranged a set of bright pew-prevailed. ter plates, some red and white cups and saucers, not much larger than what now belong to a doll's equipage, and a pyramidal block-tin tea-pot. The protected by a door, furnished a receptacle for the lower compartment of this repository, which was Sabbath-day hats and bonnets of the children, each occupying its own place upon the shelves. In the vicinity was what was denominated "a chist o' draws," namely, a capacious vault of stained pine, which, opening like a chest, contained the better part of the wardrobe of the master and mistress of the family; while, beneath, space was left for two or three drawers, devoted to the accommodation of the elder children. But the master-piece of finery was a tea-table, which, elevating its round disk perpendicularly, evinced that it was more for show

In the town of N, dwelt the principal character of the work, who is spoken of as Madame L- She is far advanced in years, a widow, and childless; but has all the comfort which can be derived from the exercise of the highest virtues, and from a wise stewardship of a large fortune. Her house and family, and domestic economy, and social habits, are all minutely described. Near her reside the remains of a powerful tribe of Indians, and the account of their customs and traditions forms an interesting portion of the volume. With facts, some fictions, as we suppose, are mingled. In relating some occurrences which took place among this now degraded and miserable people, much power both of pathos and of eloquence, is exhibited. The style is, throughout, eminently good, though not remarkable for uncommon power or liveliness. It is chaste and correct; seldom aiming at high elevation, and yet more seldom disfigured by false ornaments. We must indeed say of the whole work, that it gives distinct and continual indication of an accomplished and disciplined mind. Its great fault, and it is a great one, is the want of a story of sufficient interest to Its surface displayed a commendable lustre, proawake the curiosity, and to sustain the at-tected by a penal statute from the fingers of the chiltention of the reader. Its great merit is dren. But an unruly kitten used to take delight in the fidelity and vividness with which many viewing, on the lower extremity of that polished interesting sketches are drawn. orb, a reflection of her own round face, and formidable whiskers. Unhappily mistaking the appearthereon the marks of her claws, too deeply for all ance of these for an adversary, she imprinted the efforts of the good housewife to efface, and soon after expiated her crime upon the scaffold. A looking-glass, much smaller than the broad expansion of the Farmer's face, hung against the roughly backed chairs, and a pair of small andirons nicely plastered, yet unsullied wall. A few high, straitblacked, whose heads bore a rude resemblance to the "human form divine." completed the inventory of goods and chattels. Over the low, wide fireplace, hung in a black frame, without the superfluity of a glass, the family record, legibly penned, with a space very considerately left for future additions. The apartment had an air of neatness, beyond what was then generally observed in the houses of those

We would willingly make many extracts from this volume, not only that our readers might judge for themselves of its character, but because we could hardly put upon our pages any thing which would entertain them better; but we hardly know what to select. The following view of the interior of a farm-house upon on estate belonging to Madame L, and of its inhabitants, is as pleasing to us, as a finely executed picture. All who are, or ever were, conversant with the yeomanry of our country, and at home in their dwellings, will recog

nise its accuracy.

than use.

Those of our readers who happen live in our "river towns," will acknowledge the It will be remembered that it is particularly exactness of the following representation. applied to the country watered by the many streams which empty themselves into the Connecticut.

It was one of those fine mornings, in which a softer season makes its first effectual resistance against the lingering claims of winter; like a buxom infant springing from the arms of a wrinkled dame, whose caresses chill it. Still the influence of the Sire of Storms was perceptible. The small streams moved but torpidly, between margins of ice, or beneath a thin veil which might have hidden their progress, had it not been revealed by a cold, subterranean murmuring. Over the larger rivers small boats were seen gliding, while their cheerful navigators repelled with long poles those masses of ice which essayed too near an approach; or supporting themselves on their slippery surface, collabourers were busily employed in replacing bridges, lected the drift-wood which adhered to them. Other which the swollen waters had injured or destroyed; for seldom did the spring-tide floods pass N, but the faces of the inhabitants gathered gloom from the prospect of an additional weight of taxation. the resounding streams, the richer, and less romanWhile the solitary amateur admired the wrath of tic burgher would calculate the cost, like Marlow in the well-furnished inn, apprehending," how hor ridly a fine side-board, and marble chimney-piece would swell the reckoning." But the labourers, who had nothing to pay, and foresaw gain from being employed about broken bridges, and dilapidated fences, contented themselves with lamenting, in a less rueful tone, the evils of their almost insular

situation. Considerable loss and suffering had frequently been sustained in the southern extreme of the town, which occupied the ground at the junction of the two principal rivers. These waters, when swollen by dissolving snows, and the increased revenue of their tributaries, came rushing down with great power. Inundated streets, merchants lamenting the loss of their goods, and sometimes of the warehouses which contained them; or millers gazing with uplifted hands after their floating fabrics, attested the ravages of the triumphant flood. Here and there, the sharp eaves of a fisherman's hut, or the upper story of some building of larger dimensions would rise above the encompassing element; while the boats employed to take from their windows the sick, or the softer sex, encountered continual obstacles from trees partly immersed, and fences planted like chevaux de frise, beneath the

treacherous waters.

Fixing his keen glance upon her for a moment,
and kneeling at her side, he answered-
I know it, my daughter. Thy blue eye hath
already the light of that sky to which thou art as
cending. Thy brow hath the smile of the angels
who wait for thee.'

Martha covered her face with her hands, and
hid it on the couch, fearful lest she might see agony
in one so beloved. Yet she fixed on that pallid
countenance another long, tender gaze, as the ex-
piring voice said—

wards, the vice, and wretchedness, and miserable death of a vagabond soldier, whom Mr Ashton made to relate to his son the vicisitudes of sin and suffering which composed his life, considerably weakened the determination of Charles; and the good work was finally accomplished by the history which a Colonel Gordon gave him of his earlier days. He was living in honour'I go, where is no shade of complexion-noable retirement, broken down by the distrace of sorrow. I go to meet my parents, who eases and debility of a shattered and exdied in faith; my Edward, whose trust was in his hausted frame; but he had been active in Redeemer. I shall see thy daughter, and she will his profession, had passed with honour be my sister, where all is love. Father! Mother! that God, whom you have learned to worship, through its gradations of rank, and had whose spirit dwells in your hearts, guide you thith-brought with him, to cheer his retirement, wealth and fame. He well knew all the business of war, and all its character, and he spoke upon the subject plainly and truy. This cured Charles effectually; and he soon felt that it was neither his duty nor his inclination to contribute his mite of effort to the savage and brutalizing work of war.

er also.'

Extending to each a hand, cold as marble, she


Occasionally, a bridge from some neighbouring town has been borne along, a reluctant visiter; in one instance a structure of this sort glided by, dis- 'I was a stranger, and ye took me in; sick, and playing in unbroken majesty a toll-gate, upon ye ministered unto me. And now go I unto Him, whose topmost bar, a red-winged cockerel was who hath said, "The merciful shall obtain mercy.' perched. Having evinced his fidelity to his favour- They felt that the chilling clasp of her fingers reite roost, by adhering to it during all the shocks of laxed, and saw that her lips moved inaudibly. its midnight disruption, morn beheld the undaunted They knew that she was addressing Him, who was bird, clapping his wings as he passed the town, and taking her unto himself. A smile not to be described sending forth shrill notes of triumph, from excite- passed, like a gleam of sunshine, over her counte ment at his extraordinary voyage of discovery. nance; and they heard the words "joy unspeakaOnce, an infant, in his cradle-ark, suddenly wash-ble, and full of glory." Something more was ed from the cabin of his slumbering parents, glided over the bosom of the pitiless surge. He was rescued-not by the daughter of Pharoah, and her maidens, but by the father urging on his light boat with eager strokes, while the mother, not standing among the flags by the river's brink," but wading unconsciously into the cold, slippery channel, re

ceived with extended arms, the babe smiling as he awoke.

The following extract is of a different description. Oriana, a young English wo

breathed in the faintest utterance, but she closed
not the sentence-it was finished in Heaven.

Charles Ashton; the Boy that would be a
Soldier. Boston, 1823. 12mo. pp. 108.
The Factory Girl. By the author of " Fil-
ial Affection," "James Talbot," &c.

Second Edition. Boston, 1824.
Pp. 105.

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Girl" is decidedly inferior to " Charles AshIn point of literary merit, the "Factory ton." The story, however, is calculated to interest those for whom it is intended, and not only to interest, but to profit them. Mary, the Factory girl, is poor and friendless, but well instructed in the principles of piety and of virtue, and habituated to regard them as of infinite value. She lives in a village where a large manufactory has been established, and works in the mill for some time. She passes through much temptation and distress, but constantly prelength her duty and her inclination become one, and her efforts and sacrifices are rewarded by prosperity.

man, follows her husband, an English offi- WE put the titles of these books together, fers her principles to her wishes, until at

cer, to this country; he is slain in battle; she is taken prisoner by the Indians, and doomed to a death of agony. She is rescued by an Indian Chief, who adopts her as his daughter; she afterwards goes with her protector and abides with him in the village near Madame L, until she falls a victim to consumption. The death scene is thus described.

and notice them in one article, because
they strictly belong to one class. They
are-like others of similar size and literary
character which the press is now perpetu-
ally pouring forth-intended solely to do
good. Talents of the first order are brought



to this work. The first of these little works is beautifully written; the style is never ambitious, never elaborate. The writer knows that studied eloquence would be WE are about to speak of a book,-a Exhausted in body, but confirmed in faith, Oria- wholly out of place, and he never leaves new, an interesting, and an important book, na waited her dissolution. Such was the wasting his forward path in search of glittering or--and have some doubts whether we may of her frame, that she seemed reduced to a spiritual essence, trembling, and ready to be exhaled. Eve-naments, but spontaneous flowers spring up not better call this article a review at ry pure morning, she desired the casement to be around him, and he has too good a taste once, and instruct our printers to arrange thrown open, that the fresh air might visit her. not to cull the fairest and sweetest. The it accordingly. But we shall not do so, for But at length, this, from an occasional gratification story of Charles Ashton is extremely sim- many reasons, the best and readiest of became an object of frequent necessity, to aid labo-ple. He is the son of a clergyman who which, is, that we are not going to make a rious respiration. The couch, which she had been had a small parish in the interior of Eng- review. resolute in leaving while her strength permitted, land; a man of much worth, piety, and was now her constant refuge. The febrile sympThe XLIVth number of the North Amertoms of that terrible disease, which delights to prey learning, but of narrow income. His boy ican, just published, is an excellent numon the most fair and excellent, gradually disappear- was educated well, and promised well, both ber, and contains many articles written ed; but debility increased to an almost insupporta- in respect of intellect and morals; but un- with ability, and filled with valuable knowlble degree. Smiles now constantly sat upon her face, and seemed to indicate that the bitterness of happily, he was desirous, indeed determin- edge. We think it well worthy of its Editor, ed to become a soldier. A good part of his and of those who are understood to have enthusiasm for the profession of war, arose helped him make it, and that it is calculated from his love and reverence to the charac- to sustain the reputation, and, we trust, to ter of Washington. His father's efforts to extend the circulation of the work; and this give him more correct impressions upon is all we have to say about its general merthis subject, though strenuous, were fruit-its. There is, however, one article, reless; he tried in vain to persuade his son specting which we propose to be somewhat that Washington was a good man, not be- more particular. We mean that upon of it, and that he would have been, perhaps, Review. cause he was a soldier, but rather in spite Faux's Travels, and the London Quarterly a better man had he never been a soldier. At length his father promised that his wishes should be gratified. But soon after

death had already passed. The irritation of pain, which had marked her features, subsided into tranquil loveliness, which sometimes brightened into joy, as one who felt that "redemption draweth nigh." One night, sleep had not visited her eyes; for, whenever her sense began to be lulled into transient repose, the spirit in its extasy seemed to revolt against such oppression, desirous to escape to that region, where it should slumber no more, through fulness of bliss.

Calling to her bedside, at the dawn of morning, the old warrior, for her mother for several nights had watched beside her, she said

Knowest thou, Father, that I am about to leave


First, for the facts, whereon we would hang a remark or two. Mr W. Faux, an English Farmer, took occasion to come

across the waters to look after certain real | which do not altogether bear a testimony course would be a wise one, if it were purestate in South Carolina, which some one, of praise to the pure excellence of every sued, as a system of national recrimination. in some way related to his mother, had giv- thing English; true it is, he does assert, If the best intellect of Great Britain used en him some sort of interest in. He tarri- and show too, not only that there is much all the facilities afforded by its literature to ed awhile in this barbarous land, and then bad taste, and many foolish habits, in that defame us, it might be a question how wise returned to Somersetshire. Having profit- fine country, but that vice aud villany have it would be to rise in wrath and hurl back ed exceedingly by his foreign travel, he ripened there to a monstrous maturity, far foul reproach and obloquy, with no regard concluded, in pure love to his countrymen, beyond any thing attempted or imagined in to any other restraint than that imposed to make a book. Accordingly he prepares this country. But it is equally evident, by exact adherence to truth. But the his octavo, but sinks the Carolina agency, that he attributes these things to the true case is not such an one as this. Gladly and and so far forgets what he came for, as to cause; as, to the contrast between the ex- sincerely do we believe, that the scholars announce in his title page, that his journey treme poverty of one class, and the enor- and the gentlemen in England are disposed was "principally undertaken to ascertain mous wealth of another, to the intolerable to think of us as they should. They breathe the condition and prospects of British emi- severity of the public burthens, to the un- a different element from us. The kingly grants." This book is an unbroken tissue happy circumstance, that almost every name and office is with them the very esof villanous falsehood. We do him the change of trade or fashion, exposes numer- sence and abstract of all grandeur and justice to say, that he appears to have tried ous bodies to the misery and temptation of power. All authority and all honours emhard to believe all the ill he could, and no resourceless poverty. But is all this pe- anate from him; the very law of the land doubt really did believe some things, which culiarly disgraceful to England? If it be does not suppose that he can do wrong, and any one less candid than we, might consider so, is he who asserts it, an unprincipled the subject of the crown can have no words wholly beyond the reach of any possible slanderer of a great nation? No; he only and no thoughts for greatness beyond that credulity. Mr Gifford, editor and autocrat asserts that, while human nature is there which appertains to royalty. Their lords, of the London Quarterly Review, laid hold what it is elsewhere, the temptations which perhaps their cradled lords, who must be of this very excellent and valuable work, grow out of her eminent prosperity and visited with almost bended knee and signs and in an elaborate article, did his ut- social activity, bear, in their strength and of worship, whose attendant men and womost so to use the materials which Mr their number, some proportion to the effi- men must stand round with reverential Faux supplied, as to cast the most unquali- ciency and fertility of the causes which awe, while His Grace, the Most Noble fied discredit, nay, the foulest infamy upon produce them. Now, what is this, but the ob- Duke, swallows his pap, and all the attriour national character. We have no room vious and unavoidable truth? And England, butes and accidents of their established he-and no disposition-for periphrasis, and or Englishmen, have no more right to be reditary aristocracy, necessarily affect with therefore say at once what we would have offended with it, than we should have to be powerful influence the whole intellectual understood. Mr Gifford, in his strenuous very angry at a fair exposition of the sins and moral habit of the people. But, it endeavours to vilify this country, utterly and follies which form a part of our na- would be foolish and wicked to reproach disregarded every principle of politeness, tional character. It would be just as ab- them and quarrel with them, only because decency, and veracity. If we knew any surd to doubt, that within the social mass their opinions are somewhat affected by words which would express this fact more of England, principles of evil are most ac- vain prejudices which they are born to, and distinctly, we would use them, and we tively at work, as it would be unfair to deny which the many can no more cast aside, refer either to Mr Gifford's Review, or the energy and excellence of many valua- than they can shake off their skins. Let to the Review of that Review in the North ble institutions and national habits. We them be willing to see and admit the good American, certain that any honest man must be permitted to quote a pargraph that is in us, and let us gladly acknowlwould find in either article, direct and pos- from the article in question, which refers edge the good they have; then they may itive proof of the truth of our allegation. particularly to this subject. laugh at our plainness, and show, if they The London Quarterly was republished can, when it becomes rudeness, and we here, but the article on Faux was omitted, will laugh at their pageantry, and show because Mr Law of Washington threatened them, as we may, its vanity. No matter Messrs Wells & Lilly with a prosecution, how much laughing there is, if it be without if they reprinted in this country the libel bitterness,-if it be far removed from bru upon him, which that Review contained. tal insolence, or malignant falsehood. Such We approach to the end of our statement; the last North American contains an article upon Faux and his reviewer, treating them both with great, and with equal justice, severity, and ability. We have heard many comments on this article, and some whose opinions we, in the main, respect, have said that its severity if not unmerited, was unwise. Moreover, the course which the North American takes, in this article, is new, and is worthy of some examination

For his country, the country of our fathers, we entertain the tenderest sentiments of respect and veneration. The memory of the great and good men, the countrymen of our ancestors, is dear to us in the next degree to that of those, whom we honor and love at home. In the English constitution we see some things, in the state of society and condition of the arts in England, we see much to admire and to emulate. We also see monstrous defects, enormous contrasts, institutions most pernicious, customs and practices corrupt beyond the example of imperial Rome, and an excess of private profligacy, in proportion to the excess of wealth and the vehemence of temptation. There exists in England a maturity of vice as unquestioned as the maturity in wealth and art; and there are enormities of no unfrequent occurrence in that country, as far beyond the measure of vice in Amer ica, as the Duke of Bedford's income is beyond that of our richest landed proprietors. From this indubitable state of things, it is plain that it merits a litIn the first place let it be distinctly un- tle hesitation, on the part of our colleague of the derstood, that it forms no part of the object Quarterly, whether he will pursue this contest; and of the writer of this article to vilify Eng-provoke the exposition of the abuses in his country land. He speaks of that country, of its institutions, its habits, and its whole character, with, as we believe, exact truth; and we believe it, because all the facts which he mentions are of common notoriety, or rest upon unquestionable authorities, which But it may be objected, that, supposing he cites; and the inferences which he draws all this to be true, and to be no more than from them, and from the general condition can be said with due honesty and candour, of things there, are simple and obvious. yet there exists no good reason for saying True it is, that he does state some things it. Now, it is one question whether such a

on that account.

by presses, beyond the reach of the 'Bridge street

Association.' It merits consideration whether he

will do all, that can be done by a literary journal
of commanding influence, to turn into bitterness
the last drop of good will toward England, that ex-

ists in this country.

a relation between the countries as this,
would be, perhaps, as good a one as could
be expected to exist, for a long period, at
least; and this would be,, we do believe,
the actual relation between them, were it
not for the efforts of such men as Gifford,
or rather of Gifford himself.
The history
of the London Quarterly Review with re-
spect to this country, is strongly marked,
and easily told. We quote the following
from the North American Review, not
merely for its exact sketch of this history,
but for the soundness and importance of
the sentiments which it contains.

He sees in Faux's book itself that England has too many and too partial friends here. The numpolitical feuds could not do, is rapidly doing by ber, it is true, is daily growing less. What our publications like the Quarterly Review; and it is matter of notoriety, that the feelings entertained in this country toward England are less friendly now, than in the hottest of the late war. This alienation has been mainly effected by this very journal. For the purpose originally of discouraging emigration, shut up in your empire a crowded, starving, riot--a policy very unsound in itself, for why keep ing, maddening population-some writers in this

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