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out any equivalent, and fortifications which we had need of to guard against their future inroads and ceding to them lands which were not ours to give, and which they demand of us to put them in poffeffion of! and after all, we are called to diftribute among their inhabitants and citizens as much money as the fee fimple of their land is worth for nothing, or worfe than nothing, for ill turns or real injuries done us! Thus, in friendship and in enmity, in peace and in war, America is a mill-ftone round the necks of Englishmen, which no time nor circumftance can enable them to fhake off! To mend the matter, the men whole bounden duty it is to enable us to shake off this intolerable burthen, this mill-flone, are the men who are drawing the end tighter and tighter, and tying it with an indiffoluble knot.. Thus American madness bids fair to be our ruin first and last.

To make up this charitable donation to our dear American brethren, Englishmen are not to be taxed against their will, but, literally speaking, with their own confent; that is, they are all to be tempted to turn game fters, and then to be punished for gaming in their own way. In fome cafes, the end is faid to fanctify the means; but in this cafe the end and the means damn one another.

The Wine Duty bill has been pushed forward thro' a very thin Houfe, and gone into the Upper House, where the Oppo fition has been but weak in numbers, however ftrong in argument the few oppofing Members may have been. We believe many of the people's reprefentatives will dearly repent their precipitate retreat to their country-feats, while the Minifter was forging chains for them in common with their conftituents, the weight and inconveniency of which they will foon feel

even in their convivial hours.

The Sinking Fund bill met with its difficulties in paling both Houfes; and we are well affured, if it had been better underflood than it was, it would have met with ftill more and greater difficulties, in proportion as it had been understood. That muft now fland its trial; and let experience decide all differences of opinion upon it.

The Deal and Batten duty bill has paffed into a law, very much modified to what the Votes fet forth in the outfet. Whether this modification or moderation on the Minifter's part proceeded from the force of internal reprefentation of parties concerned, or of foreign remonstrances on the part of the Emprefs of Ruffia and the other Northern Powers, or from both thefe caufes co-operate ing, we know not; but report has been circulated that the Czarina has renewed her commercial treaty with us. If the above impoft was not known to, and admitted by her at the time of figning, she will probably confider it as an infraction of the treaty.

Although the Minifter was twice beat off

from his fortification fcheme, he returned to the attack the third time, and fucceeded to his wishes for the prefent year, trulling to his future efforts and manoeuvres, for the completion of his plan the next and fucceeding years. This fhews how much he regards the frowns of Parliament, or even its open rebukes.

The Eaft-India regulating bill has given the Minifter a great deal of trouble in carrying it through; but we believe it will give him molt trouble of all in carrying it into


The new Eaft-India Loan bill, too, gives no fmall trouble in its pallage through Parliament. It feems to be a medicine obtruded upon the patient against the grain by a phyfician in whom the patient has no great faith. Probably the Company would find its way much better in commercial and civil affairs, if Minifters would not meddle at all with them. The Company flourished, profpered, and grew great, refpectable at home, and formidable abroad, till the griping, fqueezing hand of Ministry was fretched out against them, to share their profits, and annihilate their power of electing Directors out of their own body to manage their own affairs. Every touch of the minifterial hand laid upon them fince has proved like a mortal stroke upon their vital part, which all the efforts of the Legislature and of Miniftry fince have not been able to remedy or do away. The Company never will thrive while the prefent reAtraints remain upon them; but will grow worle and worfe until they are reitored to their former ftate, or fomething near it, fubject to a very few reftraints, and thofe refpecting their military affairs only.

The Crown lands have been recommended to the confideration of the Heufe at a late feafon of the year, when every man in it was panting and gafping for a speedy deliverance from the bulinefs already crowded and accumulating on their hands! What His Majelly's Minifters mean by giving this advice to their Mafter we cannot conceive. It foars above our comprehenfion, as to any good that inay or can be derived from it at this juncture.

The profecuted Afiatic Governor has had two votes paffed upon him, the one for, the other against him: the firft we afcribe to the goodness of his caufe, and the perfpicuity of his defence; the fecond we impute to the Minifter's flying off in a tangent in the latter part of his fpeech, thereby drawing off all his followers to vote with himself against the Governor. For what reafon the Minifter fo fpoke, voted and acted, we are at a lofs to comprehend; for we can find nothing like a folid reafon in what is handed to us as his fpeech: the confequence, however, feems to be a ftagnation of the bufinefs for the prefent Seffion, neither party, his friends or his foes, expreffing much anxiety to push the matter further till the next Seffion of Parliament. In the mean time, we may expect warm de


bates and arguments pro and con among the commons of Great Britam without doors, about the treatment and fate of this great and wonderful man; as well as great rejcings among Frenchmen, Peers, and Commons of all ranks and degrees, for the indignities already offered the man whom they have been taught to dread as a Marlborough; while the rell of Europe will gaze at us in filent aíloaithment !!!

Ireland feems to have launched quite into the pacific ocean of politics! No volunteering, manevring, parading, or refolving, among the Irish people! All feems to be calm and quiet as to public affairs.

A nominal King of Portugal dving, makes little or no variation in the political fvitem of Europe, and is hardly worth our mention ing, but out of a respect to crowned heads, and the idea of a change that a fecond marriage may make among the Catholic Powers, particularly the Members of the Family Compact. The death of a King of Pruffia, as now expected, if really happening, would give a much greater fhock to the general fyf em of Europe, especially if accompanied with another death in that Royal Family at the fame time.

Holland continues to be convulfed from



Stockholm, May 4.

time to time with internal fends and com. motions; yet the heavy Dutchmen feldom proceed to any dangerous extremes : one or other of the contending partics finds the way to ftop in time, and to let time and patience work the cure of all their political diforders.

The King of Sweden has met his Diet with great eclat and cordiality. From the tenor of his fpeech it appears, that the tranquillity of the North is not likely to be disturbed among the Northern Powers themselves, however a ftorm may break out from 200ther quarter.

If any regard is to be paid to the intelli gence conveyed in the foreign prints, matters are growing very serious between the Ottoman Porte and the Empress of all the Ruffias, confequently the Emperor of Germany, united as the two latter Powers are in alliance, interefl, views, and correspondent defigns. If a war breaks out between the Turk and the two Imperial Courts, it will be a very perplexing fcene for the Cabinet of France, as the Porte will expect and demand of France an explicit categorical declaration what part the will really act in case of a 1up


The French never were put harder to it for a decided part to act, than they will be upon this impending occafion.


HE following important historical anecdote is worthy of being made public: It is well known that the great Guftavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, perished at the battle of Lutzen, which he gained on the 16th of November 1632; but nothing pofitive was known as to the circumftances of bis death. Some pretended that Cardinal Richelieu was the author of it; others, that he was affallinated by Duke Albert of Lauenbourg, one of his Generals, who was himself killed by the Auftrians; but a letter has been lately found in the Archives of Sweden, which explains that melancholy event quite in another manner. It is dated January 29, 2725, and addreffed by Mr. Andre Goedging, Provolt of the Chapter of Wexio, in Sweden, to Mr. Nicholas Hawed fon Dahl, Secretary of the Archives of this kingdom, "While I was in and is as follows, viz. Saxony, in 1687, I by happy chance difcowered the circumstances of the unfortunate end of the King Gultavus Adolphus. That great Prince went out without any other atendant than a valet, to difcover the enemy: thick fog prevented his perceiving a detachment of Auftrian troops, who fired and

wounded him, but did not kill him; the valet, who helped the king to get back to his camp, finished him with a piftol, and took a pair of spectacles, which that Prince always wore, he being very near-fighted: I bought thofe fpectacles of the Dean of Lauenbourg. Whilft I was in Saxony the murderer of the King was very old, and drew near his end; remorfe for fo atrocious an action was a continual torment to him. These circumstances I had from the mouth of the Dean himself, of whom I bought the fpectacles, which I have depofited among the Archives of Sweden."

Naples, May 6. By order of the King, a magnificent fet of China is fabricating here, intended as a prefent from his Majefty to the King of Great-Britain, in return for the carronades fent by the King of England laft year.

Copenhagen, May 30. The marriage of her Royal Highness the Princefs Louisă Augusta of Denmark with his Highnefs the Prince of Slefwic-Holftein, was celebrated on Saturday evening latt in this capital, in prefence of his Danish Majefty, the Prince Royal, the Queen Dowager, &c. &c.

Ipfwich, May 27.

FEW days ago, as the workmen were making a new turnpike road at Benacre, in this county, one of them truck his



pick-axe against a fione bottle, which contained about 920 pieces of filver coin, fuppofed by the date to have been hid there 1005 years.


MAY 22.

N Saturday laft an unfortunate accident


3 dwts. china, a large organ built with ce dar, and other inftruments of mufic, a cha

O happened during the King shunt, to the riot and pair of hores, with one hundred

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23. Was fold by Mr. Skinner, the valuable manors of Kinnel and Donnerbenvawr, in Flintshire and Denbighshire, in one lot, for the fum of 47,50 1.

His Royal Highnels Prince William Henry accepted of the freedom of Plymouth, which was prefented to him at Mr. Winne's, in a very elegant box, by the four fenior aldermen and cominon-counc Imen.

His Royal Highness fince failed in the Pegafus Frigate, and the Rofe, Capt. Harvey, for Guernley, and from thence for Halifax and Newfoundland.

24. The bankers waited on Mr. Pitt, and fettled the terms of the Lottery for the next year; the profits of which are to be applied to the relief of the American Loyatitis. The Lottery will confift of 50,000 Tick ts, 40,000 of which are taken by Meffrs. Hankey and other bankers, and 10,000 by the Bank of England, at 131. 155. 6d. each Ticket. 25. The election ended at Weltminiter fehool. The following gaudemen were eletted to the two Univerites, viz.

OXFORD. Mers. Bingham, the Earl of Elgin's brother, Bruce, Murray, Markham. CAMBRIDGE.-Mellrs. Folter, Clapham, Mills, Chester.

Admitted into the fchool, in the room of thofe gone out, Mefirs. Wrottefley, Clifton, Wintle, Holme, Taylor, Vincent, Greville, Hutchings.

Lord Cowper took his feat in the House of Peers, after an abfence of twenty years. His Lordship was dreffed in the infignia of a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire.

30. A letter dated Mantua, May 19, fays, "On the 12th inflant, about five o'clock in the evening, arrived here, from Milan, in perfect health, the Duke and Dutchess of Gloucefter, with their roval offspring, and a numerous fuite. After visiting the public edifices, and every thing worthy their attention in this city, they, to our great concern, left us on the 14th, to continue their way to Venice."

A lady of confiderable fortune, lately deceafed, by will bequeathed her luxuries to the London Hofpital, and they have accordingly been valued, confifting of all the jewels, diamonds, rings, pearls, necklaces, plate 596 oz.

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The lawyerS SOLEMN DIRGE was performed at Berlin on the 19th inftant, by his Majesty having ABSTRACTED their NUMREA. In 1977, there were 15.229, 5000 of which were ABBREVIATED in that year. In 1785, there were 12.139. at the expiration of winch 4266 were truck off the roll.-In the prefent year his Majcity has reduced them to 269 only.

The following is the final decree of the Parliament of Paris on the famous affair of the necklace:

The Cardinal Prince de Rohan Fonourably acquitted, and difcharged, with an injunction to be more cautious in future.

Mademoiselle d'Oliva acquitted, but banished from court.

Count Cagliofiro acquitted and discharged, with a reprimand.

Madame de la Motte to be publicly whipped, burnt on the fhoulder, her head to be fhaved, and to be imprifoned for life in the Hofortal de la Vill (noufe of correction.)

Sicur Villette, who forged the inftrument figned "Marie Antoinette de France," to five for a flave for life on board the gallies. Sicur d'Etienville, his accomplice, fame punifhment.

Sieur de la Motte (by con umacy, now in London, and who fold the jewels here) fentened to perpetual imprisonment.

The memorial of the Cardinal Prince de Rohan adjudged true, and worthy of credit.

The memorial of Madame de la Motte to be fuppreffed, as falfe, and containing calumnies against the Cardinal and others.

And thus ends an affair which has astonish

ed all Europe, on account of the fingularity and ing nuity of the traud.

JUNE 1. The freedom of the city of Hereford was prefented to Mr. Fox (by Mr. Walwyn) in a box made of apple-tree,

The Legislature of the United States of America have empowered Con, refs to lay an impoft of Five per Cent. on all goods imported from any part of the world.

A fortunate difcovery was lately made by a poor boy, in a barn at Wardour in Wiltfhire. The lad was employed in catching rats, when treading upon a hollow place, he was induced to examine it, and there found a flone trough, contain ng various gold and filver coins, and a gold ring, intermixed with earth, to the amount of about 100l. The


major part was of the coinage of Charles II, and confifted of guineas, 110 crown pieces, and other filver money.

A balloon of uncommon fize was launched from a piece of ground behind the Lyceum, in the Strand. It is the fame balloon, enlarged, with which Mr. Lockwood, Major Money, and another gentleman, went up laft fummer from Tottenham-Court-Road. With it Capt. Blake and Mr. Redman went, for the purpofe of trying experiments.

2. The Directors of the Eaft-India Company have prefented to the Houfe of Commons a Lift of their whole Civil and Military cfta

blishments in the Eaft Indies. From the totals of this large account it appears the annual expence of the

Bengal Civil Eftablishment is, f. 927 945 Military Eftablishment is 1,078.510 Madras Civil Eitablishment

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45,719 226.495 25,478

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His Majefty's drefs was plain brown, agreeable to his accustomed neatnefs on this occafion.

The Prince of Wales was elegantly habited in a GALA fuit of an orange colour, embroidered down the feams with filver. The STAR, of the order of St. George, was composed of brilliants, with exquifite tafte.

The Queen was in roval purple, entirely covered with fine Bruffels lace. This, perhaps, is the most coftly drefs her Majefty ever wore on the occafion. It difplayed at once a peculiar neatnefs and elegance, which was exceedingly heightened by the brilliant effect of her jewels. Among other diamonds, her Majelly had a beautiful bouquet of brilliants.

The Princess Royal was in a pea-green and filver luftring, molt fuperbly trimmed. Her Highness's train had a rich border of various colours. The petticoat was covered with an embroidered crape, reprefenting oak branches, and fleureties of the pureft workmanfhip in filver and foil. The pending acorns had fo good an effect, as farce to be diftingu fhed from nature. An interfperfion of white oftrich feathers, and beautiful fpangled gauze at bottom, ferved to relieve, and added much to the magnificence and luftre of the whole.

Princefs Augufta and Prineefs Elizabeth were in pink and filver, of the fame pattern, and decorated with the fame taste and fancy as their royal fifter's.

Mifs Fitzroy was neatly dreffed in white luftring, prettily ornamented with blue and filver ribbon.

Lady Salisbury was in a pale yellow, covered with a crape and filver, and trimmed with PUCE flowers; the body of her Ladyfhip's drefs was alfo PUCE.

The Lady Spencers, of the Marlborough family, were habited in pale blue, with Vandyke fcollops and filver fringe, the petticoats white crape and filver.

There were many fuits of tabbinets, plain, corded, and embroidered. The corded had a most beautiful effe&t, and were highly ad mired for their brilliancyand rich appearance.

The Ladies head-dreffes were chiefly of flowers and feathers, and their bouquets were exceedingly large.

The ball-room was a brilliant spectacle early in the evening. The Prince of Wales entered it a little betore nine, and pailed fome time in converfation with the Counte ́s of Salisbury and the Marquis of Carmarthen. The King foon after appeared, and addrefied, with the utmost courtely, all the ladies within the dancing circle. In this attention her Majefty alfo joined, who entered the bail-room immediately after, with the three elder Princeffes. The Prince of Mecklenburgh was alfo prefent, as were Mr. Pitt, Lord Carmarther, Lord Sydney, Lord Howe, the Duke of Queensbury, Lord Brudenel, the Marquis of Lothian, Lord Aylesford, and other officers of state. Many of the foreign Minifters were prefent, including that new member of the corps diplomatique, the Tripoline ambaffador.

On their Majefties being feat d, the minuets commenced in the following order, each gentleman dancing with two ladies: Prince of Wales - Princess Augufta. Princels Royal, S Princess Elizabeth, Lady C. Powlett. Lady C. Spencer, Lady E. Spencer.

Lord Morton

Lord Galway

Mr Edgecumbe

Lady Salifoury, Lady C. Waldegrave. Minuets were alfo danced by the Hon. Mifs Thynne, Mifs Fitzroy, Mils Townshend, Mifs Broderick, Mifs E. Waldegrave, Mils Jeffries, Mifs Gunning, and feveral other ladies.

On the conclufion of the minuets, countrydances were formed in the following order: Frincefs Royal -Prince of Wales Princefs Augufta Marq.of Carmarthen Princess Elizabeth Lord Morton Lady C. Powlett

Lady C. Spencer

Lord Down

Hon. Mr.Edgecumbe

Lady E. Spencer Mr. Crawford
After the country-dances had been gone
down, their Majefties gave notice of re-
tiring, and the ball ended.

The remainder of the MONTHLY CHRONICLE, with the ufual LISTS, will be given
as a SUPPLEMENT, with the INDEX. in our next Number.






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rural entertainments."

Then come one and all,
At Hymen's foft call,
From Whitehaven, Workington, Harrington,
Hail, Ponsonby, Blaing, and all places be-
From Egremont, Cockermouth, Barton,
St. Bees,
Cint, Kinnyfide, Calder, and parts fuch as
And the country at large may flock in—if
they please.

Such fports there will be as have feldom been

[blocks in formation]


Such wrestling, and fencing, and dancing be.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Salt-hill fome years ago, fuppofed to have been by the wine they drank, is at laft developed by the cook who then lived at the inn; and who, being on her death-bed, lately fent for a clergyman, and to him related the following circumstances, which the faid lay fo heavy on her mind that she could not die without revealing them :—" That having, the preceding day, prepared a dish, which was not called for, the suffered it to remain in the ftew-pan (which was of copper) till the next day, when the party alluded to dined there, and the dish fo kept conftituted a part of their dinner. That be fore the warmed it again for that purpose, fhe obferved a large quantity of a thick greenifh fcum on its furface, but the cause of fuch appearance not occurring to her at the inftant, the permitted it to be fent to table, and the fatal effects before mentioned fol

lowed. That when told that the parties
were in the agonies of death, and recollec
ing to have heard of the poisonous property
of copper, the usaccountable appearance of
the food occurred to her mind, and the be-
gan to fear that she had been, inadvertently,
the caufe of that dreadful catastrophe.
der this impreffion fhe was miferable, but
declared that her only reafon for retaining
the fecret within her own bofom, was the
dread that a confeffion would have been fol-
lowed by the punishment inflicted on wilful


Mr. Howard, who has fo greatly diftinguished himself in vifiting the prifons of this kingdom, impreffed with the idea that he has difcovered the means of preventing the ra vages of the plague, is gone to Conftantinople to confer with the Turks upon the fubject, and to excite them to make expe riments for stopping that dreadfui dif


3. The Gazette of this evening contains an account of the election of Knights, and the ceremony of the inveftiture of the most noble order of the Garter, on Friday, of the following diftinguished perfonages, viz. their Royal Highneffes Prince Edward (now out of the kingdom), Prince Erneft Auguftus, Prince Auguftus Frederick, Prince Adolphus Frederick, his Serene Highnefs the Landgrave of Heffe Caffel, the Duke of Beaufort, the Marquis of Buckingham, and Earl Cornwallis (now out of the kingdom). Before the clection of Knights began, the Chancellor read a new statute of the order, by which it is ordained, that the order fhall in future confist of the Sovereign and twenty-five Ooo


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