Слике страница
[blocks in formation]

Underwood, Hon. Joseph R., attended

presented the credentials of the Hon. Thomas Metcalfe..
resolutions submitted by-

board of commissioners to ascertain the quantity of appropriated
lands in California and New Mexico, and what disposition should
be made of the mineral lands..

mail route from Russellville to Elkton, and Elkton to Madisonville

Union Bank of Florida. (See bill H. R. 569)
Union county, Pennsylvania, citizens of, petition for an increase of duties on for-
eign manufactures

4, 351






Union, dissolution of, petitions for-

Joseph Treat...

citizens and females of Pennsylvania



committee discharged

yeas and nays

motion to reconsider

United States, citizens of, petitions for a donation of the public lands to actual

United States stocks, establishment of an officer in New York for the transfer of,
resolution by Mr. Dickinson

report of the Secretary of the Treasury..

United States, map of. (See Colton's Map)

United States, female inhabitants of, petitions relative to slavery.

citizens of, petitions for the prohibition of intoxicating liquors in
the navy.





109, 206



citizens of, petitions for the prohibition of corporeal punishment in
the military and naval service....


citizens of, memorial for a military post in California, near the
gold region....


memorial for military escorts on the route to California, and a
military post near the gold region......

[blocks in formation]

mail route from Brattleboro', Vermont, to Whitehall, New York.....

Useful arts, bill (H. R. 102) to amend the acts to promote the progress of the,
memorial of Henry O'Reilly remonstrating against.

Utica, citizens of, petition for the abolition of the spirit ration in the navy


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Van Buren, M. E. (See W. W. Loring.)

Van Ness, Eugene, and John M. Brush, executors of Nehemiah Brush. (See bill
S. 237.)

Van Valkenburg, Bartholomew, resolution for leave to withdraw...

363, 369

Ventilating Senate chamber, resolution by Mr. Walker, to pay John Skirving for
Venue, bill to authorize the change of. (See bill S. 420.)

150, 360

Vera Cruz, transportation of the mail from New Orleans to, in steam vessels.
(See joint resolution S. R. 44.)

Vermont, petitions of females of, relative to slavery.

Vermont, mail routes in, petitions of citizens of Orange county

resolution by Mr. Upham....

Vessels, conveyance of. (See bill H. R. 737.)

Vessels in distress, American, resolution in relation to foreign officers and seamen
who shall render relief to. (See joint resolution H. R. 57.)

Vessels, transport, resolution to transfer from the War to the Navy Department.
(See joint resolution S. R. 58.)

Vice President. (See President and Vice President, and Millard Fillmore.)




Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate-

resumed the chair


presented the oredentials of the Hon. James Cooper...
presented the credentials of the Hon. William H. Seward...
casting vote of the Vice President on bill H. R. 32...
give notice of his intention to retire from the chair
address upon retiring....


resolution of thanks to......

Vidal, Joseph, legal representatives of, petition

Vigo, Colonel Francis, legal representatives of.

(See bill H. R. 216.)

Vinal Haven, transfer of, from the Penobscot to the Belfast collection district.
(See bill H. R. 344.)

Vincent, Frederick. (See bill S. 199.)

motion to reconsider

Virginia State and Continental lines, unpaid claims of officers and soldiers of.
(See bill S. 168.)
Virginia Legislature, resolutions relative to slavery
Volunteers in the Seminole war, resolution of the Legislature of Florida, for the
payment of.


[blocks in formation]

resolution of the Legislature of Florida, for
bounty land to....


committee discharged



resolution of the Legislature of Florida, for the
payment of Capt. Thos. Langford's company
Volunteers, extra pay to officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and pri-
vates of. (See joint resolution S. R. 48.)

Volunteers, Arkansas and other, subsistence to. (See bill S. 295.)
Volunteers, resolution explanatory of the act to refund expenses for subsistence
and transportation of volunteers before being mustered into service. (See
joint resolution S. R. 36.)

Von Schmidt, Peter, memorial relative to the gold mines in California



[blocks in formation]

pay to John Skirving, for ventilating the Senate chamber.....



cession of the public lands to the States in which situated..


to suspend the 16th joint rule....

[blocks in formation]

to suspend the 17th joint rule


eligibility of the Hon. James Shields.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

select committee on the eligibility of the Hon. James Shields be au-

Walker, Joseph, documents relative to the claim of.....

committee discharged

Walker, Gideon, petition of members of the Legislature of Indiana, for a pension

Walker, Samuel. (See Francis G. Beatty.)

Wallace, Colonel Robert. (See bill H. R. 166.)

yeas and nays..

Wallace, Cadwallader. (See bill S. 44.)

Wankowiez, Vladislas, memorial...

War Department-

appropriations for the service of the department, report of the Secretary
of War.

expenditures from the contingent funds of the department and bureaus,
report of the Secretary of War

[blocks in formation]

War Department-Continued.
clerks and other persons employed in the War Department, report of
the Secretary of War...

contracts made under authority of the department, report of the secretary

transfer of transport vessels from the War to the Navy Department.

(See joint resolution S. R. 58.)




clerks and other persons employed in the War Department.

with a map of the valley of Mexico...

ordered to be lithographed.

contracts made under authority of the department..

report of the Secretary of the Treasury relative to additional rooms re-
quired for the War Department.

War, Secretary of, reports of-

appropriations for the service of the War Department.....

with report of the Commissioner of Pensions of rejected pension claims.
expenditures from the contingent funds of the department and bureaus.
expenses of the national armories, and the number of arms made and

contingent expenses of the military establishment.

with report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs showing the persons
employed in the Indian Department..









137, 157



yeas and nays..

relative to the invention of John B. Emerson, communicated by the

money advanced to the "Old Settlers" or Western Cherokees..
claim of Captain John McClellan's company of Florida volunteers.
with returns of militia.

claims against the Cherokees, especially the "Old Settlers”.

order to print modified.

with copies of the Army Register...

claim of R. M. Johnson, communicated by the President..

operations of the army in Texas and the adjacent Mexican States.
with report of Lieutenant Colonel Philip St. George Cooke..
ordered to be printed..

Ward, Joseph D. (See bill H. R. 558.)

Warehousing system, report of the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to......
Washington city-

memorial of the board of aldermen and common council for a law to
prohibit the bringing of slaves into the District of Columbia for sale..
committee discharged and leave to withdraw....

memorial of a committee of the corporation for the completion of the
city hall and repair of the canal..

Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Steamboat Company. (See bill S. 366.)

Washington county, Florida, citizens of, petition for land for public uses..

Washington county, Vermont, citizens of, petition for a reduction of postage....
Washington, Henry. (See bill S. 106.)

Watson, Joseph, heirs of, petition referred..

report and bill (see bill S. 410.).

Watson, James C., surviving partner of. (See William A. Campbell.)
Watterson, D. A., memorial


Webb, Nathaniel, petition......

adverse report.

Webber, John A., petition.....

report and resolution. (See joint resolution S. 53)

Webster, Hon. Daniel, attended...
resolutions submitted by-

law for taking security against alien passengers becoming a public
charge-opinions of the judges of the Supreme Court in the cases
of Smith vs.
Turner," and "Norris vs. the city of Boston"....
thanks of the Senate to Mr. Dallas, Vice President....
instructions to the United States Minister at London, offering a fur-
ther extension of reciprocity and equality in navigation, and espe
cially in relation to the coasting trade..

[blocks in formation]

land for a county site in, resolution of the Legisla-
ture of Florida...





[blocks in formation]

committee to inform the President that the Senate is ready to adjourn.


Weed, Elijah J., administrator of. (See John S. Devlin.)

Wells & Co. and others, of New York, memorial for aid in constructing a rail-
way across the isthmus of Tehauntepec.


Wells, D. P. (See S. W. Aldrich.)

West, George W., Charles S. Riché, and others, petition for an enlargement of
the Philadelphia navy yard..
committee discharged..

Westcott, jr., Hon. James D., attended..


presented the credentials of the Hon. Jackson Morton.
resolutions submitted by-

survey of the reefs and coast of South Florida....
tonnage duty on Spanish vessels.....

tonnage duty on Spanish vessels trading between Cuba and the
United States...

relative to the act for the relief of Jones & Boker..
newspapers that have contracted to publish the debates of the
Senate to be furnished with the documents

establishment of a navy yard and naval depot at Key West...
despatches of Commodore Stockton, relative to the naval and
military operations in California....

report of Lieutenant Lynch of an examination of the Dead sea.
appointment of Leonard D. Gale as examiner in the Patent

West Feliciana Railroad Company. (See bill S. 241.)








⚫ 55













West Indies, memorial of J. Disturnell, relative to the collection of statistics of
West Turin, New York, citizens of, petition for a mail route from Constableville
to S. C. Thompson's store..

[blocks in formation]

Wheaton, Mr, resolution by Mr. Johnson of Maryland, for a despatch of Mr.
Wheaton concerning a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans and the Mediterranean seas

Whitcher, William. (See bill H. R. 549.)

Whitcomb, Hon. James, credentials presented.

[blocks in formation]

White's New Recopilacion, resolution by Mr. Rusk for the purchase of........

(See joint resolution S. R. 62.)

Whitehall, New York, certain privileges extended to the town of. (See bill H.

[blocks in formation]

Whitney, Asa, land to, for a railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacific. (See
bill S. 297.)

Whittet, Robert. (See bill H. R. 450.)

Widows and orphans of officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and pri
vates of regulars and volunteers, who have died or may die of disease con-
tracted in Mexico. (See bill S. 454.)

Widows and orphans, five years' half-pay to. (See bill H. R. 766.)

Widows, evidence in applications for pensions by. (See joint resolution H. R. 52.)
Widows and orphans of officers and soldiers in the war with Mexico. (See bill
S. 471.)

Widows and orphans, claims of, to have priority in the examination of claims
arising out of the Mexican war.

[blocks in formation]

Wilkes, George, memorial for the construction of a road from the Missouri to
the Pacific...
















Wilkes, Charles, memorial.


Wilkins, Fort, memorial of the Legislature of Wisconsin for a road from Green
Bay to

[blocks in formation]


Willcox, Jacob, petition referred..


Williams, Archibald, and Charles Griffin, petition..


William and Mary College, president and professors of, memorial referred...


Williams, Lowry. (See bill H. R. 510.)

Williams, Edwin, memorial....


Williams & Griffith, leave to withdraw..


Williamson, Elizabeth. (See bill H. R. 445.)

Wilmot proviso, resolutions of the Legislature of South Carolina relative to.....


Wilson, Charles. (See bill H. R. 724.)

Wilson, John. (See bill H. R. 449.)

Wilson, Daniel. (See bill H. R. 780.)

Wilson, William H., (See bill H. R. 451.)

Winchester, Connecticut, citizens of, petition for reduction of postage, &c....
Winchester, Illinois, citizens of, petition for a military escort and military post on
the route to California....

[blocks in formation]

Winder's building, purchase of, resolution by Mr. Pearce..

report of the Secretary of the Treasury.

Windham, Vermont, citizens of, petition for reduction of postage, &c.
Winnebago, Fort, memorial of the Legislature of Wisconsin for a grant of the re-
servation at, for a penitentiary

Winnebago county, Illinois, committee discharged from the petition of citizens of

registers and receivers of land offices in, petition for commissions on entries
of military land warrants

citizens of, petition for a mail route from West Bend to Sheboygan..
mineral lands in, reduction of the price of. (See bill S. 487 and H. R.

[blocks in formation]

grant of the reservation at Fort Winnebago for a penitentiary..
road from Nerah to Manitowoc...

land to the widow and heirs of John Hood..

road from Green Bay to Fort Wilkins.....

[ocr errors]

committee discharged from the resolution relative to a treaty with the
Menomonie Indians..

[blocks in formation]

Wrecks of American vessels, report of the Secretary of the Treasury..


Wyer, Joseph, and other citizens of the United States, petition for donations of
the public lands to actual settlers..

[blocks in formation]

Yool, William, representatives of. (See William D. and Julia Acken.)
Young, John J. (See bill H. R. 313.)

Young, Jesse. (See bill H. R. 71:)

Ypsilanti, Michigan, citizens of, petition for a reduction of postage..
Yulee, Hon. David Levy, attended..


50, 352

resolutions submitted by-

to refer so much of the President's message as relates to naval affairs..
exclusion of the mail system from St. Lucie and Dade counties, Florida
reduction of the price of the pine lands in Florida.....



144, 148

claim of Captain George E. McClellan's company of Florida volunteers
greater expedition in the mails between New York and New Orleans..
compensation of Thomas Peters

Zimmerman, Jacob. (See bill H. R. 772.)


144, 148



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