American Bee Journal IMPORTANT NOTICE THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE of this Journal is $1.00 a year, in the United States of America and Mexico; in Canada,_$1.10; and in all other countries in the Postal Union, 25 cents a year extra for postage. Sample copy free. THE WRAPPER-LABEL DATE indicates the end of the month to which your subscription is paid. For instance, dec14 on your label shows that it is paid to the end of December, 1914. SUBSCRIPTION RECEIPTS.-We do not send a receipt for money sent us to pay subscription, but change the date on your address-label, which shows that the money has been received and credited. Celebrated Queens Direct from Italy Bees More Beautiful, More Gentle, More Universal Exposition, St. Louis, This country, politically, Switzerland Republic, lies geographically in Italy, and possesses the best kind of bees known. Please mention Am. Bee Journal when writing. This is the Discount Season on BEE-SUPPLIES AND BEES Write us stating what you are in need of, and we will quote you. If you sell supplies our discount sheet is yours for the asking, Catalog on request. I. J. STRINGHAM 105 Park Place, New York APIARIES: Glen Cove, L. I. "If goods are wanted quick, send to Pouder." BEE-SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT Store room built expressly for the business; large con crete basement with just enough moisture to prevent breakage in sections. No shrinkage in dovetailed corners of supers and hives. QUALITY Root goods at factory prices. The kind that I have sold for nearly a quarter of a century, and the kind that you can afford to recommend to your neighbors. I might have increased my profits for a short time by handling other goods, but I would not have remained so long in business. Many articles in my catalog can reach you by Parcel Post, and I assume all responsibility in safe delivery of the goods. Catalog free. WALTER S. POUDER, 873 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. With four carloads of new goods on hand, we are now better prepared for the rush than ever. But don't wait to be in the RUSH. Send your order in now and have the goods on hand, ready for use. New Illustrated Catalog of 60 Pages We want one in every beekeeper's hands. White Clover Extracted Honey Wanted, also Beeswax S. J. GRIGGS & CO. 24 N. Erie St., Queens That Toledo, Ohio "Griggs is always on the Job." Are Better" Better" Italians and Banats Untested Queens, 75c each; $8.00 per dozen; two or more dozen in one order, $7.50 per dozen Breeder Queens. $3.00 each. Foreign trade add 5 cents each extra. 1⁄2-lb. pound packages of bees after May 1, $2.00. Select queen wanted, add to this. The express charges on these will be very small in comparison with charges on frame nuclei. One-frame Nuclei, with untested queen, $2.00 each; 2-frame, $3.00; 3-frame. $4.00. Full colony of bees in 10-frame hive, $7.00. Add 50 cents if Tested Queen is wanted; $2.00 if Breeder Queen is wanted. For ten or more colonies or nuclei, deduct 25 cents each. I have successfully shipped bees and queens from this place every month of the year. I started two colonies Jan. 25 on their voyage to Nutsusarida, Kobe, Japan. Each contained a Breeder Italian Queen. Dear Sir:-The two colonies of bees shipped by you arrived safely, and are perfectly satis- My Bee and Queen exhibits at the State Fair of Texas were awarded six premiums in 1011 "YOUR MONEY'S WORTH" is my motto. TERMS are cash with order. I refer you to Sabinal I have ten yards, and with several hundred nuclei I can serve many customers. I solicit your trade. J. A. Simmons, Uvalde Co. Apiaries, Sabinal, Texas |