The Plays of William Shakespeare, Том 11Maxwell, 1809 |
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... Richard , when I know ; for , I protest , As yet I do not : But , as I can learn , He hearkens after prophecies , and dreams ; 4 And from the cross - row plucks the letter G , And says a wizard told him , that ... KING RICHARD III . 13.
... Richard , when I know ; for , I protest , As yet I do not : But , as I can learn , He hearkens after prophecies , and dreams ; 4 And from the cross - row plucks the letter G , And says a wizard told him , that ... KING RICHARD III . 13.
Страница 14
... king , that sends you to the Tower ; My lady Grey his wife , Clarence , ' tis she , That tempers him to this extremity.7 * 8 Was it not she , and that good man of worship , Antony Woodeville , her brother there ... KING RICHARD III .
... king , that sends you to the Tower ; My lady Grey his wife , Clarence , ' tis she , That tempers him to this extremity.7 * 8 Was it not she , and that good man of worship , Antony Woodeville , her brother there ... KING RICHARD III .
Страница 16
... king ; And whatsoe'er you will employ me in , - Were it , to call king Edward's widow - sister , 5- I will perform it , to enfranchise you . Mean time , this deep disgrace in brotherhood , Touches me deeper than ... KING RICHARD III .
... king ; And whatsoe'er you will employ me in , - Were it , to call king Edward's widow - sister , 5- I will perform it , to enfranchise you . Mean time , this deep disgrace in brotherhood , Touches me deeper than ... KING RICHARD III .
Страница 18
... king Edward to his mercy , And leave the world for me to bustle in ! For then I ' ll marry Warwick's youngest daughter : What though I kill'd her husband , and her father ? The readiest way to make the ... king ! 18 KING RICHARD III .
... king Edward to his mercy , And leave the world for me to bustle in ! For then I ' ll marry Warwick's youngest daughter : What though I kill'd her husband , and her father ? The readiest way to make the ... king ! 18 KING RICHARD III .
Страница 28
... King Richard III , for the stage , was so thoroughly convinced of the ridiculousness and improbability of this scene , that he thought himself obliged to make Tressel say : When future chronicles shall speak of ... KING RICHARD III .
... King Richard III , for the stage , was so thoroughly convinced of the ridiculousness and improbability of this scene , that he thought himself obliged to make Tressel say : When future chronicles shall speak of ... KING RICHARD III .
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ancient Anne archbishop Ben Jonson bishop blood brother Buck Buckingham called cardinal Cates Catesby Cham Clar Clarence conscience curse daughter death devil doth Duch duke Earl Earl of Richmond editors Eliz Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair fear folio friends Gent gentle gentleman give Gloster grace Hanmer hath heart heaven Henry VIII Holinshed holy honour Johnson Kath King Henry King Henry VI King Richard King Richard III king's lady live Lord Chamberlain lord Hastings Lovel madam Malone Mason means mother Murd never night noble Norfolk old copy passage person play Polydore Virgil pray prince quarto queen Rape of Lucrece Ratcliff Rich Richmond Ritson royal scene Shakspeare Sir Thomas Sir Thomas Hanmer soul speak Stan Stanley Steevens tell thee Theobald thou Tower unto Vice Warburton Wolsey word York