The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the Year ..., Том 16Gray and Bowen, 1844 Vol. 1 has title: The American almanac and repository of useful knowledge ... comprising a calendar for the year; astronomical information; miscellaneous directions, hints, and statistical and other particulars. |
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... Secretary of the Senate ; and any individual who shall have been , or may hereafter be , President of the United States ; and each may receive newspapers by post , free of postage . Each member of the Senate , and each member and ...
... Secretary of the Senate ; and any individual who shall have been , or may hereafter be , President of the United States ; and each may receive newspapers by post , free of postage . Each member of the Senate , and each member and ...
Страница 137
... Secretary of the Treasury , December 6 , 1843. ] 1. Statement of duties , revenues , and public expenditures , during the calendar year 1842 , and from Jan. 1 to July 1 , 1843 , exclusive of trust funds . The receipts into the treasury ...
... Secretary of the Treasury , December 6 , 1843. ] 1. Statement of duties , revenues , and public expenditures , during the calendar year 1842 , and from Jan. 1 to July 1 , 1843 , exclusive of trust funds . The receipts into the treasury ...
Страница 138
... Secretary to sign patents ,. 1,500 00 750 00 Total civil list , 2,893,103 09 1,196,931 07 Foreign Intercourse . Salaries of ministers , Salaries of secretaries of legation , · 62,012 85 33,507 29 16,465 71 7,850 00 Salaries of chargés ...
... Secretary to sign patents ,. 1,500 00 750 00 Total civil list , 2,893,103 09 1,196,931 07 Foreign Intercourse . Salaries of ministers , Salaries of secretaries of legation , · 62,012 85 33,507 29 16,465 71 7,850 00 Salaries of chargés ...
Страница 141
... Secretary of the Treasury , made up to February 29 , 1844 , we gather the following particulars : The balance in the treasury on the 1st of July , 1843 , was $ 10,434,507 55 The receipts from that time till 29th Feb'y , 1844 , were From ...
... Secretary of the Treasury , made up to February 29 , 1844 , we gather the following particulars : The balance in the treasury on the 1st of July , 1843 , was $ 10,434,507 55 The receipts from that time till 29th Feb'y , 1844 , were From ...
Страница 145
... show that he was in such circumstances as not to know of the seizure , and that the forfeiture was made without negligence on his part ; and the Secretary of the 13 1845. ] 145 TITLES AND ABSTRACTS OF THE PUBLIC LAWS .
... show that he was in such circumstances as not to know of the seizure , and that the forfeiture was made without negligence on his part ; and the Secretary of the 13 1845. ] 145 TITLES AND ABSTRACTS OF THE PUBLIC LAWS .
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19th day 1st day 1st Monday aged amount annually April Attorney August Baltimore Bank Bay of Fundy Boston Canal Carolina cent Charles Charleston Circuit Court College Columbia Common Schools Congress Connecticut Court of Chancery Daniel Days of Month debt Dist District eclipse elected Ends expenses Fees George Governor Henry Home Squadron House Island Jackson James January Jefferson John Joseph Judge JUDICIARY July June June 15 jurisdiction Key West lands Legislature Louisiana March Mass Mean Mississippi Missouri Moon Norfolk North November October Ohio Orl's Orleans Parallax Perigee Philadelphia President Railroad Rhode Island Richmond Right Asc rises Salary Samuel Savannah School Fund Secretary Senate Sept sets South Carolina Souths Sunday after Trinity Supreme Court Tennessee Thomas Total Treasury Tuesday United Virginia Washington Washington Mean Wednesday weeks William Yale College York
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Страница 124 - An act to provide for the armed occupation and settlement of the unsettled part of the peninsula of East Florida
Страница 126 - Any person doing wilful injury to the canal, shall be fined not less than $5, nor more than $50, to be recovered with costs before any justice of the peace of the District of Columbia, and be subject also to a suit for damages. No person not employed in navigating the canal, or in the service of the company, shall walk, or drive upon their aqueduct over the Potomac, under a fine of not less than $1, nor more than $5.
Страница 3 - " the 2592d year since the era of Nabonassar, which has been assigned to Wednesday, the 26th of February of the 3967th year of the Julian Period...
Страница 241 - ... and the interest thereof shall be inviolably appropriated to the support and encouragement of common schools throughout the State, and for the equal benefit of all the people thereof; and no law shall be made authorizing said fund, or any part thereof, to be diverted to any other use than the support and encouragement of common schools...
Страница 103 - Every Printed Pamphlet or Magazine which contains more than twenty-four pages, on a royal sheet, or any sheet of less dimensions, shall be charged by the sheet ; and small pamphlets, printed on a half or quarter sheet, of royal or less size, shall be charged with half the amount of postage charged on a full sheet.
Страница 7 - The unit of altitude at any place is the height at that place of that tide which arrives about a day and a half after the time of New or Full Moon...
Страница 271 - England was carried into effect January 1, 1800, and the Parliament which sat the same month, and which included the members from Ireland, is styled the first Imperial Parliament.
Страница 104 - Privilege of Franking. Letters and packets to and from the following officers of the government, are by law received and conveyed by post, free of postage. The President and Vice-President of the United States ; Secretaries of State, Treasury, War, and Navy...
Страница 160 - By students in the above table, with an exception of a few of the Colleges in the Southern and Western States, is meant undergraduates , or members of the four collegiate classes ; not including such as are pursuing professional education, or such as are members of a preparatory department.
Страница 103 - A Letter composed of two pieces of paper, is charged with double these rates ; of three pieces, with triple ; and of four pieces, with quadruple. " One or more pieces of paper, mailed as a letter, and weighing one ounce, shall be charged with quadruple postage ; and at the same rate, should the weight be greater.