The Plays of William Shakespeare, Том 11Maxwell, 1809 |
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... played upon a stage now , I could condemn it as an improbable fiction . " From an account of our late unsuccessful embassy to the Em- peror of China , we learn , indeed , that a scene of equal absurdity was represented in a theatre at ...
... played upon a stage now , I could condemn it as an improbable fiction . " From an account of our late unsuccessful embassy to the Em- peror of China , we learn , indeed , that a scene of equal absurdity was represented in a theatre at ...
Страница 31
... play , before the battle of Bosworth - field , he is every where called lord Stanley . This sufficiently justifies the change I have made in his title . Theobald . 2 The countess Richmond , ] Margaret , daughter to John Beau- fort ...
... play , before the battle of Bosworth - field , he is every where called lord Stanley . This sufficiently justifies the change I have made in his title . Theobald . 2 The countess Richmond , ] Margaret , daughter to John Beau- fort ...
Страница 36
... play the variations between the original copy in quarto , and the folio , are more numerous than , I believe , in any other of our author's pieces . The alterations , it is highly probable , were made , not by Shakspeare , but by the ...
... play the variations between the original copy in quarto , and the folio , are more numerous than , I believe , in any other of our author's pieces . The alterations , it is highly probable , were made , not by Shakspeare , but by the ...
Страница 41
... that poor rag , " Most be the subject , " Again , in this play : " These over - weening rags of France . " Steevens . Q. Mar. Poor painted queen , vain flourish of tune E 2 KING RICHARD III . 41 Glo. I cry thee mercy then; for I ...
... that poor rag , " Most be the subject , " Again , in this play : " These over - weening rags of France . " Steevens . Q. Mar. Poor painted queen , vain flourish of tune E 2 KING RICHARD III . 41 Glo. I cry thee mercy then; for I ...
Страница 44
... play of Richard the Third , he seems to deduce the woes of the house of York from the curses which Queen Margaret had vented against them ; and he could not give that weight to her curses , without supposing a right in her to utter them ...
... play of Richard the Third , he seems to deduce the woes of the house of York from the curses which Queen Margaret had vented against them ; and he could not give that weight to her curses , without supposing a right in her to utter them ...
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ancient Anne archbishop Ben Jonson bishop blood brother Buck Buckingham called cardinal Cates Catesby Cham Clar Clarence conscience curse daughter death devil doth Duch duke Earl Earl of Richmond editors Eliz Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair fear folio friends Gent gentle gentleman give Gloster grace Hanmer hath heart heaven Henry VIII Holinshed holy honour Johnson Kath King Henry King Henry VI King Richard King Richard III king's lady live Lord Chamberlain lord Hastings Lovel madam Malone Mason means mother Murd never night noble Norfolk old copy passage person play Polydore Virgil pray prince quarto queen Rape of Lucrece Ratcliff Rich Richmond Ritson royal scene Shakspeare Sir Thomas Sir Thomas Hanmer soul speak Stan Stanley Steevens tell thee Theobald thou Tower unto Vice Warburton Wolsey word York