| 1909 - 418 страница
...within the department to which he may be designated to perform the duties of an appellate justice, exercise any of the powers of a justice of the Supreme Court, other than those of a justice out of court, and those pertaining to the appellate division, or to the... | |
| New York (State). Courts - 1910 - 784 страница
...within the department to which he may be designated to perform the duties of an appellate justice, exercise any of the powers of a justice of the Supreme Court, other than those of a justice out of court, and those pertaining to the Appellate Division or to the... | |
| New York (State) - 1911 - 1742 страница
...decision of motions submitted by consent of counsel, but any such Justice, when not actually engaged $ nny county or judicial district in any other department of the State. From and after the last day of... | |
| New York (State), George Bliss - 1912 - 602 страница
...OF APPELLATE DiVISiON AND POWERS OF JUSTICES THEREOF.— No justice of the appellate division shall exercise any of the powers of a justice of the supreme court, other than those of a justice out of court, and those pertaining to the appellate division or to the... | |
| New York (State) - 1913 - 1810 страница
...decision of motions submitted by consent of counsel, but any such Justice, when not actually engaged in performing the duties of such Appellate Justice...Supreme Court in any county or judicial district in nny other department of the State. From and after the last day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-five,... | |
| New York (State) - 1913 - 1790 страница
...decision of motions submitted by consent of counsel, but any such Justice, when not actually engaged in performing the duties of such Appellate Justice in the department to which lie is designated, may hold any term of the Supreme Court and exercise any of the powers of a Justice... | |
| New York (State) - 1914 - 1882 страница
...performing the duties of such Appellate Justice in the department to which be is designated, may bold any term of the Supreme Court and exercise any of the powers of n Justice of the Supreme Court in any county or judicial district in any other department of the State.... | |
| Academy of Political Science (U.S.) - 1915 - 302 страница
...decision of motions submitted by consent of counsel, but any such Justice, when not actually engaged in performing the duties of such Appellate Justice...judicial district in any other department of the State. From and after the last day of December, nineteen hundred fifteen [eighteen hundred and ninetyfive],... | |
| New York (State). Constitutional Convention - 1915 - 846 страница
...¡nul decisimi of motions submitted by consent of emu but any such justice, whcu not actually engaged in performing the duties of such appellate justice...the powers of a justice of the supreme court in any countj or judicial district in any other department of the state. The appellate division, except as... | |
| New York (State). Secretary's Office - 1915 - 1260 страница
...department to which he is designated, may hold any term of the Supreme Court and exercise any of the powere of a Justice of the Supreme Court in any county or...in any other department of the State. The Appellate Divisions are located, respectively, the first department in New York city; the second department in... | |
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