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" And, when the Sun begins to fling His flaring beams, me, Goddess, bring To arched walks of twilight groves, And shadows brown, that Sylvan loves, Of Pine, or monumental Oak, Where the rude Axe with heaved stroke Was never heard the Nymphs to daunt, Or... "
The Works of the British Poets: With Lives of the Authors - Страница 265
написао/ла Ezekiel Sanford - 1819
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Allegro und Penseroso

John Milton - 1782 - 40 страница
...aufgehört hat zu sausen, sich endigt auf säuselnden Blättern und mit minutenweise von Dächern fallenden To arched walks of twilight groves, And shadows brown that Sylvan loves Of pine, or monumental oak, i35 Where the rude ax with heaved stroke, Was never heard the Nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from...
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The Speaker: Or, Miscellaneous Pieces, Selected from the Best English ...

William Enfield - 1785 - 462 страница
...fhadows brown that Sylvan love* Of pine, or monumental oak, Where the rude ax with heaved ftrofce, Was never heard the Nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. There in clofe covert by fome brook, Where no prbfafcer eye may look, Hide me from day's garifh eye, While the...
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Miscellanies in Prose and Verse Intended as a Specimen of the Types: At the ...

John Walter - 1785 - 258 страница
...And fhadows brown that Sylvan loves Of pine or monumental oak, Where the rude ax, with heaved ftroke, Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. There in clofe covert by fome brook, Where no profaner eye may look, Hide me from day's garifh eye, While the...
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Poems Upon Several Occasions: English, Italian, and Latin

John Milton - 1785 - 698 страница
...fayeriw often danc'd. «•• ' Of pine, or monumental oak, 135 Where the rude ax with heaved ftroke Was never heard the Nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. There in clofe covert by fome brook, Where no profaner eye may look, 140 Hide me from day's garifh eye, Again,...
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Bell's Edition, Томови 31-32

John Bell - 1788 - 630 страница
...gust hath blown his fill, Ending on the russling leaves, With minute drops from off the eaves. 1 30 And when the sun begins to fling His flaring beams,...brown that Sylvan loves Of pine, or monumental oak, 155 Where the rude axe with heaved stroke Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from...
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Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der schönen Wissenschaften, Том 3

Eschenburg - 1789 - 484 страница
...begins to fling His flaring beams, me goddeis bring^ To arched walks of twilight groves, And fhadows brown that Sylvan loves Of pine, or monumental oak, Where the rude axe with heaved ftroke • . ••.Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt....
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Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der schönen Wissenschaften ...

Johann Joachim Eschenburg - 1789 - 486 страница
...to fling His flaring beams, me goddefs bring To archedh walks of twilight grovet, And fhadows browa that Sylvan loves Of pine, or monumental oak, Where the rude axe with heaved ftroke VVas never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. There, in clofe...
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Specimens of the Early English Poets, Том 1

George Ellis - 1790 - 346 страница
...fhadows brown that fylvan loves, Of pine, or monumental oak; Where the rude ax, with heaved ftroke, Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt; There in clofe covert, by fome brook, Where no profaner eye may look, Hide me from day's garifh eye; While the...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Том 12

English poets - 1790 - 342 страница
...fhadows brown that Sylvan loves Of pine, or monumental oak, 135 Where the rude ax with heaved ftroke Was never heard the Nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. There in clofe covert by fome brook, Where no profaner eye may look, 140 Kde me from day's garifh eye, While...
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Poems Upon Several Occasions: English, Italian, and Latin, with Translations ...

John Milton - 1791 - 668 страница
...More facred and fequefter'd, though but feign'd, Pan or SYLVANUS never flept. — rWas IL PENSEROSO. Was never heard the Nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. There in clofe covert by fome brook, Where no profaner eye may look, Hide me from day's garifh eye, While the...
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