And, when the Sun begins to fling His flaring beams, me, Goddess, bring To arched walks of twilight groves, And shadows brown, that Sylvan loves, Of Pine, or monumental Oak, Where the rude Axe with heaved stroke Was never heard the Nymphs to daunt, Or... The Works of the British Poets: With Lives of the Authors - Страница 265написао/ла Ezekiel Sanford - 1819Пуни преглед - О овој књизи
 | Joseph Ritson - 1793 - 388 страница
...piping loud, Or ufher'd with a mower ftill, When the guft hath blown his fill, Ending on the rufsling leaves, With minute drops from off the eaves. And when the Sun begins to fling 131 His flaring beams, me goddefs bring * Ciaxccr. See hit Squtret Tale. To arched walks of twilight... | |
 | 1793 - 376 страница
...piping loud, Or ufher'd with a mower ftill, When the guft hath blown his fill, Ending on the rufsling leaves, With minute drops from off the eaves. And when the Sun begins to fling 131 His flaring beams, me goddefs bring To arched walks of twilight groves, And fhadows brown that... | |
 | Johann Joachim Eschenburg - 1789 - 488 страница
...begins to fling His flaring beams, me goddeis bring To arched walks of twilight groves, And f hadows brown that Sylvan loves Of pine, or monumental oak, Where the rude axe with heeved ftroke Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt» There,... | |
 | John Milton, Thomas Warton - 1799 - 148 страница
...piping loud, Or usher'd with a shower still, When the gust hath blown his fill, Ending on the rustling leaves, With minute drops from off the eaves. And...goddess, bring To arched walks of twilight groves, And'shadows brown, that Sylvan loves, Of pine, or monumental oak, Where the rude axe with heaved stroke... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 842 страница
...fhadows brown that Sylvan loves Of pine, or monumental oak, ] Where the rude ax with heaved flroke Was never heard the Nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. There in clofe covert by feme brook, Where no profaner eye may look, 140 Hide me from day's garifh eye, While... | |
 | Apollo - 1800 - 224 страница
...begins to ffing His flaring beams, me, goddefs, bring, To arched walks of twilight groves, And fhadows brown that Sylvan loves Of pine, or monumental oak, Where the rude axe with heaved flroke Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. There in clofe... | |
 | John Walker - 1801 - 422 страница
...somewhat expressive of the sense. Milton's description of rural solitude is a. master-piece of this kind. And when the sun begins to fling His flaring beams,...brown that sylvan loves, Of pine or monumental oak, \V'here the rude axe, with heaved stroke, Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from... | |
 | Richard Lovell Edgeworth - 1802 - 148 страница
...formerly tolled, with intervals of a minute, from the death to the burial of distinguished persons. " And when the sun begins to fling His flaring beams,...heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hullow'd haunt; There, 'in close. covert, by some brook, Where no profaner eye may look, Hide me from... | |
 | William Enfield - 1804 - 418 страница
...loud , Or usher'd with a shower still , When the gust hath blown his fill , Ending on the rustling leaves , With minute drops from off the eaves. And...walks of twilight groves , And shadows brown that Sy Ivan loves Of pine or monumental oak , Where the rude ax with heaved stroke daunt, W'as never heard... | |
 | E. Tomkins - 1804 - 416 страница fling His flaring heams, me, goddess, hring To arched walks of twilight groves, And shadows hrown that Sylvan loves, Of pine or monumental oak. Where the rude axe with heaved stroke K Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. There, in close covert,... | |
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