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Books Књиге
" And, when the Sun begins to fling His flaring beams, me, Goddess, bring To arched walks of twilight groves, And shadows brown, that Sylvan loves, Of Pine, or monumental Oak, Where the rude Axe with heaved stroke Was never heard the Nymphs to daunt, Or... "
The Works of the British Poets: With Lives of the Authors - Страница 265
написао/ла Ezekiel Sanford - 1819
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Cowley, Denham, Milton

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 560 страница
...the gust hath blown his fill, Ending on the russling leaves, With minute drops from off the eavei. And, when the Sun begins to fling His flaring beams,...heaved stroke, Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Of fright them from their hallow'd hmltt. There in close covert by some brook, Where no profaner eye...
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A Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, Том 2

1811 - 570 страница
...which entertains him is perfectly free from artificial decoration. Our poet's pensive man retreats To arched walks of twilight groves, And shadows brown...to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. If there are any allusions to the eopiary art in Arcades, they were intended as a compliment to his...
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A Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, Том 2

John Walker - 1811 - 554 страница
...which entertains him is perfectly free from artificial decoration. Our poet's pensive man retreats To arched walks of twilight groves, And shadows brown...or monumental oak, Where the rude axe with heaved strok* Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunt. If there are...
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The History of New South Wales from Its First Discovery to the Present Time ...

G. Paterson - 1811 - 648 страница
...find an undisturbed retreat. Often at the calm hour of evening I have wandered through the wood:,, Where the rude axe with heaved stroke Was never heard...nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow'd haunts. " The tast hymn of the feathered choiristers to the setting sun, and the soft murmurs of the...
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The Poetical Works of John Milton: With the Life of the Author, Том 2

John Milton - 1813 - 270 страница
...gust hath blown his fill, Knding on the russling leases, With minute drops from off the eaves'. i& And, when the sun begins to fling His flaring beams,...brown, that Sylvan loves', Of pine, or monumental oaU, i'jS Where the rude axe, with heaved stroke, Was never heard the Nymphs to daunt, Or fright them...
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Discoveries in hieroglyphics, and other antiquities, in progress ..., Томови 3-4

Robert Deverell - 1813 - 596 страница
...arched walks of twilight groves, And shadows brown that Sylvan loves Ofpine, or monumental oak, 13 £ Where the rude axe with heaved stroke Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallowed haunt. There in close covert by some brook, Where no profaned eye may look, 140 Hide me from...
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Discoveries in hieroglyphics, and other antiquities, in progress ..., Томови 3-4

Robert Deverell - 1813 - 588 страница
...to in this line; the streaks of pale shadows and spots of the same around it, forming the kerchief To arched walks of twilight groves, And shadows brown that Sylvan loves Of pine, or monumental oak, 135 Where the rude axe with heaved stroke Was never heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from...
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A Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, Том 2

John Walker - 1814 - 548 страница
...which entertains him is perfectly free from artificial decoration. Our poet's petisive man retreats To arched walks of twilight groves, And shadows brown...heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow' d haunt. If there are any allusions to the topiary art in Arcades, they were intended as a...
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Elegant extracts in poetry, Том 2

Elegant extracts - 1816 - 490 страница
...the gust hath blown his fill, Ending on the rustling leaves, With minute drops from off the caves. And when the sun begins to fling His flaring beams,...heard the nymphs to daunt, Or fright them from their hallow 'd hauntThere in close covert by some brook, Where no profaner eye may look, H icle me from...
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Select Works of the British Poets: With Biographical and Critical ..., Том 1

John Aikin - 1820 - 832 страница
...inhered with a shower still When the gust hath blown his fill. Ending on the russling leaves, ^ ith Touched walks of twilight groves, And shadows brown, that Sylvan loves, Of pine, or monumental oak,...
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