Or call up him that left half told The story of Cambuscan bold, Of Camball, and of Algarsife, And who had Canace to wife, That owned the virtuous ring and glass, And of the wondrous horse of brass On which the Tartar king did ride... The Southern Review - Страница 341828Пуни преглед - О овој књизи
 | Oskar Ludwig Bernhard Wolff - 1852 - 438 страница
...the vertuous ring and glass, And of the wondrous horse of brass, On which the Tartar king did ride ; And if aught else great bards beside In sage and solemn tunes have sung, Of turneys and of trophies hung, Of forests and inchantments drear, Where more is meant than meets the... | |
 | William Spalding - 1853 - 446 страница
...virtuous ring and glass ; And of the wondrous horse of brass, On which the Tartar king did ride : — And if aught else great bards beside In sage and solemn...trophies hung, Of forests, and enchantments drear, Where more is meant than meets the ear." The tale told by the Wife of Bath is a comic romance, the... | |
 | 1853 - 560 страница
...the virtuous ring and glass ; And of the wondrous horse of brass, On which the Tartar king did ride : And if aught else great bards beside In sage and solemn...Of tourneys and of trophies hung, Of forests, and inchantments drear, Where more is meant than meets the ear. MILTON. 247 Thus night oft see me in thy... | |
 | John Milton - 1853 - 372 страница
...the virtuous ring and glass ; And of the wonderous horse of brass On which the Tartar king did ride : And if aught else great bards beside In sage and solemn tunes have sung, Of turneys, and of trophies hung Of forests, and enchantments drear, Where more is meant than meets the... | |
 | John Milton, George Gilfillan - 1853 - 376 страница
...the virtuous ring and glass ; And of the wonderous horse of brass On which the Tartar king did ride : And if aught else great bards beside In sage and solemn tunes have sung, Of turneys, and of trophies hung Of forests, and enchantments drear, Where more is meant than meets the... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1853 - 714 страница
...which the Tartar king did ride ; And if aught else great bards beside In sage and solemn tunes hare sung, Of tourneys and of trophies hung, Of forests and enchantments drear, Where more is meant than meets the ear. Thus, Night, oft see me in thy pale career, Till civil-suited... | |
 | William Spalding - 1854 - 442 страница
...virtuous ring and glass ; And of the wondrous horse of brass, On which the Tartar king did ride : — And if aught else great bards beside In sage and solemn...trophies hung, Of forests, and enchantments drear, Where more is meant than meets the ear." The tale told by the Wife of Bath is a comic romance, the... | |
 | Theodore Alors W. Buckley - 1854 - 332 страница
...the virtuous ring and glass, And of the wond'rous horse of brass, On which the Tartar king did ride; And if aught else great bards beside, In sage and...trophies hung; Of forests and enchantments drear, Where more is meant than meets the ear. Thus Night oft see me in thy pale career, Till civil-suited... | |
 | George Croly - 1854 - 426 страница
...the virtuous ring and glass, And of the wondrous horse of brass, On which the Tartar king did ride ; And if aught else great bards beside In sage and solemn...and of trophies hung, Of forests and enchantments dreur, Where more is meant than meets the ear. Thus night oft see me in thy pale career, Till silver-suited... | |
 | 1854 - 456 страница
...the virtuous ring and glass, And of the wondrous horse of brass, On which the Tartar king did ride ; And if aught else great bards beside In sage and solemn tunes have sung, Of turneys and of trophies hung, Of forests, and enchantments drear, Where more is meant than meets the... | |
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