| 1838 - 360 страница
...above table, with respect to the New England Colleges and many of the others, is meant undergraduates, or members of the four collegiate classes ; not including...or such as are members of a preparatory department : but the greater part of the students in the Catholic Colleges, and also in many of the other Southern... | |
 | 1861 - 352 страница
...and Western States, is meant undergraduates, or members of the four collegiate classes; not includmg such as are pursuing professional education, or such as are members of a preparatory department. The whole number of students on the Catalogue, including those of theology, law, and medicine, as well... | |
 | 1849 - 388 страница
...institutions and a few of the Colleges in the South' ern and Western States, is meant undergraduates, or members of the four collegiate classes; not including such as are pursuing a professional education, or such as are n embers of a preparatory department. Some of the Colleges... | |
 | 1850 - 372 страница
...institutions and a few of the Colleges in the Southern and Western States, ¡a meant undergraduates, or members of the four collegiate classes ; not including such as are pursuing a professional education, or suchas are members of a preparatory department. Some of the Colleges above... | |
 | 1845 - 364 страница
...above table, except a few of the Colleges in the Southern and Western States, is meant undergraduates^ or members of the four collegiate classes ; not including...of a preparatory department. Some of the Colleges above enumerated are not in rail operation ; and scarcely deserve a place in the Table. The column... | |
 | francin bowen - 1842 - 692 страница
...table, except a few of the Colleges in the Southern and "Western States, is meant undtrgrarhiates, or members of the four collegiate classes ; not including...of a preparatory department. Some of the Colleges above enumerated, are not in full operation ; and scarcely deserve a place in the Table. According... | |
 | 1843 - 358 страница
...an exception of a few of the Colleges in the Southern and Western Slates, is meant under graduates, or members of the four collegiate classes ; not including...pursuing professional education, or -such as are members ofa preparatory department. Some of the Colleges above enumerated, are not in full operation ; and... | |
 | 1836 - 350 страница
...Univ. Columbia, Union, Hamilton. l'. 1. 1. UNITED STATES. (Continued.) bers of the four collegiato classes ; not including such as are pursuing professional...or such as are members of a preparatory department; but the greater part of the students in the Catholic Colleges, and also many of the other Southern... | |
 | charles bowen - 1836 - 372 страница
...1834 18S4 1827 1829 1839 18.10 1835 1829 1830 1831 1835 183".] COLLEGES. UNITED STATES. (Continued.) including such as are pursuing professional education,...or such as are members of a preparatory department ; but the greater part of the students in the CalhoJlc Colleges, and also many of the other Southern... | |
 | 1836 - 348 страница
...do. Mm M. Odin, 1830 79 Marion, New Palmyra, do. tVm. S. Potts, 1831 UNITED STATES. (Cbntinned.) hers of the four collegiate classes ; not including such as are pursuing, professional education, or sucb ae are members of a preparatory department ; but the greater part of the students in the Catholic... | |
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