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" misbranded," as used herein, shall apply to all drugs, or articles of food, or articles which enter into the composition of food, the package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding such article, or the ingredients or substances... "
Hearings Before the Committee ...: March 11-15, 17-22, 24, 1902 on the Pure ... - Страница 234
написао/ла United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1902 - 637 страница
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Treasury Decisions Under Internal Revenue Laws of ..., Том 22,Издања 2959-3111

United States. Internal Revenue Service, United States. Office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue - 1924 - 406 страница
...any territory or the District of Columbia. The pertinent paragraphs of the Act follow: SEC. 8. That the term "misbranded," as used herein, shall apply...package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding such article, or the ingredients or substances contained therein which...
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Office and Factory Manual for Fruit and Vegetable Canners

Clarke Knox - 1924 - 734 страница
...is the product of a diseased animal, or one that has died otherwise than by slaughter. SEC. 8. That the term "misbranded," as used herein, shall apply...package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding such article, or the ingredients or substances contained therein which...
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United States Congressional Serial Set, Издање 8247

1924 - 164 страница
...meaning of this act is hereby prohibited. ******* SEC. 8. The term "misbranded" as used herein sliall apply to all drugs, or articles of food, or articles...package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding such article, or the ingredients or substances contained therein which...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court, Том 265

United States. Supreme Court - 1924 - 696 страница
...compound." Section 8 provides, " That the term ' misbranded ', as used herein, shall apply to all ... .articles of food, or articles which enter into the...package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding such article, or the ingredients or substances contained therein which...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at ..., Том 265

United States. Supreme Court, John Chandler Bancroft Davis, Henry Putzel, Henry C. Lind, Frank D. Wagner - 1924 - 700 страница
...compound." Section 8 provides, " That the term * misbranded ', as used herein, shall apply to all ... articles of food, or articles which enter into the...package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding such article, or the ingredients or substances contained therein which...
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Federal and State Laws (compiled) Relating to the Manufacture and Sale of ...

Standard Remedies Publishing Co - 1924 - 898 страница
...spirituous liquor, or compound or narcotic drug. * * * (Ch. 6541, June 13, 1913, §11.) 2039. That the term "misbranded" as used herein shall apply to all drugs, or articles of food,t>r articles which enter into the composition of food, the package or label of which "shall bear...
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Trade Promotion Series, Издање 114

1931 - 512 страница
...skimmed milk, separated milk, and condensed and desiccated milk; (42) All drugs or articles of food which enter into the composition of food, the package or label of which bears any statement, design, or device regarding such drugs or articles or the ingredients or substances...
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Federal and State Laws (compiled) Relating to the Manufacture and Sale of ...

Standard remedies publishing co., inc - 1931 - 760 страница
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Ordinances of the City of Sacramento, Up to and Including Ordinance No. 180 ...

Sacramento (Calif.) - 1924 - 674 страница
...quality under which it is sold. Sec. 7. That the term "misbranded" as used herein shall apply to all articles of food, or articles which enter into the composition of food, or to all drugs and medicines, the package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device...
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Vernon's Annotated Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, Том 2

Texas - 1948 - 1380 страница
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